"Hahaha, what you said makes sense. I have never met Lucifer, but some of his demon gods were so arrogant that I was sent back to hell.

Speaking of which, Lucifer may still be my brother, but the only thing I want to do is to shoot him twice and see what the effect is."Van Helsing puffed on his cigar while laughing very boldly.

"It’s been eight lifetimes of bad luck to have a brother like you."Fang Tian couldn't help but feel sad for Lucifer in this universe. He believed that with Van Helsing's character, when he saw Lucifer, he would definitely shoot to test his marksmanship without hesitation.

Anyway, Van Helsing is the craziest person Fang Tian has ever seen. A wild guy, he only has his own iron moral law in his eyes, and there is no such thing as hierarchy or hierarchy.

Fang Tian feels that being friends with Van Helsing is definitely a great thing.

Van Helsing doesn’t matter whether you are a mortal or a dark person. All living things are treated equally, and he will never use his power to bully you. Instead, he will have fun with you. As long as you don't violate his ironclad moral laws, even if you get drunk and beat him up, he will just laugh and let you go.

"Boy, thank you this time. If you hadn’t killed the Servant of Anubis, Fayoum City would have been massacred!"After joking with Fang Tian, ​​Fan Helsing looked solemn and thanked him seriously.

Everyone else in the hotel lobby showed sincere gratitude.

Fang Tian smiled and accepted everyone's gratitude without rejection.

But he never refused. In this incident of Imogen's siege, he gained a lot of benefits. He absorbed hundreds of thousands of Imogen's resurrected undead souls from the underworld, and also absorbed the servant of Anubis. Fang Tian had already surpassed the ancestor by a small level. Stepping towards the path of the True Ancestor

"Okay, counting this time, I have killed that bastard Immorton eight times. According to tradition, if he has one more chance to be resurrected, he will be completely sent to hell by me, right? Eddie?"After thanking Queen Fang, Van Helsing's eyes fell on Eddie, the leader of the night watchman, and asked.

Eddie nodded.

"Very good, tell me when that bastard Immorton will be resurrected again. This time, I will send him directly back to the underworld."Van Helsing patted the big gun boldly

"The day of the next waning moon."Eddie replied

"when? To be specific, I am not good at math."Van Helsing interrupted Eddie a little irritably.

"Fourteen days later, however, Lord Van Helsing, Immorton is the chosen servant of Anubis, the god of death. Even if he dies, he can come to the world through other ways. I have discussed with the elders that there may be a way to completely solve the problem. Throw him away and send him to the underworld forever"

"Then why the hell didn't you tell me earlier? Have you kept me busy for so long?"Van Helsing's eyes widened, waiting for Eddie

"Sorry, Lord Van Helsing, this involves a secret of our Night Watch organization, but when it comes to this, I have to say that only in this way can Imotha be eliminated forever and no longer harm the world."Eddie showed a trace of apology on his face.

Secret is your mother!

I didn't expect Eddie, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be such a cunning person! Who would kill someone just for some bullshit secret? Fang Tian thought that if he was After playing this trick for eight times, he insisted on turning around and leaving, watching the destruction of Egypt.

But Van Helsing didn't seem to be angry:"Okay, I'm not interested in your tricks, just tell me what to do.""

So, Eddie, the leader of the night watchman, began to speak slowly, and everyone in the hall listened carefully.

Immorton's powerful magic power comes from the Egyptian treasure"The Death Book".

As the ancient Egyptian master in charge of the"Death Book" The priest is familiar with the power of the Death Book, and was therefore chosen by God Anubis as a servant.

But in the final analysis, his power still comes from the Death Book, and can naturally be deprived of it by the Death Book. When the time comes, He will become a mortal.

Hearing this, Fang Tian had an idea in his mind. He promised Van Helsing that one of the biggest purposes of coming to Egypt was the Book of Death. Now he finally heard about the whereabouts of that book.

"I see, wasn’t the Death Book taken away by your night watchmen? Where is it now?"Van Helsing asked.

"In the tomb of the pharaoh we serve"

"Great, how can I complete the broken ritual you mentioned? Turn Immorton into a mortal?"

"Lord Van Helsing, we need your help. To complete the sealing ceremony of the Death Bible, you must have the powerful power of the True Ancestor, and only you can provide that power."Eddie, the leader of the night watchman, bowed slightly.

"This is a bit troublesome."Van Helsing scratched his head angrily:"I will help you arrange the sealing ceremony, who will deal with Immorton?"

The leader of the night watchman Eddie's eyes fell on Fang Tian, ​​with a plea on his face.

Before Fang Tian had time to speak,

Van Helsing became a little angry.

"Do you want this kid to die? That bastard Immorton is not the servant of Anubis summoned by him. In the period of complete victory after being resurrected nine times, even I have trouble dealing with him.

Eddie, you are so brave. You know how pure this kid’s bloodline is, but you still dare to do this?"Before, he knew that he had been fooled eight times and was not angry, but now his expression changed. The aura on his body suddenly emitted, and a huge pressure fell on the leader of the Night Watch, Eddie.


The leader of the Night Watch, Eddie, could not bear Van Helsing. With that powerful momentum, he fell to his knees directly.

Within a few seconds, the leader of the night watchman Eddie was already sweating profusely. The sweat wet the masked black robe he was wearing. He was breathing heavily, as if he was about to Death from lack of oxygen

"Let him continue, I believe he will not harm me for no reason."Fang Tian saw that if Van Helsing continued to play like this, he might kill Eddie, the leader of the night watchman, so he tried to persuade him.

"Humph, Eddie, tell me, if you really want to play some trick on the people I invited, I will have to kill you."Fan Helsing snorted coldly and took back his huge momentum.

"Yes, Lord Van Helsing, the villain would not dare."Eddie, the leader of the night watchman, spoke as if he had been fished out of the sea.

It turns out that once the sealing ceremony begins, part of Immorton's power will be recovered by the Death Book, and his power will drop a lot, no more than When he came to the human world, the restricted servants of Anubis were too powerful.

Eddie saw that Fang Tian could easily defeat the servants of Anubis, and then he came up with a plan, hoping that Van Helsing would arrange the sealing ceremony. , and then let Fang Tian completely kill Immorton and send him to the underworld forever._Fei

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