"scum, scum……"

As soon as he returned to Tokyo, Hui Yuan Ai came in front of Li Mu and kept cursing Li Mu, which made Li Mu confused for a while.

"Hey, Xiao Ai, what's going on? Where did I offend you, and you actually want to scold me?"

Li Mu picked up Hui Yuan Ai in dissatisfaction and tapped Hui Yuan Ai with his hand.

Hui Yuan Ai's face was slightly red, and he kept waving his hands and kicked Li Mu hard with both feet.

But his body was too short. Her legs were a bit short, so Hui Yuan Ai couldn't kick Li Mu. Unable to kick Li Mu, Hui Yuan Ai could only complain.

"You guy, you also said that you like your sister and you are her boyfriend. Your sister is pregnant, but you are actually outside."

Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai's disgusted expression and couldn't help but laugh.

"What's wrong, tell me, who am I having an affair with?"

"Who else is not that nymphomaniac Suzuki Sonoko?"

Haiyuan Ai pursed her lips and said dissatisfied.

Li Mu also understood that her relationship with Yuanzi was accidentally known to her, so she was angry.

But think about it, Haiyuan Ai and Conan have a good relationship, so they naturally know Regarding the matter of Yuanzi, it is very simple to know the relationship between the two.

"That doesn't matter, your sister already knows, otherwise I wouldn't do this"

"What? Did your sister agree?"

Hui Yuan Ai was stunned and looked at Li Mu with a blank expression.

She was originally afraid that her sister would be angry, so she didn't say anything and wanted to discuss it with Li Mu.

If Li Mu agreed to set boundaries with Yuanzi, she would not be unforgivable. Li Mu's

"That's right, if you don't believe me, go back and ask me. Then you will know whether it is true or false."

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and got into the car on the side.

She needed to get rid of Hui Yuan Ai today, otherwise it would be bad if she went to Yuan Zi to poke the tires.

That poke was two tires, Xiaolan and Yuan Zi , there will definitely be a third tire.

Haibara Ai hesitated for a moment. He did not refuse. He did not notice that Li Mu was texting while driving.

Li Mu believed that Miyano Akemi would definitely help him in order to protect Haibara Ai. It was a lie.

After returning to another home, Hui walked up to Miyano Akemi and asked

"Yes, Xiao Ai, I agree with him going out, as long as he doesn't do anything."

Listening to Miyano Akemi's explanation, Haihara Ai's face turned red. She just felt that her sister was so great that she could tolerate her man so much.

"I'm going to cook first, you guys have a rest."

Miyano Akemi rubbed Haihara Ai's head, turned around and left.

"How about it, Xiao Ai, from now on I will become a woman like your sister and find a handsome, young and promising man like me."

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and started teasing.

"Who wants someone like you, gangster, let me go quickly."

Hui Yuan Ai's cheeks turned red, she patted Li Mu gently and jumped down from Li Mu's arms.

······Asking for flowers·······

Then Hui Yuan Ai sat on the sofa on the side and turned his head without even looking at Li Mu.

Li Mu took a step forward, sat next to her, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"How about it, Xiao Ai, what do you think of me? Do you want to follow me? You can have delicious food and drink spicy food."

"Damn pervert, lolita control."

Hui Yuan Ai blushed, turned his back to Li Mu, and kept cursing.

However, while he was cursing, Hui Yuan Ai was also very confused, and all he could think of was Li Mu.


Somehow, Li Mu always appears in her mind recently, and she always thinks of Li Mu's every move.

Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai's back, raised the corners of his mouth, and lay down on the sofa to rest.

After the two were silent for a while, Miyano Akemi finished cooking dinner and the others began to rest.

The dinner was very rich, including fish and meat. Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai ate very happily.

After finishing the meal, Haihara Ai pulled Miyano Akemi into the room as usual and occupied Li Mu's position.

Li Mu didn't care and was waiting in another room.

At midnight, Li Mu changed into pajamas and secretly came outside Miyano Akemi's room.

"Come on, what's the use of occupying your position? Your sister will still be mine at night."

After saying that, Li Mu opened the room and came to the side of Miyano Akemi. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage began with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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