21st Century Goguryeo

446 Season 2 Book 18 Trans-Siberia - 4-1 To Smoke on the Rabbit's Den

December 18th, 2023, 15:00

B2 bunker, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Namjoo (Korea Armed Forces Joint Command and Control Center Situation Room)

On the twentieth day after the outbreak of the Korean-Russian War, 'Operation Triangle Annihilation' was a success in blocking the evasion of the Russian army at the beginning of the war, leading to a full-scale occupation of Siberia.

First, the situation on the Western Front was a confrontation between the two countries at the border. The Russian army tried to establish a fixed front at the current location with the 29th Army forces surviving the battle centered on the Red Panzer Corps, which had not been engaged in direct engagement until now. Now, it could not stand until the reinforcements of the subordinate units of the 36th Army came, and after making great sacrifices, it crossed the Min River again, and it felt the humiliation of retreating to the other side of the border.

However, the 29th Army Patriarch and the Red Armored Corps arrived with some reinforcements of the 36th Army and joined the 41st and 2nd armies of the Central Army. From the northern border of Mongolia to the northern front border, it spread out in all directions and was reorganized into a large army which was higher than the military level. The ground forces alone consisted of 200,000 troops.

Accordingly, to deal with the large Russian army of 200,000, the Republic of Korea Armed Forces centered on the 30th Mechanized Infantry Division (Pilseung) belonging to the 7th Mobile corps and the 5th Armored Division (Key) of the 6th Corps, the 28th Light Armored Infantry Division (Invincible Typhoon), the 7th Panzer Division (Chilseong) of the 2nd Corps, and the 81st Mechanized Infantry Division (Haemosu), a unit under the direct control of the 5th Army, joined the border defense line and strengthened their forces.

The 65th Light Armored Infantry Division (sunset), which had retreated to Hulunbeier, was quickly reorganized and re-entered the front line on December 5th.

Although the first line of defense was established with two armored divisions, two mechanized infantry divisions, and two light armored infantry divisions, it tried to fill the gap in the ground forces with the air force. Accordingly, the 38th Fighter Wing from Liaodong (Shenyang), the 17th Fighter Wing from Ansi (Ansan), and the 16th Fighter Wing from Yecheon was designated as the priority wing for air support on the Western Front so that air firepower could be provided 24 hours a day.

The situation on the second northern front was not a situation in which either side had the upper hand as it had been struggling with strength in the border area since the beginning of the war. Due to the cold winter weather and difficult mountainous regions, the evasion of subordinate units of the 36th and 35th Army was slow, and on the contrary, the Republic of Korea Armed Forces protecting the northern front was mostly organized into the Gyeonggap Mountain Division, a specialized mountaineering unit that could be defended easily. However, it was possible to defend, but the evasion for counterattack was not strong enough, so it had been focused on defending the border until now.

Finally, the Eastern Front ran very differently as compared to the situation at the beginning of the engagement. At the beginning of the war, the four Airborne Strike Divisions of the 2nd Rapid Response Army occupied Khabarovsk through covert airborne infiltration, followed by the success of the 'Operation Triangle Annihilation' to destroy the 5th Army.

On December 2nd, the 102nd Armored Brigade (Sunrise), a unit under the direct control of the 8th Corps, successfully defeated and captured the garrison in Vladivostok. Accordingly, the four rapid response divisions of the 2nd Rapid Response Army, which started in Namjoo, one of the main forces of the occupation of Siberia, quickly destroyed the 5th Army garrisoned in Primorsky Territory, in the vicinity of Vladivostok, Artyom, Ussuriysk, and Spa. They occupied Skdalny and Arseniev one after another, and after the occupation of Arseniev, they changed the route toward the west coast of Primorsky Krai, and began the northward march of a long 2,000 kilometers, starting with Kavalerovo.

They were now headed to the vicinity of Chumikan, a small city with a population of 1,800, facing the Utsukaya Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk.

