"Your death omen shines in the sky!"

The hyper-realistic man with seven scars pointed at me.

Before I could sort out the current situation, the scene took a sharp turn, and a strange creature that looked like a cat and a rabbit looked at me with its crimson marble-like eyes, and said in a voice similar to Hiiragi's mirror.

"Sign a contract with me to become a girl in a magical costume!".

I didn't know what it meant, but my reason led me to stomp it into a white sludge.

"you, labor and management are men!".

Not...... It was like I was dreaming about something terrible.

But now is obviously not the time to immerse myself in sleep, and the labor pain in my cervical spine woke me up from my confusion.

What filled my eyes was the ceiling, which was not yet familiar, but had been looking at it for two days...... Although the perspective is a little different now than before going to bed.

"Neck...... It seems to have been twisted to ......".

My whole posture is now like a 'B', except that the position of my head and feet is reversed, with one-third of my body on the bed, one-third on the floor, and the other third hanging in the air.

Thanks to this strange posture, the labor pain in the neck is becoming more and more obvious.

I had been sleeping well before I moved here, and it had never happened that I fell out of bed while sleeping.

"Sure enough, it's because I just moved and I'm not used to it. "

In order not to increase the burden on my neck, I had to get out of bed, looking out the window at the still dark sky and the alarm clock with the fluorescent hour hand pointing to 5 at the head of the bed, and I couldn't help but worry about today's itinerary.

I just moved here the day before yesterday, so I don't care.,Yesterday it took a day to pack up the furniture、All kinds of daily necessities and other things were sorted out.,I didn't have time.,But today I'm booked to go to Santa Cronica School Park to report...... Anyway, I'm going to have to spend time at that college from today until I graduate, so a good first impression is a must.

But now ......

In the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror with my neck crooked, and I couldn't help but sigh.

No, no, it would be sad if you even gave up on yourself!


washing my face with cold water, I reluctantly pulled my thinking from pessimism to normal, and smiled at myself in the mirror.

“...... Wow, that's scary!".

Who's angry with that guy in the mirror! The hanging triangular eyes are still glowing with fierce light! It's so terrible that ordinary people will be frightened to their legs when they look at such a gangster-like guy!

...... OTZ

I'm sighing, isn't that guy me......

Oops, even more uneasy about the future.

So, why did my uncle let me come here to study, didn't I have a good time in Hikaraka...... Although Haruhara's stupidity, Okazaki's peach luck is a little stronger, and Apricot's dictionary is a little harder......

In this way, don't you have to make friends again or something?


Forget it, let's talk about this later.

"My name is Ryuji Takasaka, above. "

Santa Cronica School Park 2nd year 3rd class,A person with a fierce face stood beside the podium and said coldly,Then looked around the entire classroom。

All the students who had been swept by his gaze shrank down, and some of them were already trembling there.

Well, by the way, this guy with super fierce eyes and an impatient face is me.

Well, I also know that it should be a little more natural now, and the voice should be a little more emotional......

The muscles in my face were inexplicably stiff and completely out of my control, and the sound was a stiff voice in order not to let others hear the vibrato that I was too nervous.

Although I had expected this for a long time, it was really shocking when this kind of scene appeared.

At this moment, I felt a different gaze from those cowardly gazes.

Following that gaze, there was a blonde girl wearing a butterfly hairpin.

Although the eyes are a little fierce, the face is very beautiful.

Because she was obscured by the desk, she couldn't tell her figure, but just sitting there had an elegant and noble temperament.

Even though I've seen many beautiful girls in Hikarisaka, I had to give her a score that was well above the norm.

Sensing my gaze, she didn't flinch like everyone else, but stared at me with a strange look.

How so...... It feels like the expression of my classmates who were 'oh, how can I still be like this!' when I was doing an experiment to observe amoeba protozoa in Mitsusaka.

To put it simply, it's contempt.

"So, Takasaka-san...... Let's sit next to Kashiwazaki-san. "

Probably frightened by my silence, the teacher trembled and pointed out to me an empty seat next to the blonde girl.

I see, her surname is Kashiwazaki.

Continuing with a straight face, I picked up my school bag, which had nothing in it except stationery and lunch boxes because I hadn't picked up the books yet, and walked towards the empty seat.


When I sat in my seat, I seemed to hear Kashiwazaki snorting coldly from the sorrel next to me...... Probably an illusion.

"Kashiwazaki-san, who was the first in the school year last year, if Takasaka-san, if you don't understand anything about your studies, just ask her. "

The teacher, who seemed to be a good bully, trembled imperceptibly, and then ended the class meeting.

"My name is Hoshina Kashiwazaki. "

Just as I was thinking about how to talk to the classmates around me, the blonde girl spoke to me first. She ran her hands through her hair and looked like a great man.

"It's a God-made, super-perfect being. If you swear allegiance to me, it's not like I can't consider covering you~".


And then what came out were super broken words.

By the way, because she has already stood up, you can see that this girl named Kashiwazaki Hoshina has a very proud figure...... As she herself said, perfect. Of course, special group hobbies such as poor milk control are not counted as ......

