These bloody tentacles appeared out of thin air, and what was even more terrifying was that they were like living creatures, seemingly injected with vitality and constantly squirming.

It was like a giant beast of blood trying to swallow Fang Tian.

Each tentacle is dozens of times more condensed than Vampire Emperor Victor's strongest attack.

"Compared with the vampire emperor Victor, he is not at the same level at all. Is this the power of the ancestor level?"Facing the frantic blood tentacles attacking him, Fang Tian did not dodge, but commented with great interest.

Each of the blood tentacles released by Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, was stronger than the vampire emperor killed by Fang Tian Victor releases the"Millennium Liberation" and is even more powerful than absorbing all the vampires in the entire Millennium Castle.

And this is only 30% of Marcus's power.

It can be said that ancestor-level creatures and dark kings like the vampire emperor Victor, from The nature of life is no longer a living thing

"Come on, dark creature with noble bloodline, become a part of me. I will make perfect use of your bloodline and absorb your abilities. This will be your supreme glory!"

Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, licked his lips and stared at Fang Tian with fascination, just like a drug addict looking at pure drugs. It was very strange.

With the control of Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, countless blood tentacles Fang Tian was immediately involved in it, as if he opened a bloody mouth, then suddenly closed it, swallowing Fang Tian directly, and then countless bloody tentacles began to squirm, as if they were chewing something.

"Owner!"The wolf king Lucian, who had been hiding aside to avoid the range attack of Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, roared, grew long silver hair all over his body, turned into a werewolf form, and was about to rush into the circle of blood tentacles.


A black figure will He was stopped.

Wolf King Lucian looked up and saw that it was Selena. He couldn't help but stare at Selena angrily, as if he was very confused as to why Selena stopped him.

"Don't worry, you will only die like this. The master's power is unimaginable. Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, cannot kill the master."Selena shook her head and explained.

After hearing Selina's explanation, Wolf King Lucian regained his composure.

He remembered that he had also been transformed into the Evernight Wolf Clan by his master. If something happened to his master, his bloodline Will crash first

"Come on, let me suck your blood... Huh? Why, why can't I draw your blood? Don't you have any blood? This is impossible……"At this moment, Marcus, the ancestor of vampires who looked sick and obsessed, screamed, very surprised

"That's because... I also like blood-sucking!"At this moment, a deep roar that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time came from the blood tentacles.

"Drought territory!"Immediately afterwards, a crimson field was released from the pile of blood tentacles, and wrapped up the pile of blood tentacles in the blink of an eye.

In the crimson field, the air suddenly became very dry, and those twisting... The blood tentacles were the first to bear the brunt and began to wither, prickling like squid tentacles placed on an iron plate. The large pile of blood tentacles melted cleanly in the blink of an eye, revealing Fang Tian's figure among them.

"you……"Seeing Fang Tian's figure reappearing, Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, narrowed his eyes, showing extreme vigilance.

Because he found that the enemy with noble blood did not have a trace of scars under the attack of the blood tentacles, let alone scars, and even his clothes were not broken.

"What kind of dark creature has such a noble bloodline that it can challenge the ancestor with the power of the Dark King... Could he be the legendary one?……"Marcus, the ancestor of vampires, murmured to himself, deeply shocked that a dark and terrifying answer emerged in his heart.

"If that's the case, I must kill him as soon as possible, otherwise, when he is fully grown, no one will be able to stop him!"Vampire ancestor Marcus had a vicious look in his eyes.

"Blood Heaven! Come down! In the name of my blood ancestor Marcus!"A look of determination appeared on the face of Marcus, the ancestor of the vampires. He opened his arms as if to embrace the sky. Hiss, hiss!

The whole castle suddenly began to squirm like a living body, and the vampires in the castle who had not been eliminated by Fang Tian were stunned. , all exploded with bang bang bang, becoming masses of exploding flesh and blood, and then submerged into the castle and became part of the castle.

Blood began to flow on the walls of the castle, and a bloody flesh wall grew.

In addition to the flesh and blood wall, Thick fangs drilled out, a bloody eyeball formed from the central wall, and countless tentacles squirmed crazily in the castle. The entire castle came alive at this moment and turned into a bloody beast.


The castle turned into a blood monster roaring

"Is there such an operation?"Fang Tian couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that the floor under his feet turned into a wriggling wall of flesh and blood, the surrounding walls also turned into a wriggling wall of flesh and blood, and even the ceiling turned into a wriggling wall of flesh and blood.

Marcus, the ancestor of the vampire, did this. It’s so beautiful!

"This is?"In the castle, Lucian and others were dodging the tentacles of resurrected flesh and blood in the castle. They were shocked. Lucian asked Selina, who was once a vampire.

"This is... the Blood Heaven of Marcus, the ancestor of vampires... It turns out that the legend is true. Each ancestor represents the bloodline source of a dark creature and controls some unimaginable realm.

In the realm, the ancestor is almost invincible. Marcus, the ancestor of vampires, uses the power of blood to turn the castle into his home court. Here, he cannot be killed!"Selena turned pale and murmured to herself

"It turns out that William, the ancestor of werewolves, also has similar abilities. His master is in danger, what should we do?!"Lucian also had a solemn look on his face, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Selena's eyes showed a determined light, and she planned to rush into the castle where the blood monster had been resurrected and fight side by side with her master.

"You all stay away from me! I want to have fun with my prey, so I don’t accidentally hurt you when the time comes."At this moment, a very excited voice fell into the ears of Lucian and others from the Blood Castle. It was Fang Tian's voice.

Lucian, Selina, and Michael were stunned and looked at each other.

No wait. They made a decision, and a huge red arid aura erupted from the center of the castle.

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