"By the way, Li Mu, are you okay?"

After confirming Xiaolan's safety, Maori Kogoro also looked at Li Mu with concern.

"Okay, no more words, let's leave."

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and walked back in the direction.

After walking halfway, Li Mu suddenly turned in another direction and walked to the side road.

"Everyone, I think that direction may be blocked, so just go back in the direction these guys came from."

"Yes, I just heard an explosion."

Moori Kogoro nodded and followed Li Mu.

The others didn't say anything. They had no opinion at all at this time.

Not long after, Li Mu came to the vicinity of a small hole in"Zero Nine Seven". There was an escalator hanging, and Dr. Ali's voice came from the other side from time to time.

"Okay, you little brats, go up first."

Li Mu secretly patted Hui Yuan Ai, stretched out his hand and placed Hui Yuan Ai on it.

Hui Yuan Ai blushed, glared at Li Mu, then grabbed the escalator and climbed up.

Ten minutes later, Li Mu and others Everyone left the basement, and then they saw the castle bursting with flames outside.

"The castle is on fire."

Moori Kogoro exclaimed, and then hurriedly ran upwards.

After arriving at the gate of the castle, Li Mu saw Conan holding the Egg of Memory, standing next to Dr. Agasa's car.

"Miss Natsumi, this is your thing, and now it has officially returned to its original owner."

"Thanks."Kazaka Natsumi expressed gratitude, and then said with a melancholy expression:"But the egg inside this one is not mine, it belongs to President Suzuki."

"Don't worry, I'll go talk to Chairman Suzuki. After all, I have a good relationship with him, and it's only 800 million yen."

"That’s 800 million yen."

Everyone listened to Li Mu's words, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

How rich you must be to be able to exchange 800 million yen so easily.


Miss Natsumi Kasaka also thanked her awkwardly.

"Okay, let's go back. There's no place for people to live here."

Li Mu looked at the flames in front of him, opened the car door, and sat in the driver's seat.

Xiaolan immediately sat in the passenger seat. The others found a place in the back and sat up.

Then the two cars left together. Castle in the mountains.

During the journey, Xiaolan sat in the passenger seat, hesitating and looking at Li Mu from time to time.

"plum...Brother Li, are you really okay just now?"

"Oh, I'm fine, don't worry

"Oh, thanks...Thank you."Xiaolan lowered her head and said with a blushing face: If it weren't for Brother Li today, I would...I really don't know what will happen to me, I..."

Cough cough cough...

Behind, Mouri Kogoro blushed, coughed and said:"Xiaolan, you seem to have forgotten that we are all behind."

Xiaolan was also stunned and looked at the people behind through the car mirror.

Mouri Kogoro, Kasaka Natsumi and others were all there, sitting in Li Mu's extended version of the luxury car.

"I'm so...so sorry."

Xiao Lan suddenly became shy and lowered her head. Her head was almost stuffed into her own body.

Li Mu smiled and did not continue to tease Xiao Lan.

An hour later, outside the Maoli Detective Agency, Li Mu looked at Xiao Lan with a smile. Lan et al.

"Xiaolan, we have arrived."

At this moment, except for Detective Maori and others, everyone else has already got off the bus.

"Thank you, Brother Li"

"By the way, it's getting so late, why don't you just stay at my house tonight."

Xiaolan turned her head to the other side and said with a blush.

"What? Live in my house?"Mouri Kogoro was anxious and said quickly:"Xiaolan, I only have two rooms in my house. He lives here. Where do we live?"......."

"Yes, sister Xiaolan, we have no place to live."Conan also nodded in agreement.

Maori Kogoro didn't mind Li Mu staying. The only thing he cared about was that there were not enough rooms and Li Mu couldn't sleep on the sofa.

Facts have proved that Maori Kogoro was overthinking

"It's okay, you can sleep on the sofa with Conan. It's so late and you're too embarrassed to let Brother Li go back."

Xiaolan held her head high and looked fierce, as if it was natural.

"What? This is absolutely impossible, I refuse."

Moori Kogoro shook his head without hesitation.

Conan behind him kept nodding in agreement.

"Oh, is it so. Xiaolan smiled, with a broken smile on her face:"Tonight, either Brother Li will sleep in your room, or Brother Li will sleep in my room and sleep with me.""

"Well, Xiaolan, I suddenly felt that it was a good decision for Li Mu to sleep in my room."

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan, I will sleep in the living room on the second floor today, and I will leave this place to you."

Moori and Kogoro betrayed themselves 3.5 without hesitation.

After all, no matter what, they couldn't let Xiaolan, the eldest daughter of the Yellow Flower, and Li Mu share a room.

Xiaolan was slightly happy and showed a proud smile.

"Okay, Brother Li, you can stay at my house temporarily tonight. Dad and the others live on the sofa downstairs."

"Well, I'll leave it to you tonight."

The beauty invites you. If Li Mu refuses, he will be an idiot."

"By the way, Xiaolan, I'll park the car first and come over later."

"So, Brother Li, please."

Xiaolan waved her hand, feeling very happy for some reason.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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