"Are you stupid......


Probably because the other party is also blonde, I subconsciously regarded it as a female version of Haruhara.

"You actually say I'm stupid or something......" she stared at me with disdain, "My dad is the chairman of this school, and if I'm stupid in the first place in the school year, then what are you who are only in the middle of the entrance test!".

was reversed into an army.,Sure enough, there is no such thing as a flirtatious guy like Haruhara.。

But in this way, I almost saw through this guy named Kashiwazaki Hoshina.

To put it simply, it is pride. Unlike Xing, who uses arrogance to hide her gentleness, she is arrogant in her bones.

Because of his talent, family environment and pride.

"Oh, that's pretty remarkable. I said coldly, "But results don't mean everything." What do you have to be proud of besides talent and family?".

"Is this the wailing of a lost dog, and I will at least give you the freedom to complain about God's injustice, common people. She smiled gracefully, unheeded by my provocative words.

"If that's the case......


But even if she was calm, it was useless, because I had already discovered her Achilles' heel.

Because of this arrogant and unpleasant character, coupled with the reactions of the classmates around him, he can almost confirm what he deduced.

"Do you have any friends who are really positive (stressed)?"

That's right, a guy with such a bad personality will never have a close friend.

Seina Kashiwazaki, who was stabbed in the weak spot by me with a sharp stab, looked a little panicked, and she looked at the classmates who were watching around her.

Seeing that several boys around me wanted to stand up because of her gaze, I immediately squinted my eyes and glared at her with a fierce look. Sure enough, those guys all showed expressions as if they were being targeted by a fierce beast, and the cold sweat on their foreheads couldn't stop staying, and no one dared to step forward.

And the girl's reaction was exactly what I expected...... No one was worried about her, and some of the girls even showed relieved expressions.

Isn't it really bad to be popular...... This guy. Even I, as the initiator, feel a little sorry for her.

"Someone as perfect as me...... Friends don't need anything!" She ran out of the classroom with tears in her eyes.

Oops, overdone.

I scratched the back of my head in annoyance, I would actually get serious with a girl...... Why don't you chase her out now and apologize to her?, but will people think that a bad boy is chasing an innocent girl?


In the midst of my gains and losses, the bell rang for class.

Forget it, let's wait until the next class is over and apologize.

In the next few classes, as soon as the class started, Hoshina Kashiwazaki ran out of the classroom without looking back, and didn't give me time to apologize at all.

And just like that, it's time for the lunch break. Kashiwazaki Hoshina left the classroom immediately, although she wanted to chase her out, but after thinking twice, she decided to wait until she was angry...... (The sad thing about machismo.) )

I brought my own lunch box. I used to be teased by Okazaki and Haruhara, when I was in Hikarisaka, and I didn't have a chance to laugh back until Okazaki and Kotomi were at that time. As for Haruhara, because he is permanently single, it is a pity that he has never had the opportunity...... I really don't know if this is happy or sad for him.

To sum up, I'm going to eat at a place where there are not many people like the rooftop.

Would't be horrible, that transfer student. ''Dare to bully Miss Hoshina...... I'll settle this account with him when the semester is over!'''Oh, what a horrible expression, is he going out to rob a year-old!'' and I walked alone in the hallway.

From the window, you can see that in the other classrooms, almost all the students are gathered for lunch. It's the same with Class 3 in Year 2, except for me and Xingna, everyone has their own group of friends.

"What a failure...... I always feel like I can't get into them. "

I really miss the time when I used to eat with Okazaki and Haruhara.

Just when I felt sorry for myself, I felt like I had hit something in my stomach.

With a slight impact, a faint cry came from in front of me.

I quickly looked down and saw a little silver-haired girl in a nun's dress covering her nose with her eyes closed, and the expression on her face looked very painful.

"Ah, I'm sorry. So he reflexively apologized.

"Woo......" She opened her eyes with tears in the corners of her eyes, and then showed a frightened expression: "Woo wow! Super weird!"

Well, regardless of this inexplicable sense of immediacy, why is there such a small child in school, who is almost only about ten years old from the outside.

"Woo...... Maria was glared at by the big weirdo...... "She faced me and hurriedly crawled backwards on her hands and feet.

"Wait, wait!" my mind was spinning at a rapid pace, what could I do to make the scene not look like a bad girl molesting a young girl.

Three options popped into my mind

Option A: Let her drink the juice through her nose

Option B: Give her a lollipop

Option C: White lies

Well, there's always a subtle familiarity about option A...... However, this kind of thing is obviously not what should be used when apologizing, so it is ruled out.

It's really good to use lollipops to coax children, but the question is who will bring lollipops to high school!

Then there's only C.

"The Lord once said that one cannot just look at the surface. "

Because it's a nun, let's try it with this kind of language.

"Really...... Really?" the silver-haired girl was still shaking, but at least she had stopped running away.

"Really. I hurriedly made a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance.

"Woo...... It's still scary......


"......" #审核: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:08PM# Release: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:08PM#

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