The moment he fell, he was just about to get up, and the wooden knife was already hanging around his neck.

"You lost. "

Red Hitomi said dumbfoundedly.


"Are you still here?"

"No, no, no!"

A carp stood up, and Leonay rubbed his back and snorted.

"I'll give it to you this time! Next time the big sister will definitely win!"

Let's be honest, Leonai didn't use all his strength, and the Lion King's beast ability is still retained.

Although the red pupil also did not use the imperial tool.

"Replace me!"

After watching it for a long time, Brand couldn't help but itch his hands, what a good opponent, it's a pity to let it go.

Pulling out the wooden stick casually, he went down to face off against the red pupil again.

"Hey, how beautiful it was before the fight, but it didn't take two 15 to lose, like you are so impulsive, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later. "

Ma Yin couldn't help but taunt Leonai, and Tsundere crossed her arms and said with disdain.

"Hey, next time...... I can definitely win next time. "

"Hmph, next time, wait and watch obediently, how can I beat her!"

For Na Jie Hitan's appointment of the red pupil to be the first to go out on a mission, Ma Yin expressed dissatisfaction, why?


Leonai looked at her suspiciously.

"I ...... What's wrong with me?"

"Aren't you a ranged sniper?"

The implication is that if a ranged sniper competes with a melee killer, you're afraid that your brain will be in water!

"What's wrong with the long-range sniper? The long-range sniper has eaten your rice!"

Holding the pumpkin cannon indignantly, Ma Yin bit her lip and exploded.

"No ......"

Feeling quite a headache, Leona rolled her eyes, this girl was unexpectedly difficult to handle.

Fortunately, Hill acted as a lubricant and was responsible for mediating the dispute between the two to avoid conflicts.

In fact, Leonay didn't take it into her heart at all, although this girl was a little poisonous, but the hidden concern in her words just now was heard by her.

Awkward girls, she doesn't hate them.

"Hey, you...... What are you laughing at?"

"Oh, I was just thinking that you also care about others with a poisonous tongue. "

"Hu ...... Nonsense! I ...... I didn't."

Hanging her head in a panic, not letting the blush on her face be seen by Leonay, she explained in fits and starts.

"Uh-huh, no!

A grin hooked her waist, and Leonay forcibly resisted the urge to continue teasing Main.

"What...... What? "

His face became redder and redder, and the innocent Ma Yin was Leonay's opponent, and he couldn't touch the north after a few words.

"Ouch, you're blushing!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't!"

"Come, let me be well. "


"Be obedient and let me be well. "

The two people who suddenly staged Tang Tujie's learning attracted Lubbock's side eyes, as the saying goes, a pair of lilies is a pair of bases, and the lilies are high!

Thinking like this, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

"Brand, are you done?"

"yes! Red pupils are amazing!"

Brand, who laughed heartily, wiped his sweat, and the two were evenly divided, not giving in to each other, and agreed to continue next time.

"Well, I prefer boys to girls, Lubbock, especially those as strong as you. "

Patting his abs, Brand was amazed.

Noticing Brand's ambiguous eyes, Lubbock's chrysanthemum tightened, and his face was blue and white, should he ...... Brand is really a, right?!

"It's important to set up a trap enchantment, excuse me, farewell!"

Running faster than a rabbit, Lubbo disappeared in minutes, and that speed, for fear of walking slower, would have to experience the power of a-stirring stick.

After slipping away a long way, Lubbo stopped with palpitations, originally thinking that there were so many beautiful girls in the killer group, but he was not a hungry wolf, but now he found out that the most dangerous thing was him!

"No, my chastity must be left to Najehitan, and stay away from Brand in the future. "

But tonight is their vigil, what should I do?

Feeling melancholy, Lubbock plans to work hard tonight and set up a comprehensive security network, so that there will be no need for vigil in the future, otherwise how can it go on like this?

Day and night, it is difficult to prevent thieves.

If he was really analized, where would he cry, and would Najehitan still accept him?

At the thought of that result, Lubbo instantly felt like he was falling into the abyss, terrifying 240!

I'm applying for a vigil!

It doesn't matter if you're tired, chastity is important!

In the end, he still didn't apply, and after the red pupil got everyone's approval to take the mission and leave, the two were in charge of the base security patrol together.

Because Lubbo holds the Imperial Tool: The Tail of the Cross, which is a strong thread-like Imperial Tool, its silk thread is made of the body hair of the super dangerous species (dragon) that is said to inhabit the clouds that inhabit the East China Sea, which is not only strong, but also extremely sharp, and the strongest of them is called the Boundary Broken Thread, which is far tougher than the other silk threads.

It can also be opened as a trap or probe the enemy's barrier, and also has the ability to restrain and cut off, just like its nickname.

When the threads are wound together, they can weave soft but hard spears, two-handed axes, and even use them to weave wire armor for defense, or to wrap blood vessels to stop the pulse and pretend to be dead.

Because of this, Lubbo is very suitable for setting traps and early warning enchantments, and the negative cost is that the frontal combat ability is not high, and the combat method is mainly skillful. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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