The next morning, Li Mu left Suzuki’s house


When Li Mu arrived at Poirot's coffee shop, he saw Illya sitting there alone, eating breakfast.

Li Mu hurriedly walked over and hugged Ilia gently.

"How are you, Illya? Have you been good these past two days? Have you listened to sister Xiaozi?"

"Of course I was obedient, but……"Ilia paused and sniffed Li Mu's body.

"But you are quite smart and know how to get rid of the smell on your body. Are you wandering outside again?"

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched after hearing this.

When these words came out of Ilia's mouth, Li Mu always felt a strange feeling and sounded a little uncomfortable.

"Little girl, you'd better eat and go to school while you're still 16. It's best not to interfere with adults' matters, little brat."

Li Mu pinched Illya's white little face, then stood up and walked to the Maori Detective Office upstairs.

As soon as he entered the office, Maori Kogoro saw Li Mu and hurriedly walked over and said:" Li Mu, I didn’t expect you to come. Xiaolan, why don’t you order tea quickly? The guests are here."

Every time Li Mu came over, Maori Kogoro seemed to have seen his father, smiling at Li Mu.

But if Maori Kogoro knew that Li Mu was poaching and took Fei Yingli away, I wonder if Maori Kogoro would still be so sweet. Smiled

"Got it, Dad."

Xiaolan cast a resentful look at Mouri Kogoro, and then when she saw Li Mu, she quickly came over with a cup of tea.

"Brother Li, this is tea for you"

"Thank you, Xiaolan, you are becoming more and more beautiful. Many people must be fascinated by you."

Li Mu smiled and joked.

"That is, you don’t even know whose daughter she is. She is my daughter, Maori Kogoro, and has inherited all my fine bloodline."

When Maori Kogoro heard Li Mu's compliment, he patted himself proudly.

Li Mu looked at Maori Kogoro, then at Maori Lan, and then shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Xiaolan is so beautiful, and She is so capable and has inherited Fei Yingli's genes, otherwise she wouldn't know what she looks like.

And Fei Yingli could actually fall in love with Maori Xiao before, so she was obviously blind.

Mao Li Kogoro shook his head when he saw Li Mu , said with some confusion:"Li Mu, what's wrong with your head? Do you have a headache? I can ask Xiaolan to prepare some medicine for you."

"Detective Maori, I shake my head. That’s because, genetically speaking, Xiaolan and you should have nothing to do with each other."Li Mu said seriously.

"Yes, uncle is really terrible. Sister Xiaolan is nothing like uncle. It should be because aunt's genes are so good that sister Xiaolan is so good."

Conan on the side didn't know that the head was attached to the wrong tendon, and he actually dared to tease Mouri Kogoro like this.

After hearing this, Xiaolan also covered her mouth and said with a proud smile:"That's right, my mother is too good. When I married Dad, that is Dad’s blessing."


Mouri Kogoro's face darkened, he raised his hand and hit Conan on the head hard.

"Kid, what are you talking about? I am also very good. Don’t look down on others."

"Damn it, why did you hit me again?"

Conan touched his head and couldn't help but cursed secretly. At the same time, he looked at Mouri Kogoro with dead fish eyes.

Among the three people, only Conan was easy to bully. Who would Moori Kogoro bully if he didn't bully him?

"By the way, Detective Maori, do you have a case in hand right now?"

Li Mu looked at the serious Mouri Kogoro and asked doubtfully.

"Oh, no, that’s because Moritani Teiji, the master of architecture, invited me to attend his tea party. Naturally, I wanted to know more about him."

Mouri Kogoro said proudly. If Li Mu hadn't known about it, I'm afraid Li Mu would have thought he was the one invited.

"Dad, it was Shinichi who was invited, not you. We were just there in place of Shinichi."Xiaolan said with disdain.

For her shameless father, Xiaolan was very speechless in her heart.

"Shut up, can't you just say a few words?"Mauri Kogoro shouted with a red face.

Then Maori Kogoro looked at Li Mu and said:"I just went there for that brat. After all, his reputation is too low, and that kind of scene is not suitable for him."

Li Mu directly ignored Mouri Kogoro's boast, and the name Moritani Teiji echoed in his mind.

Speaking of the name Moritani Teiji, Li Mu thought of the theater version of detonating skyscrapers, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

In the end, Xiaolan Encountered a crisis, it was a good opportunity, an opportunity to attack Conan and improve his image in Xiaolan's mind.

Li Mu quickly turned around in his mind and determined a plan for Xiaolan to pursue a big war.

At the same time, Li Mu secretly left He glanced at Conan next to him and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Conan didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, so he shuddered involuntarily, and there was a chill in his heart. ps The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins!_Watch the ununderlined version For novels, please download Feilu Novels

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