Wharf warehouse at night.

Mizuno Reina was leaning against the cargo box of a large truck alone, talking to someone on her cell phone.

"Right, that is it. It will be very stressful to continue this job....Yes, it’s too hard and I don’t want to force myself anymore, so I want to resign."

"Yes, I'm really sorry! goodbye!"

Shui Wu Liannai hung up the phone, closed the phone cover, and let out a long breath.


Mizuki Reina was suddenly startled. She straightened her body slightly and turned her head slightly behind her. Her experience told her that at this moment she had a pistol pointed at her lower back, and the feeling was definitely not that of a toy. plant something


Mizuki Reina caught a glimpse of the black hat and long silver hair. Although she couldn't see the appearance of the person behind her clearly, she knew it must be Gin.

"Keir, who is the other party? Who did you just call?"

"Oh, don't be stupid."

Shui Wu Lina chuckled and took two steps forward and said:"He is the personnel director of the TV station. Now that I am like this, I can no longer continue my work as an anchor, so I have to resign and make it clear to the other party, otherwise if the other party It would be troublesome to call the police or something."

"Moreover, the organization should know exactly who I am talking to. Because I have bugs and transmitters on me at all times, and two to three people are monitoring my every move 24 hours a day."

Mizuki turned around, looked at Gin and said,"So, do you have any instructions for me who is still suspected by the gentleman above and cannot move freely?"

"Ah! Gin put down his pistol and said,"I'm just here to convey the order of the gentleman who is very suspicious of you.""

Hearing this, Mizuno Reina couldn't help but frown slightly, and felt a little nervous. She knew that this was the black organization trying to test her loyalty. She just hoped that the test would be as she, Conan, and Akai Shuichi guessed..

Gin took out something wrapped in cloth from his pocket and handed it to Mizuno Reina. From the appearance, it could be seen that it was a pistol.

"Kill someone to make us trust you again"

"Yeah? wipe out.."

Shui Wulian took the pistol without any hesitation and asked with a smile:"Who are we going to destroy?"

"FBI investigator, Shuichi Akai."

Ginjiu stared at Shui Wu Lina with his eyes closed, as if he wanted to see something from her face.

"Shuichi Akai?"

Shui Wu Lina looked a little surprised.

"It seems that not only me, but also that gentleman found this matter very suspicious. We actually took you back from the FBI so easily."

Gin said in a deep voice:"Then eliminate the FBI's trump card, Shuichi Akai, to prove your loyalty to this organization and your innocence."

"What's wrong, Kil, is there any reason why you can't do it?"

The expression of surprise and hesitation on Mizuno Reina's face was clearly visible to Gin.

"Uh, how could there be a reason why it can't be done?"

Mizuna Reina explained, and then said:"But Gin, even you find it difficult to deal with Akai Shuichi, how do you want me to solve it? What's more, if I approach the FBI now, I will be arrested again."

"Huh, no need to get close."

Ginjiu had long thought that Mizuno Reina would say this, so he said:"Just lure him to our shooting range. You just say that although you are back in the organization, you are still regarded as a troublesome person who was arrested by the FBI. You have no place to stay, so you want to leave the organization and hope that the FBI can help you escape overseas. That's fine."

"Of course, he can only be called here. As long as you can provide organizational information for a considerable reward, he will definitely take the bait."

"I see. After hearing this, Shui

Wu Liannai said:"When he comes here without knowing whether to live or die, you will approach him from all sides and shoot him, right?""

"No, you are the only one who does it."

In the midst of Mizuno Reina's 'surprise', Gin said without any fluctuations in his tone:"That guy's nose is much sharper than the average person. If he notices our presence, he will see through this trap and turn around immediately. Leave. So we can only monitor what's going on from outside the guy's bullet range, through bugs and cameras installed on you."

"I see. Without hesitation

, Shui Wulian responded:"I will do what you say, can you give me some time?""

"No, right now."

Gin suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at Shui Wu Lina:"Call him here immediately. If you can't do it, you can also call the God of Death."

"Wait a moment.."

Seeing this, Mizuki Reina couldn't help but said:"Don't you really think that I have been deceived by the FBI's rhetoric?"

"That was one of the reasons, but according to the information from their companions, they were still in the previous hospital. For some reason, one of the investigators was inexplicably involved in a murder case, so now the FBI's attention is focused there. How can we let go of such a great opportunity?"

Gin said in a deep voice, no matter what the outcome of this operation is, it will only be a good thing. Akai Shuichi was killed, which means that there is no problem with Reina Mizuno, and at the same time, an opponent was solved for the organization; Reina Mizumu did not kill Akai Shuichi, then whether she is killed by Akai Shuichi or her betrayal of the organization is exposed, it will only be good for the organization.

Mizuno Reina closed her eyes first, then opened her eyes and said:"I understand, I Just call him."

With Gin pointing a pistol at his neck, Reina Mizuno called Shuichi Akai.

The call was connected

"It's me, Shui Wulian, is it convenient for you to talk now? Is there anyone else around?"

"Just me."

Akai Shuichi's voice sounded, and Gin who was right next to Mizuno Reina heard it clearly.

Mizumu Reina said,"Are you surprised? I contacted you so quickly after I returned to the organization"

"Okay, what do you want to say?"

"Is such that. Shui

Wulian said helplessly:"It is difficult for me to stay in the organization now, so I would like to ask you to help me break away from this organization and let me fly away. Of course, I will provide you with the information that the FBI wants." How about we meet alone?"

"Well, if you're the only one there, no problem."Akai Shuichi responded.

"Then I will send you a text message about the time and place of the meeting."

Mizuki Reina said, and after Akai Shuichi said hello, he hung up the phone.

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