In a room, Li Mu looked at Mao Lilan and the three of them, and then said:"Xiaolan, I will stay vigil tonight. You and Yuanzi Ilia are sleeping in the bed."

"how about you? And what about Conan?"Mao Lilan asked

"It doesn't matter to me. As for Conan, he can lay the floor on the floor. I'm sitting next to Conan."

"Well, that's it."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded in agreement.

"OK, let me help you."

Li Mu walked to the bed, grabbed the bed with one hand, and pieced it together with another single bed.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko immediately climbed onto the bed, and then the two squeezed Ilia together.

On the other side , Conan was laying on the floor alone, and Li Mu sat next to him, holding his hands with his hands, closing his eyes and resting.

As for this, time gradually passed, and the sky gradually dimmed"zero ninety-seven" Come down.

A figure slowly came to the balcony, then opened the window of Li Mu's room, and walked in.

As soon as he came in, the man saw Li Mu's figure, and he was stunned.

But after a moment, the man recovered , then picked up the ax in his hand and walked towards Mao Lilan on the side.

At this moment, Conan reacted, stood up quickly, and rushed towards the figure.

At the same time, Li Mu also opened his eyes, even more excited than Conan. He quickly approached the bandaged man, swung his right hand, and struck the bandaged man's ax straight down.

Boom, boom, boom.…………

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Li Mu's hand directly penetrated the bandaged man's axe, smashing the axe into pieces and falling to the ground.

"Holy shit, this is true."

Conan looked at the ax that was smashed by Li Mu with his bare hands. He was dumbfounded and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Compared with Conan, the bandaged man was even more confused.

This was an iron ax, and it was like this He was crushed to pieces by Li Mu with his bare hands.

If this attack hit him, his bones would probably be shattered, which is a little scary just thinking about it.

Thinking of this, the bandaged man did not hesitate, raised his feet and wanted to leave.

"Stop it."

Li Mu looked at the bandaged man in front of him and shouted loudly. At the same time, a surge of domineering energy rushed out and swept over the bandaged man.

The bandaged man's body trembled slightly, and then his eyes turned white, and he fainted.

"I'll go, that's fine too."

Conan was completely stunned, with a look on his face.

There are still gangsters in this world who want you to stay. This is incredible.

Conan really wants to say, where is your moral integrity?

But although he is speechless , but Conan also ran to the bandage man in the distance and pulled off the bandage man's bandage.

"It's him?"Conan looked at Ryoichi Takahashi in front of him, then looked at his belly, and immediately understood.

It is probably that Xiaolan saw Ryoichi Takahashi's body shape, so she wanted to kill him.

At this moment, Mao Lilan and two The man woke up and rubbed his sleepy eyes

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Yes, what's wrong? It's so loud."

Li Mu looked at the two people who were confused. He patted the debris on his hand with his right hand and said calmly:"The man with the bandage was caught. He is Ryoichi Takahashi. He is probably the one who killed Chikako Ikeda."

"What, caught?"

Mao Lilan reacted immediately. Looking at the bandaged man below, the fear in her heart disappeared immediately.

"It turns out it was him who dared to attack me. I will never let him go."

But Mao Lilan just said that, he did not attack Takahashi Ryoichi

"Okay, let's notify others."

Li Mu handed the clothes to Mao Lilan and others, then took Conan and Takahashi Ryoichi and left together.

In the hall, Ota Masaru looked at Ryoichi Takahashi in front of him in disbelief, and said doubtfully:"Is this true or false? Takahashi Ryoichi actually killed Chikako, and also planned to kill Xiaolan?"

"Really, how is this possible?"

Suzuki Ryoko also reacted and subconsciously covered her mouth.

"It's true, his figure is not that fat, his belly is probably just to hold the dead man's head.

And the reason why he wanted to attack Xiaolan was probably because Xiaolan saw his figure, so she wanted to kill him and silence him."

"But what happened to him? Why did he faint? Did you hit him?"

Suzuki Sonoko reached out and tapped Takahashi Ryoichi, and asked in confusion........

"Oh, I know this. Brother Li Mu just glared at the man, shouted, and the man fell to the ground."

Conan quickly stretched out his hand and pointed at Li Mu, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

He had seen Mao Lilan's terrifying karate, and this was the first time he had seen someone more powerful than Li Mu. He fainted with just a roar..

Li Mu felt the surprised eyes of everyone, touched his head and smiled:"This may be because I have practiced martial arts. This guy is not very strong, so he was intimidated by my momentum."

"That’s it. It seems like Brother Li is very powerful."

Mao Lilan was the first to accept it.

After all, she has also studied martial arts, and she also knows that some people's momentum is very amazing and can completely scare others.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Let’s find a rope to tie him up and wait for the police to come."

Ota Katsu didn't know where he found a rope and tied up Takahashi Ryoichi.

After tying up Takahashi Ryoichi, Li Mu picked up Illya and walked to the side and said,"Okay, everyone will do it tonight. Rest in the living room to prevent any accidents. Let’s go down the mountain tomorrow."


Soon, everyone made a bed on the floor. Li Mu found a place, and Suzuki Yuanzi quickly slept next to Li Mu. 3.5

Even Mao Lilan slept on the other side of Li Mu for some reason.

"Damn it, this guy actually stole my horse."

Conan gritted his teeth angrily, but he had no choice but to get on the other side of Mao Lilan, and then stared at Mao Lilan.

"This troublesome kid must be put aside one day."

Li Mu looked at Conan who was staring at him, muttered, and then began to think in his heart.

The next day, Li Mu and others went down the mountain to call the police. When the police came, they arrested Ryoichi Takahashi.

It is said that he committed murder. The motive was due to vendetta, but all this had nothing to do with Li Mu.

After leaving the mountain villa, Li Mu returned to Poirot's coffee shop. ps The Invincible Holy Grail War of The Concubine of the Voyage Begins!_See no underline For version novels, please download Feilu Novels

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