In order to find those gang members, Fang Tian deliberately went to London's dark-looking alleys, where all kinds of dragons and snakes were mixed together, and it didn't look like good people gathered, wandering on the streets.

Now is the war period, and the order is very chaotic. Soon, in an alley, several gangsters wearing hats saw Fang Tian. After looking at each other, they quietly blocked Fang Tian's path and surrounded him.

"Hey, stinky yellow-skinned monkey, I see you are well-dressed, hand over the money and take off your clothes! We are members of the Razor Gang. If you don't hurry up, I will blow you up with a steel pipe!"A white British man wearing a hat threatened Fang Tian.

"Do you like getting banged?"Fang Tian had a ghostly smile on his face.

"Yellow monkey, it seems you are looking for death!"The big British man had a gloomy face, took out a bright dagger from his arms, and walked towards Fang Tian with a sneer.


Several miserable howls came from the deserted alley, and then the sound Like a candle in the strong wind, it was suddenly extinguished.

The strong white young man was lying on the ground, his arm was directly blown out, and he fainted from the pain. The remaining two gangsters were trembling and kneeling on the ground, as if they saw The demon kings looked at Fang Tian and their poor companion with a blown-out arm with a fearful expression.

This Asian man was so scary. Their companion just stabbed each other with a dagger, and the dagger was bent when it was inserted into the other person's body. His body looks like it's made of steel

"Take me to your Razor Gang's racetrack."Fang Tian looked at the two gangsters who surrendered with great interest, and then said.

He had just learned about the situation of the Razor Gang from these gangsters.

The Razor Gang is a super gang in the UK. They are led by a man named Xixon Led by the family, it soon expanded from a small place in the countryside to the whole of the UK. It mainly operates business such as horse racing, loan sharking, smuggling of arms, etc. It can be said to be the most violent gang force in the UK in this era.

Fang Tian can just go and borrow some. Money to spend.

The two Razor Gang gangsters looked at their companions on the ground who had their arms exploded, and then thought about their own situation. For fear of angering Fang Tian, ​​the devil, they trembled and led the way.

Soon, the two gangsters He led Fang Tian through some winding alleys and came to a factory that was strictly guarded.

In fact, this place was not a factory at all, but a casino.

Countless British people of all walks of life were here or passionate. Overflowing, or with a dejected look on his face, he would place a bet on a horse with his banknotes. Those who won would cheer and those who lost would cry hysterically. It was simply a shrunken human theater.

"Green, you two bastards are back. Have you gone to see a girl to play with? How dare you not come on duty? Be careful, Mr. Xie Kexun will catch you and beat the shit out of you. By the way, why did you bring a yellow man here? The new fat sheep?"A strong man curled his lips when he saw the gangster who was leading Fang Tian, ​​sarcastically mocking him.

"It seems that the status of yellow people during this period was really not high."Fang Tian sighed, suddenly stretched out his hand, and grabbed the strong man like a chicken.

"Let me tell you, trash, after a hundred years this world will belong to us Chinese people, you know?"Fang Tian looked at the gangster who was almost suffocated by one of his hands and said with a sneer.

"who! Let go of Jackson!"

"You dare to come to our Razor Gang to cause trouble, you are seeking death!"

The members of the Razor Gang in the casino saw an Asian man and grabbed Jackson, the most famous strongman in the racecourse, with one hand. Although they were shocked by the monster-like strength of this Asian man, they reacted quickly and started to react. He took out pistols, daggers and other weapons from the table or from his pockets, and scolded Fang Tian.

When the gamblers in the underground racecourse saw this scene, they fled from the racecourse in fright. Soon, the bustling underground racecourse It became empty, leaving only the thugs of the Razor Gang and Fang Tian

"Gee, there are quite a lot of weapons."

Fang Tian grabbed the strong British man and looked at the weapons in the hands of the Razor Gang thugs opposite. He actually saw a machine gun and couldn't help but admire it.

That was a machine gun. It actually appeared in the hands of these gangsters. It can be seen that at this time, the gangsters were rampant

"Very good, there are no innocent people anymore, I declare that you have been robbed, hand over all the money here, and I will spare your life!"Fang Tian announced calmly.

The members of the Razor Gang opposite were dumbfounded when they heard this. Did they hear it correctly?

This Asian monkey actually wanted to rob them?

Are you kidding? They are the largest gangster in the UK, the Razor Gang. Gang, there are dozens of heavily armed gang members here. Even if the police department or the army sends a small force, it is impossible to capture them in a short time. Why does this yellow-skinned monkey?

With his own strength? Can he catch them? Get up a strong man?

"Let this arrogant yellow-skinned monkey know who we are! Let him know that this is not the jungle full of indigenous people in his hometown in Asia!"A member of the Razor Gang holding a pistol declared with a grin, and then opened fire first.

Two minutes later, the violent sound of gunfire stopped, and all the members of the Razor Gang watched the bullets on the opposite side fall on their bodies and twist into twisted iron. A monster fell on the floor, all in silence!

What kind of monster was that...

Why couldn't even bullets penetrate his skin? Is he a devil who came out of hell?

"It seems you still think I'm joking! You losers know too little about China. When China already had civilization, you were still acting like savages in the trees!"Fang Tian sneered and decided not to show any mercy. His eyes suddenly sunk, and two red laser beams condensed in his eyes.

Then the two beams shot at the members of the Razor Gang, causing a big explosion that destroyed half of London. Seeing the factory area here, a strange light rushed into the sky.

Then, Fang Tian walked out of the burning factory area carrying a box full of banknotes.

Steve, who was in the tailor shop, heard the sound of a big explosion and suddenly his body shook. Trembling, he looked up at the sky and saw the red light soaring into the sky in the London factory district in the distance. Steve suddenly trembled in his heart and thought of something terrible.

"That place... seems to be the territory of the Razor Gang... No way..." Steve's face became very embarrassed, silently praying in his heart that the thing he was worried about would never happen. The

Razor Gang is not an ordinary gang organization. Those are super gangsters with government backgrounds and even cross national borders!

Don't have any conflicts with them, otherwise they won't be able to handle it at all.

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