The eyes of the Life Tribunal scanned every inch of time and space in the Milky Way at the limit of space and time in the universe, and soon landed on the earth, and then scanned the earth in an instant

"Earth and planet...the junction point of the multiverse, the planet with the weakest control over me."The Life Tribunal pondered.

For the Life Tribunal, the incarnation of the cosmic order, all time and space in the entire Order Universe are under his supervision, but the Earth Star is a relatively unique existence.

The Earth Star is the junction point between the main universe and other multiverses. If other latitude universes, including the dark world, want to connect to the universe of order, they must first pass through the Earth Star.

Therefore, the existence of the Earth Star is very complicated. As a connection point of the multiverse, even the supervision of the Life Tribunal does not have much Intervention power, that is the area where the power of the Life Court is weakest.

If Fang Tian knew about this, he would explain his doubts.

Why traveling through time and space in other areas of the universe and changing the timeline of the universe would trigger the ruling of the Life Court , but on Earth, it is completely okay to change the timeline at will, or even change history on a large scale.

For example, Daqun, Kang the Conqueror, Wolverine, etc. have all changed the timeline. Kang the Conqueror even became the Pharaoh of Egypt. Such a large area Time and space changed, and the Tribunal of Life never came. Not only did it not make a verdict, it also did not restore the timeline.

Because the earth is the junction point of the Marvel multi-dimensional universe, connecting the gates to other latitude universes including the dark world, so even if life The court cannot supervise the earth too much.

The eyes of the life court quickly swept across the entire earth, and only captured the fluctuation of the infinite stones for a moment on the earth, with no other traces.

After all, even as the incarnation of the order of the universe, the power of the life court cannot It was detected that the infinite gems have been integrated into Fang Tian's small world, which is equivalent to existing in another universe.

In the past, if Fang Tian had not collected all six gems, he would still have a chance to discover clues, but now it is unlikely.

That's it. When the Life Tribunal wanted to use the power of the Trinity to continue scanning the traces of the Infinity Stones, suddenly, his eyes were attracted by something else.

"Dormammu's remaining power! With the help of Agamotto, the seal of the Holy Trinity Magic Temple established on Earth was also destroyed."The eyes of the Life Tribunal suddenly became solemn.

Compared with the traces of the Infinity Stones, Dormammu is the enemy of the Life Tribunal and even the entire ordered universe.

The dark power is chaotic, completely opposite to the ordered universe. The dark world is the Life Tribunal. For this reason, in the ancient times of the earth, the Court of Life helped the magician Agamotto and other supreme magicians who were born on the earth at that time to establish the Trinity Magic Temple to protect the earth from being invaded by evil gods from other universes.

Life The court is the origin of magicians on earth.

Now that a magic temple has been destroyed, it means that there is a gap in the defense of the Trinity. Those evil gods who covet the main universe will project their power to the earth.

If these evil gods will bring other When the two magic temples are destroyed, the earth will be completely opened as the critical point of the multiverse. Powerful beings in other latitude universes will conquer the main universe through the earth.

The order of the main universe will be threatened.

"I need to contact the new Supreme Magician on Earth and ask him to rebuild the Holy Trinity Magic Temple."The Tribunal of Life temporarily put aside the matter of the Infinity Stones. After all, even he couldn't believe that the Infinity Stones would be absorbed into another independent universe that has nothing to do with the Marvel Universe. The nutrients that grow the universe.

Now that the Life Tribunal is focusing on the earth, he must rebuild the Holy Trinity Magic Temple before they are destroyed.

Fang Tian, ​​who is constantly extracting the energy of the infinite gem matrix in the small world, does not know how many dark lords there are. Mamu inexplicably took the blame for him. Without Dormammu, I am afraid that the Life Tribunal will use its supreme trinity ability to observe time and space, and through various signs in the past, it will always find out why he collected the infinite stones.

When the time comes, The Court of Life may discover Fang Tian's identity as the creator of a different universe, and will definitely destroy him at all costs.

Earth, Himalayas, the Holy Land of Magic.

Doctor Strange, who imprisoned the fallen magician Mordo, is meditating. , communicating with the dark forces in various universes.

He was a little uneasy. During his meditation, Doctor Strange could clearly feel that the evil gods of the various universes that had been dormant in the past were ready to move and have many evil thoughts towards the earth. They were whispering.

Doctor Strange felt very uneasy. He understood that these terrible evil gods might have known that one of the three temples guarding the earth had been destroyed, leaving a gap. These evil gods might be about to swarm and invade the earth.

Just when Doctor Strange was uneasy. At that time, a vast incarnation of the power of the supreme rule descended into his mind, and the trinity figure that almost covered the entire universe emerged.

"The embodiment of great order, the Court of Life!"Doctor Strange was shocked


A week later, Fang Tian has been silently extracting the energy of the infinite matrix in the villa, allowing the small world to grow slowly.

In just one week, Fang Tian's small world planet has expanded from 23 million square kilometers to 25 million kilometers.

Subsequently, his heaven and earth dharma grew to 2,500 meters, even more than half the height of Mount Tai when standing on the ground, and his strength increased by 250 times, exceeding 75 million tons.

"Halfway through, I can evolve into an acquired spiritual treasure. When Thanos comes, I will teach him how to behave."Fang Tian stretched.

There is no need to rush this matter. In fact, the current speed is already extremely fast compared with before. At this speed, even if he does nothing, he will reach the peak in three months. The degree of promotion.

It only took three months, which is countless times faster than the original normal speed of tens of thousands of years.

Fang Tian has been consolidating his realm this week, observing the operation of the core planet, and has no contact with the outside world. I don’t know. Something happened outside, so he asked his electronic butler to read his mail for him.

His electronic butler was the master who stayed in the villa.’,

The power of the Overlord is countless times more powerful than Ultron, so it is easy to dedicate one's mind to act as a butler.

"Master, you have 520 phone calls and 8,000 emails. Among them, the most urgent calls are 127 from your girlfriend, and there are also voice messages for you to reply."

"Additionally, S.H.I.E.L.D. sent you seven thousand nine hundred emails and made three hundred and eighty phone calls to you, saying they were in big trouble and needed your help."The master quickly sorted out the information these days.

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