At this time, the bad breath in Fang Tian's heart was completely gone.

The thick dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated.

In space, satellites from various countries have already locked onto this unusual dark cloud.

As the dark clouds gradually dissipated, the leaders of various countries were shocked. Just let yourself see, who is the person who destroyed half of Japan in these few hours?

To people's great disappointment, the dark clouds completely dispersed and there was no one in the place.

Dozens of satellites searched in every possible way, but still found nothing.

Naturally, Fang Tian used his invisibility ability to hide his figure.

In fact, he knew that it was probably inevitable that his identity would be revealed. There were too many flaws exposed during this operation.

He has shown his whereabouts in Japan many times, and before destroying Tokyo, he also hacked a Self-Defense Force patrol ship. The Okinawa base also launched missiles to intercept him, and he also used laser beams at that time.

These things cannot be hidden from those who are thoughtful.

But so what?

After this incident, even if they knew their identity, which country would be brave enough to provoke them?

As for the reason why he is hiding his whereabouts now, he just doesn't want to be targeted by dozens of satellites.

Things were pretty much what Fang Tian thought.

At this time, Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., had rushed to the White House to talk to the president face to face.

A thick stack of satellite photos was spread out between the two bodies.

The president said solemnly:"This is a very, very dangerous person. Do you, SHIELD, have any clues?"

"In fact, I already have the target of suspicion"

"who is it? Nick

Fury weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and finally said:"Superman, I doubt Superman." Our agents are already in action and I believe we will get the exact information soon."

"Mr. President, Superman is very dangerous and I advise you not to act rashly."

In fact, the U.S. military's Okinawa base has already passed news of a suspected conflict between Superman and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force to the president's ears.

Therefore, he basically agrees with Black Bald Head's speculation.

As for the danger?

It's precisely because It's a headache that he's so dangerous and capable of destroying an entire city.

Whoever this guy is, the president would gladly drop a high-yield nuclear bomb on his head if possible

"Do your best to investigate this person’s identity, and report any progress to me as soon as possible."



In this world, superheroes and super villains are everywhere. Buildings are knocked down at every turn, and it is not uncommon for even half a city to be destroyed.

In this case, New York is still full of tall buildings.

This shows what?

This shows that the construction team in this plane is simply amazing.

Fang Tian stood in front of the intact villa and marveled. Before he went to Japan, the entire villa was transparent from front to back, and the miles before the villa were in ruins.

But now, only a few days have passed, and he has already recovered as before. Even the pirated Fantian Seal weighing seven to eight thousand tons that he left in front of the door has disappeared without a trace, and he doesn't know where it went.

After sighing, Fang Tian took Xiaoyao, who was looking down, and walked towards the villa.

The door of the villa opened automatically, and Jarvis's voice came:"Mr. Fang, welcome home. Miss Haiyao, how can I help you?"

In response to Jarvis's question, the girl looked dazed and remained silent.

Fang Tian was also a little helpless.

Ever since she learned the news of her grandfather's death, she had always behaved like this, and she didn't even cry.

Facing the Japanese, he could naturally be ruthless and vent his anger, but facing this sad little girl, he was a little helpless.

In the bright living room, Iron Man is watching the news.

The headline of the news is very scary: Flood destroys the world, Japan sinks!

When she heard about Japan, the girl shuddered, suddenly woke up, and looked over angrily.

Her English was not good and it was extremely difficult to listen, but just by looking at the pictures on the screen, she understood what was happening there. Xiaoyao repeated with great effort:"Destruction of Tokyo?"

Fang Tian saw her reaction and was overjoyed:"Yes, I told you, the blood on the fishing boat Fuyuan will not be shed in vain."

"Grandpa, Anping, they……"The little girl's mouth trembled:"They are all dead!"

As she said it, she finally couldn't help the grief in her heart and cried out:"The whole of Japan can't stand up to Grandpa and the others! We didn't do anything! On the ship. It's all empty! They said we were fishing illegally and they beat grandpa to death! They didn't deserve a good death!"

Fang Tian silently hugged the girl into his arms:"It's okay. It's all over. It's my fault. It's my fault. Just blame me."

She cried relentlessly:"It's those Japanese soldiers! Japanese soldiers!"

"OK, Japanese soldiers, they deserve to die."Fang Tian comforted her gently.

I don't know how much time passed, but Iron Man rarely interrupted, making Xiaoyao cry heartily.

Until finally, she was tired from crying, and fell asleep with red and swollen eyes.

It's good to cry out, Crying is also a kind of venting, and it is much better than being depressed in your heart. After putting the little girl back in the bedroom, Fang Tian walked out silently, still on the sofa.

Tony looked at him covertly:"What about the little girl? thing? You're not such a beast, are you?"

Fang Tian waved gently.

Under the influence of his mind, the wine cabinet opened, and the wine bottle and glass automatically flew out and landed in front of the two of them. The cork popped open and the wine was filled. He picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he rambled. He said:"That little girl is from the Celestial Dynasty, and she and her grandfather went out to sea to fish. They happened to meet me on the sea. They thought I had fallen into the water and jumped into the sea to rescue me without hesitation. She also called me brother"

"Do you think they are good people?"

Tony didn't understand what Fang Tian meant by saying this, but he could see that Fang Tian was really in a bad mood.

He also picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp:"Of course he is a good person who can jump into the sea to save people without hesitation. Got it"

"good guy"

"There was no good reward, the little girl was kidnapped, her hands were cut off, and she fainted from the pain. An old man in his fifties and an honest young fisherman were beaten to death. Hey, Japanese."

Iron Man, who had been crying for a long time while still looking like pear blossoms with rain just now, softened his heart. He said indignantly:"Then what? You just let those people walk away?"

Fang Tian stopped talking and motioned for him to watch TV.

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