21st Century Goguryeo

496 Season 2 Book 20 Shadow of War - 2-4 Suspicious Movement

January 9th, 2024, 21:00 (Latvia time: 14:00)

The meeting room of the representative board of the EU headquarters, Riga, Latvia

In the tense atmosphere of the meeting room, the representatives from the EU member states were seated at a round table. Maris Felsix, chairman of the representative board, announced the start of the meeting by tapping the gavel.


"From now on, before voting on the economic sanctions against the Republic of Korea and NATO military participation, which were raised yesterday, we will allow member country representatives to speak freely in this regard. Representatives of Member States are invited to speak. Please do so freely."

As soon as Chairman Maris Felsix stopped talking, German representative Minister Johan Hoffman was the first to raise his hand. "I'll go first."

"Minister Hoffman! Please go ahead."

Minister Johan Hoffman then stood up, looked at the representatives of the Member States, and spoke, "Thank you very much, Chairman! Representatives from member states! I do not believe that this proposal can be decided after only one day of discussion with our countries. Our prime minister, of course, stated that this proposal is so important and serious that it should be decided by the summit board. In response, Germany officially requests that the chairman forward this proposal to the regular board of directors."

Chairman Maris Felsix nodded as if she had expected this, "Minister Hoffman! You are aware that more than one-third of the member states must agree to move the proposal to a regular board of directors, right?"

"Yes, I know that well."

"Will you then make an official request?"

"Yes, I will."

"Okay. Is there anyone else who wants to speak?"

At that moment, the Secretary of State Main Johnson, who was sitting to the side with her face crumpled, muttered to herself, "That damn b*stard Hoffman is messing things up."

"I'd like to say something." This time, Turkish representative Minister Rushti Jenkin raised his hand.

"Please go ahead."

"The Turkish president also thinks that this proposal is a serious matter and that it should only be addressed by the regular board of directors. As such, Turkey agrees with Minister Hoffman's request as well."

"I'd like to say something too." This time, Spanish representative Minister Pablo Sanchez raised his hand.

"Minister Sanchez, please proceed."

"Thank you, Chairman! I agree that it is a serious matter, but I do not believe it is necessary to transfer it to the regular board of directors as one day is more than enough to reach an agreement with the country's leader. As a result, I oppose the transfer to the regular board of directors and ask that the votes be held as scheduled."

"Italy agrees with that as well. Do we have to go to the regular board? What is the CEO board for if it cannot decide on issues like this?"

The Spanish and Italian representatives openly expressed their opposition to the transfer even before the official vote on the motion. Minister Johan Hoffman responded by raising his voice and saying, "No! Do you realize the significance of this proposal? It is extremely serious, and it has the potential to escalate into World War III. Is there anything more serious than this?"

"Minister Hoffman! Isn't that an overly extreme way of thinking? It's not like many countries will clash—only Korea will have to face off against the others," responded Minister Pablo Sanchez indifferently, as if nothing could happen.

"Three years ago, the Republic of Korea emerged victorious from wars with China, Japan, and the United States. It is not a country to be underestimated."

Secretary of State Maine Johnson, who had only been listening, quietly opened her mouth at that moment, "May I say something, Chairman?"

"Well, if it's related to the proposal, please go ahead."

"Yes, thank you."

After bowing slightly, she turned her head and looked at Minister Johan Hoffman and said, "A few moments ago, Minister Hoffman stated that the United States also lost the war against the Republic of Korea, which is incorrect. To attain world peace, the United States signed a peace treaty with the Republic of Korea to prevent the war from escalating. As a result, I'd like to go over this section thoroughly. Even though our country suffered significant damage on the mainland, we only agreed to sign the peace treaty for the sake of world peace. Three years later, however, the Republic of Korea is at war with neighboring countries once more. As a result, the Republic of Korea can be regarded as the main culprit that threatens global peace and causes war. For this reason, my dear EU member states I'm proposing the same proposal as yesterday."

As soon as she sat down after finishing her words, Turkish representative Minister Rushti Jenkin immediately objected, "Wasn't China the cause of the war three years ago? Furthermore, it was Japan that formed an alliance with China and attacked the Republic of Korea—the same way that Russia started this war. The same is true for New China. Isn't that correct? Please refrain from stating misleading facts, Secretary Maine Johnson!"

"Did you say misleading facts?"

"Yes, you shouldn't be spreading false information when it's obvious it isn't."

"Haha, seeing how you're getting worked up defending South Korea, Turkey appears to have received a lot from them."

"What? You should not say words that do not make any sense."

"Looking at your rage, I'm guessing you received a lot?"

