That night, Li Mu took He and Ye shopping for a whole day. It was not until midnight that Li Mu took the two of them home.

Li Mu and the three of them walked on the quiet street, surrounded by silence and silence.

Walking on the street, Heye suddenly said:"By the way, Brother Li, aren't you a driver? Then why should we run?""

"Oh, we'll be at Xiaolan's house soon. We'll just make do with it for a while. There's no need to go back and drive."

"Yes, and it's very quiet nearby, and the moon is so bright, so we can enjoy the full moon."

While talking, several people raised their heads and looked at the moonlight in the sky quietly.

Although in the big city, they can no longer see the beautiful stars in the sky, they can still see the bright moonlight.

Everyone watched and walked After a while, Li Mu arrived downstairs at the Maori Detective Agency.

"Brother Li, it's getting late and Hattori and the others are not here. Do you want you to take a rest here?"

Xiaolan's face was slightly red. Fortunately, it was in the dark night and no one noticed Xiaolan.

"So I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Mu was also waiting for Xiaolan's words. Naturally, he couldn't refuse.

He Ye's face turned slightly red after hearing this.

After arriving upstairs, Xiaolan ran to Maori Kogoro's room and put the The quilt inside was cleaned.

Returning to Mouri Kogoro's room again, Li Mu couldn't help but cover his nose and said in disgust:"This drunkard, if it weren't for your daughter, I really don't want to come."

If He Ye and Xiaolan hadn't been there, Li Mu wouldn't have been able to live in such an environment.

Fortunately, the quilt belonged to Xiaolan, so he could put his head in it so that he wouldn't smell the smell of alcohol. cup

"Brother Li, He Ye and I went to take a shower. You can watch TV by yourself."

Xiao Lan reminded her with a blushing face.

Otherwise, she was really afraid that Li Mu would go in at this time, and she would be a little embarrassed by then.

"Xiaolan, let me ask you a question. Do you have to answer me seriously?"

"ah?"Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, and then said doubtfully:"You can ask, as long as I know something, I will definitely tell you."

"Well, let me ask you, do you like Li Da?"

Thump thump!

Xiaolan's heart suddenly jumped, and her cheeks were flushed.

Especially He Ye's serious expression made Xiaolan's heart even tighter.

"and ye, you...Why do you ask that? Is there something wrong with you? He

Ye also hesitated for a moment, and then said:"If, I mean if, if I also like Li Mu, will you let me do it?""

"ah?"Xiao Lan couldn't help but exclaimed and looked at He Ye with an incredulous look.

She finally understood how He Ye had been treating her like a love rival recently. It turned out that He Ye also liked Li Mu.

After thinking about it carefully, He Ye seemed to be in love with her. Hattori Heiji is indeed different. Just like her relationship with Kudo Shinichi, their relationship has become shallow. After thinking for a while, Xiaolan also said solemnly:"I also like Brother Li. This time, I will not give up." Obtained love."

This is the first time that Xiaolan has expressed her feelings.

If she doesn't show it, Li Mu may miss her in the future.


He Ye lowered her head, feeling a little depressed in her heart.

She has always had some grudges because she was the one who interfered in the affairs between Li Mu and Xiaolan.

And she also has some inferiority complex, thinking that she is not as good as Xiaolan, and is afraid that Li Mu will be killed one day. Xiaolan was snatched away.

Finally, Xiaolan remembered what Yuanzi said and told Heye the same thing.

Heye was also a little surprised, but after thinking about it, this method seemed really good.

Not long after, Xiaolan pulled Heye Come out together

"Heye, let's go rest, it's already getting late"

"OK, Xiaolan. He

Ye nodded, with a smile on his face. The atmosphere he had just had was gone, as if nothing had happened.

Li Mu was relieved when he saw that the two did not quarrel. Then he walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

After taking a hot bath, Li Mu came to his room, lay down, and began to rest.

Outside, the sky had already reached around one o'clock in the morning, and the moon was slowly setting. Lan and He Ye also began to rest.

However, after the sky was almost dark, He Ye suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Xiao Lan secretly.

After confirming that Xiao Lan was asleep, He Ye climbed down secretly and left. room.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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