Hiding in the underground base, sitting on a plush couch, the tiger shark at this time did not think that anyone would be able to find it at all.

He stocked up on a lot of food in this place.

He is alone, and there is no problem in supporting him here for three or five years.

In addition, he didn't think that the invaders would stay on Crescent Island for so long, if the invaders were really strong, at most they would kill all his subordinates, and then they would definitely leave here after a search, even if they wouldn't leave for the first time, but the stay would definitely not be long.

And if his men won, it would be even better, he could wait for his men to kill the invaders before slowly going out.

As for how to determine who won, Tiger Shark has his own way.

This underground base has a lot of large batteries, which store a certain amount of power, and is equipped with wireless monitoring, even if he is in this place, he can find out the situation on the island through monitoring.

However, when it comes to monitoring tiger sharks, I can't help but be a little speechless.

MonitoringHe just tried it,There is no problem with connecting to the monitoring of other remote places,Once he wants to pay attention to the monitoring of the intruder's location,But it can't be used,It's pitch black,It seems to be broken suddenly,Or it's directly in fixed screen mode,It can't play any monitoring role at all。

"This is it. "

While the tiger shark was drinking proudly, Han Fei had already come to the base where the tiger shark was this time, and then opened a bush and found a secret door.

After finding it, Han Fei vigorously mentioned it, but the secret door did not move at all.

Seeing this, Han Fei frowned slightly, then put his palm on the secret door, used the dark energy, and shook Amen, and suddenly, I saw a click from the mechanism under the secret door, and then Han Fei pulled the secret door with all his strength again, and suddenly opened the secret door, and a passage more than one person wide appeared.

With the passage appearing, Han Fei put the Thor Sniper into the system space, then took out a Desert Eagle, and followed him into the passage.


The tiger shark, who was sitting in the underground secret room drinking, suddenly frowned, and he faintly heard footsteps.


The tiger shark's face subconsciously changed, and he hurriedly picked up the pistol, and then listened carefully.


As he listened carefully, suddenly a series of sounds sounded, and then an object flew towards him, making him turn pale and shoot subconsciously.

As he fired, he saw that the black sub was hit.

As the boss of a pirate group, his marksmanship is naturally good.

But when he hit the black east, the tiger shark's face changed suddenly, and he saw that it was actually a stone.


The next second, the sound sounded, and the tiger shark obviously felt a sudden pain in his hand, and his hand holding the gun was suddenly shot, and with the shot, he didn't wait for the tiger shark to react at all, what was frightened, he felt a pain in his left hand, and his left hand was also shot.

Then the tiger shark saw a man walking towards him unhurriedly and slowly.

Han Fei!

The person who came over was naturally Han Fei.

"It's very good, you're still in the mood to drink here, tiger shark, tiger shark, you're really having a good time." Han Fei smiled at the tiger shark, then walked to the place where the tiger shark was, ignoring the tiger shark that was shot, and then picked up a bottle of wine on the table with his hand.

"Lafite in '82, it's a good wine, but it's a pity that it's already been used by you. Han Fei picked up the wine bottle and looked at it, then smiled at the tiger shark and said.

"If you're interested in wine, I've got it here, so don't kill me. The tiger shark looked at Han Fei in horror and said.

He didn't know Han Fei.

But he knew very well that it was precisely because he didn't know that it was dangerous, and that this person was most likely the intruder.

"Okay, hand over all the money you've robbed all these years, maybe I won't kill you." Han Fei said with a smile.

"Aren't you a police officer or a soldier?" Tiger Shark said after a moment's pause.

"Guess?" Han Fei smiled.

"I can't guess. However, big brother, you can break into my tiger shark base camp single-handedly, this ability is a first-class awesome, your old strength is definitely the top. If you ask for money, I can give it to you, but big brother, can you really promise not to kill me?" The tiger shark's eyes moved, and then he endured the pain, grinning at Han Fei and smiling, looking very honest and honest, but in fact, he was secretly swearing in his heart.

Don't let him live, once he can live, he will definitely come back with revenge.

Most people only know that he Tiger Shark is a pirate, a big pirate on Crescent Island, but in fact, few people know that he also has another identity.

He used to work in Somalia, he is actually a member of the Somali pirates, and every year he robs money, he will share a part of the group of pirates to honor Somalia.

In order to maintain the relationship, he maintains the relationship like this, mainly because he wants to have a way out.

I'm afraid that if I lose one day, I can still have a chance to rise.

"Hehe, it depends on whether you are worthy of cooperation or not. Han Fei said with a smile, as he spoke, his right hand took out a mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and then looked at the tiger shark and said, "Say, what is your account number, how much is your password, let me see how much money you have in the bank, and whether it is enough to buy your dog's life." "

Hearing Han Fei say this, the tiger shark's face changed, and then he gritted his teeth and told Han Fei his Swiss bank account number and password.

He didn't have any other way now, except to cooperate with Han Fei, he knew very well that he was definitely a dead end.

Of course, even if it is cooperation, he is not so stupid.

He Tiger Shark had several bearer Swiss bank accounts, and what he told Han Fei was only one of them.

Of course, there is a lot of money in it, and there are tens of millions of soft sister coins.

"It's only tens of millions, I said you are, just such a little money, you also want me to let you go. Han Fei seemed to be operating with his mobile phone, but in fact, he secretly ordered Zhinao Xiaolan to help him inquire.

Smart brain Xiaonan is black technology equipment.

Han Fei can be talked to through brain waves. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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