After leaving home, Miwako looked at the night outside in boredom and sighed helplessly.

"Alas, I could have had a good rest this night, so why did I come out?"

"Okay, just think of it as just going out to have fun. Anyway, as a police officer, you should rarely have holidays."

Li Mu took a step forward and spoke to comfort him. After hearing Li Mu's words, Miwako suddenly looked at Li Mu and scanned Li Mu with sharp eyes.

Just when Li Mu was about to say something, Miwako suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Li Mu's clothes.

"Li Mu, let me ask you, are you……"

"Yes, that's right."

Li Mu didn't wait for Mihezi to finish, and answered directly.

"What? It's true. You are actually interested in my mother. Could it be that you want to be my father?"

"Cough cough cough……"Li Mu choked after hearing this and almost died from Miwako.

Miwako continued to grab Li Mu's clothes and shouted:"I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my father."

Li Mu looked at Miwako's indignant expression, quickly grabbed Miwako's hand, and explained loudly:"What are you thinking about? I mean, I'm interested in you, and I want to be the biological father of your future biological children."

Miwako was stunned for a moment, and then she thought quickly and understood immediately.

Recalling Li Mu's confession in her mind, Miwako quickly let go of Li Mu, then blushed and lowered her head, looking embarrassed.

"You...what are you talking nonsense about?...I'm just an ordinary policewoman, not very good looking, and too old to be worthy of you. Li

Mu looked at the shy Miwako, grabbed her hand, and said affectionately:"Don't worry, compared to you, I'm so far behind, you won't dislike me, right?""


Miwako hesitated for a moment, unable to say a word, so she could only blush and said:"Okay, no more, let's go"

"Okay, let's go out for a walk."

Li Mu took a step forward, grabbed Miwako's hand, and walked forward.

As a Conan fan, Li Mu is naturally a shy girl. If he had to wait for Miwako to take the initiative, it would take at least five hundred episodes. Instead of this , Li Mu might as well take the initiative and catch Miwako. Miwako

's face turned red, and she struggled slightly with her right hand. Seeing that Li Mu was not shaken away, she did not continue to struggle.

After Li Mu and others left, a large number of police officers came from behind. He came out and looked at Li Mu fiercely, his eyes full of anger.

In the crowd, Officer Bainiao looked at the two people, then waved his hand and said:"Okay, let's go, we must disturb them, and we must not let them be together."."

After that, these policemen also followed Li Mu.

In a car on the road, several people in front of Li raised their mouth corners and murmured to themselves:"Police, forget it, I won't care about you."

Li Mu did not continue to supervise the police.

"Li Mu, what are you doing here? Is it possible that you want to give it to someone?"Miwako looked around and asked curiously.

As a woman, Miwako is probably one of the few women who doesn't like jewelry.

"just looking around. Li Mu said something, walked to the waiter's side, took out a business card and said:"Go, give me the most expensive ring here, and take three or five of them."

As soon as the waiter saw Li Mu's business card, he quickly said:"I understand, sir, please wait a moment.""

"Hey, Li Mu, what's going on? Why does she listen to you so much? Isn't she afraid that you can't afford it?"

Miwako looked at the ring nearby and said in surprise.

The ring that is displayed on the surface is so expensive, let alone the one that is kept secretly.

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

As Li Mu's own jewelry store, the waiter is naturally not worried that Li Mu will not be able to pay.

"oh."Miwako nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, the waiter came out, took a few boxes, and handed them to Li Mu

"Sir, these are some of the best diamond rings we have here. Take a look."

Li Mu took the diamond ring, glanced at it briefly, and then waved his hand and took all the diamond rings.

"Okay, I've ruined all the diamond rings here. Just swipe your card."

"Yes, sir."

The waiter was overjoyed and looked at Li Mu with a kinder look. He also made secret glances at Li Mu from time to time.

But how could Li Mu take a fancy to these guys who looked like they were riding thousands of men?

After packing the diamond ring, Li Mu took out He picked up a diamond ring, grabbed Miwako’s hand, and put it directly on her ring finger.

".Oh, what are you doing? This thing is so expensive. How can I use such an expensive thing?"

Miwako looked at the price tag and quickly refused.

A ring costs several million, how could she want it?

Li Mu didn't care, grabbed Miwako's hand, then stared at Miwako, and said affectionately:"Miwako , this is just to ward off evil spirits. If you don’t want it, then I can only throw it away."

Being stared at so affectionately by Li Mu, Miwako no longer had the ring in her mind. It was completely Li Mu's face.

Seeing that Miwako didn't resist, Li Mu picked up the ring and put it on Miwako's ring finger.

After putting on the ring, , Miwazi reacted, and explained with a blushing face:"There is no other reason for this, it's just to ward off evil spirits, and it can't be wasted. Don't get me wrong."

"I get it, just to ward off evil and prevent waste."

Li Mu also knows that it is impossible to kill Miwako with just a ring and a meal, so Li Mu doesn't care. Anyway, Li Mu still has time. And with Li Mu, Takagi Wataru can cool him down wherever he goes. Where to go, don't disturb yourself boom...…Huge...

Just as Li Mu put the ring on Miwako and didn't say anything, suddenly a gunshot rang out, and then three people ran in quickly.

"Don't move, everyone, don't move. Squat down quickly and put your head in your hands."

"Damn, what a cheater."

Li Mu looked at several jewelry robbers and couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Li Mu didn't care about robbing his jewelry store, but these people Li Mu cared about actually disturbed him.

Next to him, Miwako was about to take action when Li Mu quickly pressed the button live her

"Be careful, they have guns and can easily hurt the hostages." p.s. The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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