"Yo West, Monkey King, ready to go."

When the two of them disappeared, Bai Yaksha turned to face Sun Wukong. She had to take a dip in the muddy water this time. After all, Jialing was also her friend, and she couldn't just sit idly by.

"Ah, dear Lord Shirayaksha, have you forgotten our existence?"

Izayoi suddenly made a sound, which aroused her surprise.

Seeing three problem children staring at her in a row, Shiroyasha said in trouble

"This is what you are doing?"

"ha? What are you talking about? Since all the interesting things are coming to your door, how could I not join in the fun? Are you right?"

"of course? And originally I wanted to have fun in the North District, but unexpectedly something happened and I rushed back. In the end, the problem was that I had to go back to the North District."

Jiuyuan Feiniao flipped up her hair

"It doesn't matter."

A bland speech from Kasukabe Yoshi.

Three problem children with similar bad personalities, each with their own opinions. Anyway, they just don't want to leave us. Whether it's fighting or causing trouble, they will always accompany us.

"Thank you everyone. I feel really sorry for getting you involved in saving my adopted sister."

"Don't be so outspoken. After all, Monkey King was my idol since I was a child."

Showing a kind smile, Asuka winked.


Bai Yasha was silent for a moment. She had never been very familiar with Wu Ming. At best, it was just because of Black Rabbit's support.

Some time ago, both sides got what they needed, and generally speaking, no one owed anything to the other. But now... it can be said that they have not received any benefits at all. For them, who are responsible for strengthening the community, it is quite difficult. the feeling of pleasing

"Well, everyone has said this, and Black Rabbit has to agree. Lord Shiroyasha has helped Black Rabbit a lot in the past, and this time he will repay Black Rabbit."

The expression on his face changed from embarrassment to relief. What Black Rabbit has always wanted in his heart is to restore the past glory of the community, but it doesn't hurt to go in the opposite direction once in a while.

"Ha...what, Black Rabbit actually learned to say nice things?"

"These are not nice words, that’s what Black Rabbit thinks."

He waved his fist to refute Izayoi's teasing. Black Rabbit's puffed-up look was indescribably cute.


"Hey, Cangjiang, are you ready to wake up?"

Swallowing his saliva, Yakumo Soang looked at him without squinting. He looked at his eyes, nose and heart, as motionless as an old monk sitting still. He didn't even respond to Yakumo Murasaki's question.

Because... a group of girls had already surrounded him. circle, no matter how they each have different little thoughts, the attitude revealed at this moment is - the same hatred!

Although similar things happened before when the group of girls was relatively small, the result was nothing. After all, it was probably The girls felt that it wasn't a big problem back then.

But it's different now. The harem group is getting bigger and bigger, so big that it's now stepping on the bottom line of the girls.

"Cangjiang, it’s impossible not to speak. Don’t think you can get away with it as easily as before. Even we can’t save you this time."

Said the sarcastic words, Yakumo Zi stayed aside and watched the fun. Anyway, watching the fun is not a big deal. She also found such scenes very interesting.

"Hmm, Yu is very angry!"

The first one to stand up, Nero said that the baby was unhappy and needed comfort.

Strictly speaking, she was the first girl to follow Yakumo Cang.

Our Emperor himself is not very generous, and for his lover's The desire for exclusivity is not very strong, let alone sharing it with a dozen or so people. It can be said to be a miracle that I can endure it until now.

"Well, Ao-chan is also working hard."

Arquette chuckled. To say that she is also big-hearted and doesn't care about how many sisters she has. The most important reason is probably that she is not the first. She doesn't have much confidence in her position, let alone others.

In addition, I have some naturally stupid attributes, and everything is like tape.

Hearing this, Yakumo Cang felt a little moved in his heart. Sure enough, Erquet understands me. Her Highness Baiji is indeed my favorite!

But next time Seconds later, Arquette changed the subject and immediately choked him to the point where he could not speak.

"It’s just that a man who cheats cannot be forgiven. If he regrets it, he will be punished by God!"

Heavenly Punishment?!

Collapse - his soul was shattered into dregs all of a sudden. Yakumo Aoi was hit so hard that he almost forgot that Elquitet also had some dark attributes.

"No...it's not that serious."

Finally spoke, Yakumo Cang forced a smile and said

"Oh, aside from other things, I think it doesn’t matter."

Altluqi declared that she was just obeying her own desires, which was equivalent to a long-term and stable only relationship with him. It's hard to say how deep the relationship was. On the other side, Ao Fei Si stood firmly beside Yakumo Cang. Her thoughts were relatively pure. As long as she could stay with the person she liked, everything would be fine.

"Haha, just let me take a look, there is no need to involve me."

A group of gods were fighting, and Kuang San said that he would not join in the fun. He is obviously a good mistress, and it would be nice to just sit and watch you fight.

PS; Second update!

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