In addition, the four airborne strike divisions, which were the cornerstones of the 'Operation to Annihilate the Triangle', took over Khabarovsk, Vyazemski and Birobijan, which they occupied on December 10, to the 82nd Panzer Division (Balhae) and the North Manchurian National Guard. To be used in the Ulan-Ude airlift operation, which would be the front line with Russia in the future, they briefly moved to Gangmyeong (Harbin) and had time to reorganize.

On the other hand, on December 7, with the success of the destruction of the Sakhalin landing operation, the 68th Corps belonging to the Eastern Military District of Russia was annihilated.

In addition, the 7th Operational Corps, which is the main division of the Siberian occupation unit, and the subordinate unit, the Water Armored Division (Mengho), and the 77th Mechanized Infantry Division (Kukjin), which was additionally organized at the end of 2022, expanded the occupied area by heading to the east, north and west from Khabarovsk. The 20th Armored Division (battle) which raised the record of the great victory against the 81st Pro-Crisis Armored Division and the 70th Vehicle Infantry Division, crossed the border and occupied Dalneretchensk.

Afterward, it moved north along the border and occupied cities along the way, such as Guberovo, Rochecrusk, and Vikin. After joining the 77th Mechanized Infantry Division (Kukjin) and occupying Amursk and Komsomolskamure on December 15th, all units of the 7th Mobile Corps joined and crossed the Khabarovsky Frontier and blocked the front of Javatinsk. It was preparing to cross the Bureya River.

As the 5th Army, which was responsible for defending the Primorsky Territory and Khabarovsky Territory, had been destroyed, the 7th Mobile Corps was able to occupy it without much resistance.

At the time when the 'Operation of Siberian Occupation' had occupied a quarter of the targeted territory, the 7th Mobile corps was preparing to cross the Bureya River, which would be a watershed and the beginning of a full-scale engagement of the 'Operation of Siberian Occupation'.

In the snowy plains and hills beyond the Bureya River, the 21st SS and 67th Vehicle Fire and Rifle Division, the 265th Vehicle Fire and Rifle Division, the 266th Vehicle Fire and Rifle Division, the 128th Machine Gun Division and the 35th Army Direct Helicopter Regiment, tried to attack when the 7th Mobile Corps attempted to cross the border after completing all preparations.

As such, the strength of the 35th Army against the 7th Mobile Corps was higher than that of the corps in terms of size, however from their point of view, it may not have been enough as the 7th Mobile Corps had the world's most powerful armored forces. No, it could hurt their pride.

The width of the Bureya River was as wide as 200 to 550 meters. Accordingly, the 7th Mobile Corps was scheduled to cross the river quickly by selecting the eight shortest rivers.

All C-3A1 white tiger tanks of the 20th Panzer Division (decisive battle) and the 7th Capital Armored Division (Mengho) were in a large-scale formation and were deployed forward, and the 7th Artillery Brigade and each division's artillery brigades also poured large-scale firepower. As time passed, various engineer armored vehicles of each division engineering battalion started maneuvering toward the Bureya River, with the 7th Engineer Brigade (Taeguk) under the direct control of the corps in the rear as the main axis.

These scenes were captured from the Apollo satellite and projected on the Joint Chiefs of Staff screen in real-time.

"This is a report from the 7th Mobile Corps headquarters. Based on local time, it is a report that the Doha operation will start in the next three hours."

Chairman Shin Sung-yong of the Joint Chiefs of Staff checked his watch.

"If it is the local time, then it's 6 o'clock in Korean time!"

During wintertime in Siberia, the sun sets as early as 6 p.m., and the surrounding area becomes dark. It was natural to start at night because it was a Doha operation and was a considerable risk for the 7th Mobile Corps, which had superior night vision equipment. Therefore, it would be best to do it under the most favorable conditions.

"Great! General Yang!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

"Call the Air Force Command in advance and tell them to check it again."

"Yes, all right."

Currently, the 201st Fighter Squadron of the 10th Fighter Wing, Mangyong (Jilin) has been on standby since daytime to provide aerial cover for the 7th Mobile Corps' Doha operation. In addition to air cover, eight goshawk bombers were each waiting in large eagles with bombs in the internal armament chamber to carry out large-scale bombings.

