"die?"Miyano Akemi was also stunned, then smiled and said:"Shiho, how could I die, and you didn't die either?"

"not dead."Hui Yuan Ai was stunned, and then he quickly sat up, touched his face, and then looked to the other side.

Then Hui Yuan Ai saw Li Mu's figure and was even more stunned.

"he...Isn't he my sister's boyfriend? Why is he here?"

"My boyfriend?"Miyano Akemi hesitated for a moment, then looked at the sleeping Li Mu and nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, he is my boyfriend. Even if I ask him to rescue you this time, are you okay now?"

"I'm fine, sister, don't worry."

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head, and then looked around.

But after a moment, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Li Mu, his face darkened, and his hands clenched into fists

"What's wrong, what happened to Shiho? What's up with him? do you know him?"

Miyano Akemi saw Haihara Ai looking at Li Mu and said in confusion.


Hai Yuan Ai shook his head, and then looked at Miyano Akemi, with a trace of tears in his eyes.

"Sister, I miss you so much"

"I miss you too."

Miyano Akemi also hugged Haiyuan Ai, and the two of them cried loudly, looking very miserable.

The screams instantly woke up Li Mu.

After Li Mu woke up, he looked at Haiyuan Ai not far away. The two of them sat upright and didn't speak. They just waited patiently.

After a while, Li Mu saw that the two of them seemed to have something to say, so he didn't stop and turned around and walked into his room.

Miyano Akemi When the two saw Li Mu leaving, they gathered together and whispered.

That night, Li Mu did not disturb the two of them and slept alone in the room.

Until the next day, when Li Mu woke up, Seeing a short figure standing in front of him,

"Hey, isn’t this Haiyuan Ai, ours? What's your business here?"

"Change...abnormal."Hui Yuan Ai blushed and shouted shyly


Li Mu glanced at Hui Yuan Ai, then touched his chin with interest, and said expectantly:"Looking at your appearance, I know you will be very cute when you grow up."

"You pervert."

Hui Yuan Ai cursed and quickly took a step back, closing the distance between him and Li Mu.

Li Mu smiled slightly, then without saying a word, he covered his chin with both hands.

"Okay, my dear Your Majesty, what do you want to do with me?"

"I'll vote for your sister, don't talk nonsense."Hui Yuan Ai defended herself with a blushing face.

Then Hai Yuan Ai took a breath and explained,"I'm here to ask you something. Have you known my identity for a long time? And did you specifically tell me that yesterday?"

"this one..."Li Mu paused for a moment, then nodded and said:"You are right, I did it on purpose. Who makes you so cute that I can't help but joke?""

"asshole."Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red, and she looked at Li Mu with a delicate red face.

After saying that, Hui Yuan Ai took a step back and looked at Li Mu warily, for fear that Li Mu would suddenly do something to her.

Li Mu looked at the vigilant Hui Mu. Yuan Ai took a step forward and hugged Hui Yuan Ai under Hui Yuan Ai's vigilant gaze........

"you...What are you doing? Let me go quickly, or I will tell my sister that you are a pervert."

Hui Yuan Ai kept struggling, but he couldn't get away from Li Mu. Those two short hands couldn't hit Li Mu. When Li Mu saw that Hui Yuan Ai had stopped arguing, he didn't continue to fight, and took Hui Yuan Ai with him. Sad, and then left immediately.

After walking out of the room, Li Mu saw Miyano Akemi placing tableware in the living room, and the table was full of food.

Miyano Akemi had a charming smile on her face after seeing Li Mu

"Li Mu, Zhibao, you are here. I have already prepared the meal. Do you want to eat together?"

As soon as Haihara Ai saw Miyano Akemi, her eyes lit up and she looked at Miyano Akemi pitifully.

"Sister, brother-in-law, she bullies me, you must teach her a lesson for me"

"Okay, that's it, let's eat."

Li Mu smiled and then started to eat.

"Let go..3.5. Let go of me. I want to eat by myself. I have grown up."

Hui Yuan Ai patted Li Mu's little hand, trying to avoid Li Mu.

"Okay, don't move, or I will beat you."

Li Mu patted Hui Yuan Ai gently, then stretched out his hand, took out a piece of bread, and placed it next to Hui Yuan Ai.

"Okay, eat it, this is the bread I prepared for you. Only when you are full will you grow up."

Hai Yuan Ai blushed, subconsciously looked in front of him, and then explained with a blushing face. ps The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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