Li Mu listened to Yuanzi's words and had some expectations in his heart.

On the side, Yuanzi glanced around secretly, and then continued:"Xiaolan, what do you think? If you are willing, I absolutely agree with you and Li Mu being together."

"I……"Xiaolan blushed when she heard this, lowered her head and hesitated:"This is not good, he is your boyfriend, how can I compete with you for a man."

In fact, Xiaolan also has some expectations in her heart, and hopes to be with Li Mu. Together.

However, she was still very confused about the relationship between Li Mu and Yuanzi, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing Xiaolan's hesitation, Yuanzi didn't say much. He patted Xiaolan gently and said,"Xiaolan, think about it carefully."

After saying that, Yuanzi winked at Xiaolan.

""Zero ninety-seven" Xiaolan's face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head while blushing, and peeked at Li Mu from time to time.

Yuanzi naturally noticed Xiaolan's gaze, and she became more determined in her heart to become her girlfriend with Xiaolan.

At least she still trusts Xiaolan and knows Xiaolan's character, so she will not pose any threat to her.

Li Mu listened to the two people's words and glanced at Xiaolan's figure.

There was still a knot in Xiaolan's heart, as long as it was solved If you take Xiaolan, I guess Li Mu can accept Xiaolan.


Suddenly a shout came. Li Mu and others turned around and saw a woman with short blond hair and a somewhat hot figure playing a shooting game.

"Teacher Judy."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi obviously knew the woman playing the game, and they quickly raised their feet and walked over.

Li Mu did not continue to hold Conan, and followed Xiaolan and the two of them.

"Teacher Judy, I didn’t expect you to be here too."

Teacher Judy heard the sound and looked over. When she saw Xiaolan and the two of them, she was stunned. Then she listened to the discussion around her and quickly explained.

"No, don’t get me wrong, they are just my former students, I am not their teacher now"

"Teacher Judy, why are you here? Xiaolan asked curiously.

Teacher Judy looked around and then said,"That's right. I like the video game city here very much, so I often come here to play. Why don't you guys come and play too?""

After that, Teacher Judy pulled Xiaolan, pressed Xiaolan on a chair, and explained it to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan listened to Teacher Judy's words and started her first fight. Virtual competition.

The result is obvious. Against a little Luoluo, even though Xiaolan is just a novice, she still won with her fighting ability.

"Xiaolan, you are really amazing. Zi patted Xiaolan, obviously very happy for Xiaolan's victory.

Lin Fei looked at the person who appeared behind him and reminded him: Xiaolan, remember, don’t make too many moves in this game. After all, it’s just a game."

"Oh, got it."Although Xiaolan didn't understand, she still nodded in response.

Suddenly, a bell rang, and a person appeared on the screen again.

"Xiaolan, if someone challenges you, you better hurry up."

Teacher Judy looked at the screen and quickly patted Xiaolan.

"I get it, Teacher Judy."

Xiaolan also looked at the game screen with a serious expression on her face.

The battle started soon. Although Xiaolan was reminded by Li Mu, she still lost, and the loss was particularly miserable.

"Hahaha, little girl, if you lose, give me my exclusive throne."

Opposite, a tall man with golden hair stood up and looked at Xiaolan teasingly. His smile was very begging for punishment.

Li Mu looked at the arrogant golden-haired man and took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket.

"Hey, little golden retriever, how about you, do you want to compete? As long as you beat me, these two hundred thousand yen will be yours."

Little golden retriever!

The blond man's face turned cold, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

But the next moment, the blond man saw the banknotes in Li Mu's hand, and his eyes lit up.

"Okay, I promise you, hurry up and compare."

As an unemployed vagrant, two hundred thousand is a huge amount of money. In addition, he believed in his own strength, so he naturally accepted the challenge........

"Li Mu, are you okay? There is no need to do this. If you lose, you lose."

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu with some worry, and she was also moved in her heart.

When she thought about it, Li Mu must have done this to help her, and she was naturally moved in her heart.

"Don't worry, I have never lost in this video game. After all, I paid a high price."

Li Mu looked at the video game in front of him confidently, not thinking that he would lose at all.

As a person who can compete with Misaka Mikoto for a long time, he will naturally not lose to someone else.

"The game has begun, boy, I'm waiting for your two hundred thousand."

The blond man happily held the joystick, and instantly began to control the characters in the game, attacking non-stop.

At the same time, Li Mu also felt a weak current under his feet, which entered the video game machine and instantly obtained the power of the video game. After the video game console was controlled by Li Mu, the character controlled by Li Mu was like taking gunpowder, and the little golden retriever on the opposite side was unable to resist.

Soon, the battle was over.

"Hahaha, how about it, you are nothing more than that, and you still say that you are very powerful, hahahaha……"

When Yuanzi saw that Li Mu had won, he was filled with contempt.

The face of the golden-haired man opposite changed slightly. He stood up angrily and looked at Li Mu and the others angrily.

Yuanzi was not afraid, patted Li Mu and said:"What, do you want to take action? I forgot to tell you, Li Mu and Xiaolan are fighting champions, do you want to fight one against two?"

"hateful. The blond man gritted his teeth angrily, then suppressed his anger and said,"What, are you ready to play?" When you're done playing, I'll give you my exclusive seat"

"Whatever, my men are ruined."

Li Mu came out of the gaming chair and glanced at him with disdain. The blond man was particularly angry.

Although the blond man was angry, he still suppressed his anger and came to the seat next to Li Mu.

The Invincible Fairy's The tail begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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