* * *

December 18th, 2023, 17:00 (New China Time 16:00)

Soap Hotel, City Hall District, Beijing, New China (Room 501)

In room 501 of Soap Hotel, which was only 2.4 kilometers away from the Central Office of the Communist Party of China, Namgoong-won and Shin Eun-ha, Chief of External Information Team 1 and 3, pretended to be a young couple in disguise.

Exuding a nuance as if they were on a honeymoon, they toured the surrounding area during the day and were busy getting ready for their mission in Room 501 at night. Today was an important day to begin the work they had been working so hard for every night.

"This is Mandarin Duck. Alpha Zero, everything is ready."

"This is Alpha Zero, standing by at the current location! The rest of the alpha respond. Over!"

"This is Alpha One, current location is secure! Over!"

"This is Alpha Two, current location is secure! Over!"

"This is Alpha Three, current location is secure! Over!"

"This is Alpha Four, current location is secure! Over!"

"This is a Mandarin Duck! Cue in exactly one minute! Over!"

Namgoong-won, who ended communication with the Foreign Intelligence Unit 1 and the agents through silent communication in the hotel room, approached Shin Eun-ha, the Chief, who was checking on something in the living room.

"Are you done checking?"

"Yes, Manager!"

"It starts in a minute. Go out first and grab the elevator!"

"Yes, all right."

At the same time as the answer, Chief Shin Eun-ha opened the door and went outside, and Manager Namgoong-won sat on the sofa wearing a pair of transparent plastic gloves. On the table in front of him was a Chinese-branded Huawei laptop.

Namgoong-won, who interlocked and released his hand, looked at his wristwatch, waited for a moment, and then began to type on the laptop's keyboard quickly.

Namgoong-won, who hit the keyboard with lightning-like movements, finally pressed the enter key, got up from the sofa, and left the hotel room. Then, he took the elevator, which was being held by Chief Shin Eun-ha, went down to the lobby on the first floor, and immediately exited the hotel to the street outside.

The two entered the alley behind the hotel as if they knew where they were going. This was a blind spot without a CC camera. The couple looked around to check on their surroundings and quickly activated the TCS (Transparent Concealment System) mode to hide, escaped into the opposite alley, and boarded the opened black van.

After a while, the doors of the black van closed quietly and drove down the road.

At the same time, in the coffee shop of the hotel's lobby, Chief Park Gi-oong and agents of Alpha One were waiting in disguise, pretending to be businessmen. Outside the lobby, team leader Yoon Tae-jin of Alpha Two and agents were waiting in TCS mode. Three Alpha Three agents were also waiting in TCS mode in an underground parking lot, while four Alpha Four were waiting in their vehicles across the hotel. They were tasked with chasing after the Black Tiger gang's vehicles and security personnel vehicles.

Foreign Intelligence Unit 1 and the agents looked around to make sure they didn't miss a single thing while trying to look as if they were waiting for someone.

At this time, a silent communication from Namgoong-won, who was in the black van, was communicated to all the agents.

"In 10 minutes at the earliest! 15 minutes if they're late. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so please chase them closely. Over"

After boarding the black van, Namgoong-won, who took off his disguise of a wig and beard, ended the communication while looking at the screen of another laptop in the van.

In the living room of room 501, Namgoong-won had executed the program on Huawei's laptop, which ran the backdoor that was installed at the time of hacking the server of the external network in the president's office previously. But today, it worked so that the server security staff responsible for server security would be notified immediately.

Namgoong-won looked at his laptop screen and smiled. Even if he couldn't see what was happening, he could imagine what was going on. Currently, the security staff of the external network server in the president's office was likely in a state of chaos when a hacking attempt was detected.

"They must be very busy!"

Finally, Namgoong-won's carefully thought-out plan – 'Operation to Smoke the Rabbit's Den' – which took five days to prepare for has begun.

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