In the past, Turkey could not even talk to the United States, but it is now a proud member of the EU, and it has recently grown significantly economically and militarily with the help of various subsidies from the Republic of Korea.

"Well, it is not good to be arrogant, Secretary of State!"

"Arrogant? What exactly do you mean? On the contrary, Turkey appears to have become arrogant?"

<Tack! Tack! Tack!>

"Stop! Stop! Stop, please." Chairman Maris Felsix tapped on the gavel and put a stop to the conversation when the words between them became too harsh.

"Two of you! Calm down. We're in the middle of a meeting. Do you understand?"

"Chairperson! Before the mood in the meeting room worsens, I would like to request that the motion on the proposed transfer be voted on first."

Chairman Maris Felsix secretly directed her gaze to Secretary of State Maine Johnson and shook her head as if there was nothing she could do in response to Minister Johan Hoffman's words.

As a result, Minister Maine Johnson's expression darkened.

"Now! First of all, we will vote on the motion to transfer the proposed case to the regular board of directors. Raise your hand if you agree with this."

As soon as Chairman Maris Felsix stopped speaking, the ministers began raising their hands. Watching this, Secretary of State Maine Johnson shook her head.

There were ten out of the 30 representatives who had their hands raised and the motion was passed in less than three minutes.

"I will announce the results of the motion. A total of 10 people have voted in favor of the transfer of the proposed agenda to the regular board of directors, so I declare that the motion has been passed."

<Tack! Tack! Tack!>

As soon as Chairman Maris Felsix hit the gavel three times, Secretary of State Maine Johnson kicked her seat and left the room.

"Now that the proposal has been transferred to the regular board of directors, representatives of member states please deliver the results."

According to EU regulations, a board of directors was supposed to be convened within a month if the proposal was transferred to the regular board.

"After checking the schedules of the leaders of each country, the regular board of directors will announce the date of the event tomorrow afternoon. If you don't have anything else, I'll wrap up the CEO's board's second meeting."

<Tack! Tack! Tack!>

* * *

January 9th, 2024, 22:00 (Latvia time: 15:00)

VIP reception room, EU headquarters, Riga, Latvia

Secretary of State Maine Johnson, who left the conference room in anger, was on the phone. "I'm sorry. I did my best, but Germany interfered with it…

"Yes, I see.

"Then, I'll hang up now."

Secretary of State Maine Johnson, who was on the phone with her head bowed as if speaking with a superior, threw her smartphone onto the table and buried herself on the sofa when the call ended.

"I can't believe I screwed up so badly."

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. In fact, at today's second meeting of the CEO's board of directors, it would have been passed by more than half of the votes.

With the exception of Germany, France, and Turkey, she had already worked on all of the other countries. They were naturally appeased after receiving an irresistible bribe.

After the meeting, Chairman Maris Felsix entered the VIP reception room. "What happened?"

Secretary of State Maine Johnson became enraged as soon as she saw the chairman, Maris Felsix, who sat on the sofa and responded, "I'm sorry. I never thought that the German representative would go in that direction."

"As chairman, you should have expected that much."

"So far, the CEO's board has never submitted an agreement to transfer the proposal to the regular board."

That was a fact. No matter how serious the proposals were, the CEO's board has made all decisions so far as transferring the proposed case to the regular board of directors could be interpreted as a renunciation of authority and rights granted to the position of the representatives. Who among politicians would give up the powers and rights that have been bestowed upon them?

For that reason, all EU policies and decisions have been made by the CEO's board unless they were proposed by the regular board from the start.

"Chairman! When will you hold the summit meeting?"

"Nothing has been decided yet. According to the rules, it should be held within one month. We will decide and announce the date tomorrow afternoon after checking the schedules of the leaders of each country by tomorrow morning."

"Please hold it as soon as possible."

"When do you want it?"

"The sooner, the better. I hope it will be held within a week."

"A week? Secretary of State Johnson! 30 countries are members. And because the heads of the 30 countries have busy schedules, it will be difficult to hold the event in a week."

"No. You must hold the regular board meeting within a week and pass the proposal."

"Oh, my."

"Chairman, shouldn't you do your best when you're given something?"

"What? Hmm."

Chairman Maris Felsix, who coughed several times after Secretary of State Maine Johnson's threatening remarks, took out her smartphone and made a call.

"Yes, chairman!"

"Check the schedules of the leaders of the member countries and adjust the schedule so that the summit can be held within a week."

"What? A week? With the summit meeting being held so abruptly, even if I have to kill myself, it would take at least 20 days..."

"I know that! However, it's extremely urgent, Administrative Secretary! Get it done somehow!"

"Oh, okay."

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