"That person is really annoying, and he turned into what he is now."

After Sentoshi came in, he sat in front of the stove. Suzuki Sonoko gave him a sharp look. The atmosphere was quite good before. As soon as Sentoshi came in, the atmosphere changed to what it is now. It's no wonder she is happy.

Takada Seeing this, Shinichi said:"Well, it's useless to blame others. After all, it's impossible to let people stay outside, right? It's such a heavy snowstorm. Sayuri Matsumoto said:"

Speaking of which, where have Mr. Yonehara and the others gone?"

Mao Lilan said:"They should all have gone upstairs. I saw Teacher Shimoda going up.""

While talking, Yonehara Koko came over with Moriarty, and Yonehara Kōko was holding a few sheets in his hands.

Suzuki Sonoko saw this and said:"Mr. Yonehara, do you need help?"

"Then I’ll trouble you, Sonoko. Mihara

Koko said with a smile:"Because I have to lay the sheets, I brought Colon over and asked him to chat with you, so that it won't be too boring." Well, Xiaolan, just go to the kitchen and see if Mr. Nakamura, who is making dinner, needs any help."


Mao Lilan nodded in response.

Sayuri Matsumoto said:"Let me help too."

Yonehara Koko nodded and said:"Then I'll trouble Mr. Matsumoto. Mr. Matsumoto, please go to the kitchen with Xiaolan to help. With so many people's dinner, I'm afraid that Mr. Nakamura won't be able to handle it alone. Sayuri

Matsumoto responded:"Okay, but I haven't cooked yet, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help, so I can only help.""

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said:"What's the matter? Lan's cooking skills are very good. Teacher, it's enough for you to help."

At this moment, Suzuki Sonoko followed Yonehara Koko upstairs to help, Maori Ran and Matsumoto Sayuri walked towards the kitchen, while Takada Shinichi, Conan and Moriarty stayed here in the hall. The three of them were sitting at the dining table in the hall. On the side, Moriarty looked at Shinichi Takada and Conan and said,"Although this is the first time I've met you two, I know you two. One of you is a disciple of the famous detective Mr. Kogoro Mori, and the other is a disciple of the famous detective Mr. Kogoro Mori. One of them is staying at the Mori Office, and many Conan children are also involved in many cases."

Hearing this, Takada Shinichi smiled and said:"As expected of Professor Moriarty, he knows a lot about our detective.

Conan said strangely:"Hey, why does Brother Moriarty know that I am involved in some cases?" The newspapers did not report that I was involved in the relevant cases.

Moriarty looked at Conan and said meaningfully:"Kid Conan, are you doubting me?" I don’t think so. I have a friend who is a high-ranking member of the Metropolitan Police. He has the authority to check out some cases that have not been reported. Because I am curious about this aspect, he told me about it."

"Are you friends with the top brass of the Metropolitan Police?"

Conan looked at Moriarty with suspicion and vigilance. He didn't know if it was related to the surname Moriarty. He was very wary of Columbine Moriarty.

Shinichi Takada appeared He said:"Professor, are you the same type of person as Professor Moriarty?"

"This is it..."

Moriarty did not deny it out loud, but mused:"In some aspects, he and I are somewhat similar, but in some aspects, he and I are not the same kind of people."

Takada Shinichi asked aloud Said:"What does this mean?"



Moriarty smiled, and just as he was about to say something, Suzuki Sonoko's scream rang from upstairs.


Takata Shin stood up in shock and ran towards the stairs, along with Moriarty. Suzuki Sonoko and Yonehara Koko went upstairs to spread the sheets together. Now Suzuki Sonoko screamed in horror, and Yonehara Koko obviously didn't How much better will it be? It can even be said that the situation of Yonehara Koko, who did not make a sound, may be even worse, so Moriarty is naturally very anxious. Conan also ran towards the stairs, but his speed was not as fast as Takada Shinichi and Mo Riati and the two were fast. He had just reached the stairs, but he found that the two people had already passed the turning point of the stairs, not even a little bit faster.

Takada Shinichi roughly estimated the direction where Suzuki Sonoko's cry came from, and ran towards In the room on the left, after seeing that the door of one of the rooms is closed, immediately go outside the closed room.

"Garden! Garden!"

Takada Shinichi slapped the door and called Suzuki Sonoko's name, but unfortunately there was no response.


Moriarty was direct and hit the door hard sideways, directly breaking the door of the room.

In the room, Suzuki Sonoko He and Yonehara Koko fell on the floor. The lights in the room were not turned on, but the window was opened.


Takada Shinichi came to Suzuki Sonoko, squatted down and helped Suzuki Sonoko up. After checking her breathing, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was still breathing, at least she was still alive.

Moriarty and Takada Shinichi did this In the same way, he also found out that Yonehara Koko was fine, and he was relieved.


The light in the room was turned on, and Conan was standing by the door.

Takada Shinichi sniffed between Suzuki Sonoko's mouth and nose, and said :"I was knocked unconscious by anesthesia."

"Ugh...it hurts!"

Yonehara Akiko woke up while covering her head, and was helped by Moriarty to sit on the bed.

"What's wrong?"What happened?""

"What happened to the garden?"

Nakamura Minri and others all came to the door. Mao Lilan and Matsumoto Sayuri saw Suzuki Sonoko in a coma. Because they didn't know the situation, they seemed very worried and came to Takada Shinichi.

Takada Shinichi was one to two. Humanity said:"Don't worry, Yuanzi is fine, he was just knocked unconscious by anesthesia, just sleep and he will be fine."

After hearing this, Mao Lilan and Matsumoto Sayuri immediately felt relieved.

Yonehara Koko said aloud:"I... I should have been attacked."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Mihara Koko. Judging from the current situation, Suzuki Sonoko and Mihara Koko should have been attacked by a third person, but they didn't know what happened at that time. , only Yonehara Koko, who was involved, knew it best.

Takada Shinichi helped Suzuki Sonoko get up, and asked Suzuki Sonoko to sit on the edge of the bed first, supported by Maori Ran and Matsumoto Sayuri.

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