Haruko's excited high voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the combat command room.

"King of Titans?! However, Miss Haruko, as far as I know, we humans do not yet have any technology that can detect and discover the traces of the human patron saint. We have no idea where he is! , even if he is contacted, will he have enough time to save Japan?"The Japanese Prime Minister was stunned and asked with worried eyes.

"That gentleman is the monster expert sent by the Emperor Organization to assist us. He can communicate with the King of Titans. As long as we ask for his help, we may be able to invite the King of Titans to destroy the two Rodon monsters! Even if there is only a slight chance, we should fight for it. First of all, sir, this is related to thousands of Japanese people, as well as our country!"Miss Qingzi pointed at Fang Tian even more fiercely.

"Yeah?"The Japanese Prime Minister hesitated and turned his attention to Fang Tian.

"Prime Minister, I object! This is a Chinese. Everyone knows that the Chinese are famous international spies who steal high technology everywhere to enhance their national power. Moreover, Japan should be protected by our people, not by a humanoid monster!"

When Oshima saw Miss Haruko relying so much on that Chinese guy he hated, he immediately stood up and retorted fiercely.

Fang Tian rolled his eyes. To be honest, he has traveled through three universes and has never seen such a pig teammate..At this time, the monsters are about to destroy Japan's most precious Fukushima nuclear power plant, and then when the powerful nuclear radiation is released, it will cause a mass extinction of Japanese creatures, and the entire Japan will become a monster paradise where all kinds of monsters are overflowing. This idiot actually went tit-for-tat with him.

Since this idiot Japanese wanted to die, Fang Tian didn't bother to care. Anyway, in the end, Japan really turned into a monster paradise, which was more like his wish. Then there would be more monsters to hunt. Come to refine

"First of all, sir, look!"At this time, there was another hoarse voice in the combat command room. A man dressed as a Japanese official pointed at the display screen in horror, as if he had discovered something terrible.

Everyone focused their attention on the screen again.

That The two Raton monsters that had just torn apart the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the US military stationed in Guam were excitedly rushing towards the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and soon hit the outer wall of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, directly knocking out a big hole in the wall.

That It feels like throwing a stone on tofu. The solid concrete building is tofu, and the body of the monster Ratton is the stone. It broke through the wall and jumped on a building at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, crushing the building.


One A huge mushroom cloud was detonated from the collapsed building, rose up, and rose into the sky little by little.

Everyone looked at the mushroom cloud blankly, and their hearts were shocked.

When the mushroom cloud dissipated, the two Rodon monsters cheered on the radiation land, and Hugging each other in a very shameful posture

"They're mating!"Miss Haruko looked at the two Ratton monsters in the picture and thought of something.

This sentence immediately shocked the hearts of the senior Japanese military and political officials and various monster experts in the combat command room, revealing their fear.

Can you mix it up? No one at their level is a fool. Two monsters that have found abundant radiation energy are mating, which means they are preparing to give birth to more monsters.

The two Ratan monsters have caused so much damage to Japan, killing Thousands of people, and destroyed the Japanese Naval Self-Defense Force and the US military in Guam.

Now they will mate and give birth to more monsters, which is a terrible disaster for Japan and even the entire human civilization.

"We have to stop this!"The Japanese Prime Minister woke up from a dream and clenched his fists.

"Prime Minister, we must now ask the Titan King, the patron saint of mankind, to come to Japan to destroy the monsters, otherwise, our Japan will be destroyed!"Miss Haruko requested.

Stimulated by these words, the Japanese Prime Minister finally put down his unnecessary swaying, showed a firm look on his face, and then came to Fang Tian, ​​with wrinkles on his face, and began to plead

"Hello Mr. Fang, you are the monster expert that Miss Haruko mentioned who can communicate with the Titan King, right? As an old man in Japan, and on behalf of 100 million Japanese people, I request you to communicate with the King of Titans and ask him to come to Japan to destroy the two monsters!"

"When I first arrived in this combat command room, someone told me that the Japanese people do not need a monster to protect them. The Japanese are the greatest nation in the world and will easily destroy the monsters! Since what he said is so powerful, I think it’s better not to embarrass the King of Titans and just send the person who said this to Fukushima to deal with that monster. Anyway, he said it was so easy to destroy a few monsters. It's easy for him."

Fang Tian's eyes fell on the face of the stupid Japanese man Oshima, and he mocked

"you……"Oshima was shocked and angry. What surprised him was that this Chinese was so despicable. He actually said such words to the Prime Minister in this way under such circumstances. If he first felt bad, his political path for decades would immediately be ruined. It will be destroyed in one day.

What makes him angry is that this human being is obviously trying to trouble him by saying such things!

"Oshima, you actually said such a thing?"The wrinkles on the Japanese Prime Minister's face were almost crowded together. He frowned and asked angrily.

"First of all, sir, please listen to my explanation. This is not what I meant.……"Oshima grimaced and quickly explained to the Japanese Prime Minister

"Didn’t you say that you Japanese are very strong? What, as a representative of the elite, why don’t you go to the front line and fight the monsters on the Fukushima battlefield? First of all sir, if this heroic Japanese citizen does not go to the battlefield, I will never communicate with the Titan King to let the Titan King come to Japan and destroy those monsters."Fang Tian spread his hands, looking indifferent.

Oshima's face was livid with anger. This Chinese is so despicable. He used this method to force the Prime Minister to agree to his conditions, and this condition is obviously I want him to die.

At his age, if he is sent to the battlefield at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, he will definitely be killed by those two terrifying monsters. Are he openly sent to the battlefield on Oshima at this time?

The family behind him……


Just when the Japanese Prime Minister hesitated, a huge explosion came from the satellite picture on the screen again. The two Ratton monsters once again pushed down a building of a Fukushima nuclear power plant. The nuclear power plant exploded, forming a huge mushroom cloud that rose into the sky. More powerful radiation is released from the destroyed building

"In the name of the Prime Minister of Japan, I announce that Shizuo Oshima is dedicated to serving the country and is determined to join the battlefield and personally fight the monsters. He is now specially ordered to be sent to the Fukushima battlefield as a member of the Japan Self-Defense Forces to participate in the mission of saving the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant!"

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