In the dark night, the streets were noisy.

Countless people braved the darkness to evacuate from their homes to avoid being affected by the explosion.

Although the police are still very confident, they are also afraid that some accident may suddenly occur and cause the bomb to explode.

Not far from the Toto Tower, in a car, Conan and others looked nervously towards the Toto Tower.

"Officer Takagi, is there something wrong with Officer Sato?"

Ayumi looked at Officer Takagi worriedly, with tears in her eyes.

After all, although they are elementary school students who seek death, they have good natures. At least they are good students.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Don't worry."

Officer Takagi was also very worried in his heart, but he smiled on the surface.

On the other side, Haihara Ai stared at the Dongdu Iron Tower with his eyes tightly, his little hands grasping his clothes, and Li Mu's figure was all in his mind.

At the same time, All over the world, a sense of restlessness emerged in the hearts of Kazuye, Sonoko and others. In the elevator, Miwako fell silent for a moment, lowered her head, and said nothing.

Naturally, she was not afraid of death, but was afraid of complicating Li Mu. If it weren't for Li Mu, Now, she will definitely stick to it until the end.

After being silent for a long time, Miwako looked at the sincere smile on Li Mu's face, and her heart was filled with 097 comfort.

"Li Mu, if you want to go crazy, I will accompany you. No matter what, I will persist until the end."

"Well, Miwako, this is your confession, do you plan to go to the underworld with me and become a ghost couple? Miwako not only did not refuse, but said seriously:"If we die, we can naturally become a couple, but are you sure you don't dislike me?""

Of course I don't dislike it. Then we have agreed that no matter whether we live or die, we will become a couple by then."

Li Mu's eyes lit up, and his heart was full of expectations.

"No, if it's death, I will definitely agree, but if it's alive, I'll tell you later."

Miwako blinked her eyes and looked very cute.

Li Mu was also stunned. He didn't expect that Miwako was so smart and would think of the possibility of living.

However, Li Mu didn't pay too much attention to it. Instead, he smiled and said:"No, whether it's life or not. Even if you die, you are all mine. If anyone robs you from me, I will teach him a lesson."

"So domineering."

After hearing this, Miwako was overjoyed (bgdf), with a faint blush on her face.

Then the two of them chatted like this, from here to there, and from there to here, talking about whatever they had.

That's it. Time passed little by little, and the bomb disposal team outside also began to retreat, leaving only Li Mu and Miwako in the elevator.

In the distance, countless people looked at Li Mu and others worriedly.

At the last minute, Miwako He looked suddenly and said with a serious expression:"Li Mu, can you tell me who you are and why you do so many things."

Whether it's reasoning or bomb disposal, there are too many people who know it, and they are simply ordinary people.

Li Mu was silent for a moment, then the corners of his mouth raised, and he mysteriously said:"You know, secrets make men more masculine."

"Never mind, forget it if you don’t say it."

Miwako took out her mobile phone and became serious.

Li Mu also focused on the bomb, and the scissors in his hand were already ready.

"Miwako, here we go, English letter D、E、T、E……"

Li Mu only reported a few letters, then cut the red thread with scissors, and jumped down from above.

Miwako was shocked and said quickly:"What are you doing? Aren't you afraid of bomb explosions?"

"I'm so sorry, Miwako, I thought of Illya and was afraid of losing you, so I cut the red thread and didn't see the remaining letters."

"It's okay, Li Mu, you're not a policeman, there's no need for you to sacrifice so much, and we still have a dozen hours, so it'll be okay."

Li Mu hugged Miwako, patted her back, and then moved downward slowly.

Miwako blushed, but did not refuse, seeming to acquiesce to Li Mu's move.

"Hum, policemen who are afraid of death, I must let everyone know the incompetence of these policemen."

The murderer snorted coldly, then took back the headphones and slowly left the scene.

Not long after, Li Mu and Miwako left the elevator with the help of the police.

After arriving outside, Li Mu hugged Miwako

"Miwako, I already know the location of the bomb."

Miwako was just about to push Li Mu away when she heard Li Mu's words. Her body trembled and her beautiful eyes looked at Li Mu.

"Li Mu, is it true? Do you really know?"

"Yes, I do know, but is this a reward?……"

Li Mu smiled and pointed at his cheek.

Miwako blushed, glanced around secretly, and said softly:"How about I accompany you to the tropical paradise, just the two of us?"

"Miwako, you have already owed me once, this is another reward."

Li Mu pointed at his face, with an expression that said if you don't give me a reward, I won't tell you.

Miwako had no choice but to look around warily, then stood up on tiptoes and wanted to point Li Mu on the cheek. Li

Mu quickly He turned his head and pointed directly at


Miwako quickly took a step back, blushing and said:"Hurry up and tell me the location of the second bomb.""

"Okay, put your ear closer and I'll tell you."

Li Mu waved his hand, and Miwako immediately came over, leaning his ear against Li Mu's mouth.

"The bomb was at Didan High School, the reason is……"

After Li Mu finished speaking, he blew lightly on Miwako's ear, and then kissed her again.

"Damn it, I'm suing you for attacking a police officer, please stop."

Miwako blushed in embarrassment and rushed towards Li Mu quickly, baring her teeth and claws as if she wanted to eat Li Mu.

"Hahaha, Miwako, don’t forget the two dates."

"Wait, isn't it just one time? Why did it become twice?"

"Of course, because I didn’t reject you that time"

"Damn it, you bastard."

Li Mu and Miwako left the Tokyo Tower while fighting.

Then Miwako drove Li Mu back to her home in person

"Miwako, remember what I told you."

Li Mu gave the order and immediately entered his home.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of the Great Voyage Beloved Concubine begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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