"Wait, is this a bit far-fetched? After all, Mr. Arima had an alibi at that time."

Fei Yingli suddenly thought of something and quickly interrupted Li Mu.

"Yeah, he wasn't in there at the time."

The administrator also thought of something and said quickly.

Li Mu smiled and pointed to the alarm clock on the bookshelf on one side.

"Sir, this is an alarm clock. I estimate that once the alarm clock goes off, the puppet will make a beating motion. What if this is the shadow you see?"

"this..."The administrator also became slightly confused and was not as sure as he was at first.

However, Fei Yingli's eyes lit up and she quickly said:"How about we do a demonstration of"Zero Nine Seven" now, and everything will be revealed by then."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements now. Li Mu pointed at Conan and Xiaolan and said:"Conan, you go buy batteries for the alarm clock and investigate the source of the alarm clock. You can ask directly. Xiaolan goes and prepares a flashlight.""


Neither Xiaolan nor Conan refused.

"By the way, Mr. Administrator, this may take a long time. Why don't you go and take a rest? I will bother you again then."

"You're welcome, then I'll leave first."

After the administrator left, only Fei Yingli and Li Mu were left in the room.

Li Mu turned around and walked towards Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli looked at Li Mu who was getting closer, her face turned red, and she subconsciously took a step back.

"plum...Li Mu, what are you going to do? Don't do this. Xiaolan may come later."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Shortly after

"Xiaolan, have you bought it? High power flashlight"

"Well, that's it."

Xiaolan didn't think about what happened in the house, so she picked up a flashlight and handed it to Li Mu.

Li Mu took the flashlight, took a rough look at it, and then opened it and took a photo of the surroundings.

"By the way, where's mom?"Xiao Lan suddenly said

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

Fei Yingli walked out with a serious look, as if nothing happened just now.

"Oh, nothing happened."

Xiaolan waved her hands quickly, with a smile on her face.

Not long after, Conan also came over, and not only the administrator, but also Maori Kogoro came with him.

Seeing Maori Kogoro's figure, Fei Yingli frowned Slightly wrinkled

"It's you, what are you doing here?"

"me...I just happened to come over to take a look. This ghost insisted on me coming over."

Moori Kogoro explained awkwardly.

But judging from Conan's expression, I'm afraid this was not Conan's request, but Moori Kogoro's shamelessness.

Feiyingli also knew this and said lustfully:"Then, What do you think this case should be like, Maori Detective."

Mouri Kogoro didn't notice Fei Yingli's tone, but proudly touched his head.

"This is how I look at this case. It is obvious that the person killed him. I think you might as well plead for a reduced sentence, which will have a higher chance of winning."

Fei Yingli looked at Mouri Kogoro with black lines on her head, and she felt the urge to kick him with high heels.

She actually surrendered before going to court.

Xiaolan and others on the side also subconsciously covered their faces, no matter what She knew what to say.

After Mouri Kogoro finished speaking, Fei Yingli said proudly:"No need, I still believe in myself. Okay, Xiaolan, let's start the experiment.""

"Doing experiments?"

Mouri Kogoro was stunned. Just when he was about to ask something, he saw Xiaolan and others preparing something.

After a while, Li Mu saw that Xiaolan was ready and said to the administrator:"Administrator, are you here? Look outside and see if the situation is the same as before........"

"OK, I'll go right away."

The administrator walked outside the door, and Xiaolan also drew the curtains and turned on the flashlight.

Conan started the alarm clock, and the figure on it suddenly moved, just like beating someone.

"Yes, that's it. Although it's not clear clearly and the size is a little different, it was like this last time."

Outside, the administrator shouted excitedly.

Fei Yingli and others were happy after hearing this, but Mouri Kogoro was a little confused and didn't know what happened.

Li Mu ignored him and said directly:"The following is just The suspect's financial situation needs to be investigated. Generally, such people will have financial crises."

"Investigate a suspect?"

Mouri Kogoro reacted and laughed happily:"I know, you also doubt that guy, I just said, let you defend the reduction of sentence, so that it won't be particularly ugly when the time comes."

Fei Yingli had a dark face the whole time and left without saying anything.

Xiaolan also shook her head, sighed and left.

"Alas, poor uncle. Conan looked at Mouri Kogoro with pity on his face and followed Xiaolan and others away.

Li Mu walked to the 3.5 administrator and said,"Sir, I will ask you to go to the court to testify when the time comes. Also, today It's best not to tell anyone about what happened, lest the news leak out."

"I understand, don't worry, sir"

"Oh, wait for me, tell me what's wrong?"

No matter how much Mouri Kogoro shouted, no one paid attention to this idiot.

After Li Mu sent Fei Yingli to the Fei Law Office, he did not leave. Instead, he came to her office and locked the door of the office.

Fei Yingli immediately After understanding Li Mu's idea, he did not refuse, but instead closed the curtains.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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