The reason why super beings oppose this bill is simple. This bill obviously restricts their freedom to use super powers.

Moreover, the abilities of some superpowers are not controlled by any circumstances. If they accidentally break out, they will also be criminals according to the Superhuman Registration Act.

This is outrageous.

And ordinary humans certainly support this bill.

In the face of superpowers, most ordinary humans have no power to resist at all. Jealousy and fear are intertwined, making them reject and be hostile to superpowers. Some extremist organizations regard all superpowers and mutants as Inhuman and nightmare.

Because they were worried about a conflict between the two parties, especially the super beings with super powers among them. If they exploded, it would likely have dire consequences. The American military had to send a large number of troops to maintain order and protect ordinary people.

However, the smell of gunpowder between the two sides is still getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, a row of cars drove into the building. They were representatives of various countries reviewing the"Superhuman Registration Act."

The review of the proposal was not affected by the demonstrators. After entering the venue, representatives from various countries began to review the superhuman registration bill under the chairmanship of a United Nations official.

"Now, representatives from each country are invited to vote. Since this bill is aimed at superhumans, the permanent members cannot exercise one-vote veto power. Whether the bill is submitted for review will be decided by a vote counting system."The situation was serious and there was no one to talk about it. The official who presided over the submission of the bill for review got straight to the point. Then representatives from all countries in the world raised their hands to vote.

Soon, the voting results were counted.

In order not to support the submission of this superhuman The majority of officials who registered the bill reached the final result in a crushing manner.

"The votes were tallied, and one hundred and fifty voted against, 21 voted in favor, and five abstained. The final result was to veto the bill. Does anyone still speak? Otherwise, proceed to the next topic."The official presiding over the bill nodded and asked.

"I have!"A United Nations representative official raised his hand

"Please say"

"Long live humanity! Let all superhuman beings go to hell!"The official had a ferocious smile on his face, and he suddenly pressed the button on his watch.


In the footage broadcast around the world, only a huge ball of antimatter light was seen covering the entire United Nations building, as well as the ordinary people demonstrating outside the building. Humans and super life.

Under the terrifying power of the antimatter explosion, the thirty-nine-story United Nations Building completely disappeared and turned into an empty space.

"my Lord……"All the people watching the United Nations broadcast in front of the TV were stunned and looked at this scene in disbelief.


"Terrorist attack strikes again! The attackers used horrific weapons to destroy the entire United Nations building. Today was the time to submit applications for the United Nations Superhuman Registration Act. Representatives of 176 countries were killed!"

"The attacker was United Nations representative Shaq. The motive is currently unknown. The death toll has exceeded 8,000 people!"

"The latest news is that the weapons used to attack the United Nations building are anti-matter weapons. Currently, only Osborne Industries secretly develops and masters them on earth... It is not known whether the weapons have been leaked. This station will continue to follow up on the reports!"

"Did Osborne Industries violate arms management treaties? We will conduct an inquiry."

Countless news was overwhelmingly covered in newspapers, TV stations, and the Internet. In an instant, all kinds of negative news began to shroud Fang Tian.

When ordinary people learned that Osborne Industries had leaked some terrifying weapons, these weapons were likely to destroy them instantly. After the city, everyone was shocked and worried about their own life safety.

Osborne's phone number had been bombarded for a long time. Heads of various countries, the director of SHIELD, and related organizations contacted Fang Tian one after another.

"The second wave is coming and it’s really interesting to create conspiracy theories."Fang Tian was sitting in the office, feeling extremely calm.

He had known for a long time that there was an organization promoting a conspiracy against him, so he was not too surprised when such an incident broke out.

But besides him, Osborne All employees in the industry were very nervous and a group of secretaries were worried

"Put me through to Director Fury."Fang Tian said to a secretary

"Okay, Chairman."The secretary nodded immediately, and then connected the phone to Director Fury.

Among all official organizations in the world, only SHIELD has the best butt-wiping skills, so it is most familiar with Fang Tian, ​​so if anything happens, all organizations will basically Will contact Fang Tian through Director Fury

"Fang Tian, ​​what's going on with those anti-matter weapons? Oh my God, can you stop making such big news all the time? Are those weapons really portable and capable of destroying a city in an instant?"Director Fury asked nervously as soon as he answered the phone.

"To be precise, it can not only destroy a city, but also low-level anti-matter weapons. The most advanced anti-matter weapons are installed on advanced civilization battleships and can destroy planets in an instant."

"Of course, you can rest assured that only some low-level anti-matter weapons will be lost, and their maximum power can only destroy a city."Fang Tian replied

"What! Why did you bring back such terrible weapons! If it is not well preserved, it will destroy the earth. Are you crazy, Fang Tian? Why didn't you notify me? my Lord!"Director Fury jumped like a cat stepping on its tail.

Fang Tian shrugged, not bothering to explain.

This bald head sounds nice, but in fact, in the face of high technology at their fingertips, how many people can abandon it like worn shoes? What

's more, there are many banned items in S.H.I.E.L.D., the only difference is whether they are exposed or not.

"What are you going to do next? Now you and your Osborn Industries are on the hot seat, and the world is looking to you to explain what's going on with these weapons."Ten minutes later, Director Fury finally digested his emotions and asked Fang Tian as calmly as possible.

"What does the government think about it?"

"The government hopes that you can explain the origin of these weapons to the world on the official platform, and at the same time hope that they can be shared with them, and the military will be responsible for the management and maintenance of them."

"Although this is a bit embarrassing, I hope you can understand that these weapons are really scary."Director Fury said earnestly:"If you agree, the government will be responsible for eliminating the negative impacts of these things."

Fang Tian smiled.

Sure enough.

Politicians are really a group of profit animals. They don't take eight thousand lives in their eyes at all.

The darker part of my thinking is that there may be many big shots who are glad that this happened. It was the outbreak of this terrorist attack that gave them the opportunity to obtain some super weapons and advanced technology.

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