21st Century Goguryeo

438 Season 2 Book 18 Trans-Siberia - 1-1 Execute One As a Warning to Others

December 6th, 2023 21:20 (Macao time 20:20)

At an accommodation in Macau Special Area, Republic of China

"After checking all CC cameras at the Venetian Hotel from the headquarters, we confirmed that Jjangcheon entered the VVIP room at the time we were monitoring two hours ago. In addition, information has been confirmed that $100,000, transferred from Qingdao's Boss, was withdrawn from the bank teller in the VVIP room. In other words, it was clear that Jjangcheon is currently in the VVIP room."

Cybersecurity Division 4 had secured control over the guests' personal information and various operating systems by hacking all the computer systems of the Venetian hotel. Since then, as Jjangcheon's photos have been secured, the information that finally confirmed that Jjangcheon was staying in room 2015 and had left his room and moved to the VVIP room 20 minutes ago was sent to the Department 1 of External Information by analyzing CC camera images taken so far.

"Manager! If Jjangcheon is staying in room 2015, why don't we infiltrate and wait and arrest him quietly?"

Chief Yoon Tae-jin, who was listening to a brief on Jjangcheon, raised his hand and expressed his opinion.

"Well, I think that's the easiest way, as Chief Yoon said, but according to information from the headquarters, it is the last day that Jjangcheon will be staying here at the Venetian Hotel. What if Jjangcheon plays until dawn and checks out? Shouldn't we be ready for unexpected situations like this?"

"He has played the game until dawn. Will he check out without a break?"

Manager Lee Ja-sung, who saw the wristwatch, nodded and answered Chief Yoon Tae-jin's additional question.

"Team 1 is infiltrating room 2015, so let's wait and decide."

After a few minutes, communication came from Yang Jung-seok, deputy manager of the first team who succeeded in infiltrating room 2015.

"This is Deputy Manager Yang. We've currently infiltrated room 2015!"

"What is the outcome?"

"I've been searching with Chief Kang but there's nothing much here. I think he has carried out the important luggage."

"Great! Let's withdraw and move towards Chief Park Gi-oong!"

"A minimum amount of money is needed to enter the VIP floor. I can't just walk in."

"Are you listening, Chief Park?"

"Yes, manager!"

"Release the special expenses!"

"Yes, all right."

"From now on, we will establish an operation against Jjangcheon, so Team 1 please listen in silent communication mode."

"Team 1 switch transmission mode to silent communication."

After ending the communication, manager Lee Ja-sung turned to the team members sitting in the living room again and continued the meeting.

"According to the results of team one's confirmation of Jjangcheon's room, it seems difficult for Chief Yoon to carry out the plan he wants."

"Then how about waiting in the underground parking lot or lobby?"

"That's one way, too, but it's also likely that we might miss him. I want to make perfect use of this opportunity. It might be dangerous but I want to infiltrate the VVIP room and catch him."


Chief Yoon Tae-jin, who knew what Manager Lee Ja-seong's intentions were, immediately nodded and answered.

"Now then, I will tell you about the operation to arrest Jjangcheon. Deputy Na! Show us the hotel floor plan!"

"Yes, Manager"

When Na Sung-yul, deputy director of Team Four, tapped the keys on the keyboard of the laptop connected to the hotel TV, a 3D rendering of the hotel drawing appeared on the screen.

"Now! As you can see from the rendering, there are a total of four routes that lead to the VVIP room. One is an elevator in the main hall, another elevator connected to the sky lounge, and two emergency stairs on the left and right. According to the headquarters' confirmation, the two emergency stairs are completely closed except during a fire or an emergency. In other words, it seems impossible to infiltrate via those exits."

As Lee Ja-sung continued to explain, the two emergency stairs marked in the 3D format turned red.

"The route of infiltration to the VVIP room will be by the central hall elevator. After arresting Jjangcheon, immediately take the elevator across the sky lounge to the rooftop and leave by the sky bus. Next, let's move on to the details. The team that will be infiltrating the VVIP room is..."

* * *

December 6th, 2023 23:30, (Macau time 22:30)

Sands Cotai Venetian Hotel Casino, Macau SAR, Republic of China

"Alpha four! Have you secured the hotel control system?"

"This is Alpha Four! We have secured all control rights, including lighting, elevators, CC cameras and doors. Also, I'm looking at everyone through the CC camera, so just tell me."

"Okay, Alpha Four! Stand by! Alpha Zero! What's going on now?"

"This is Alpha Zero! We're ready to go! It takes five minutes to reach the target point."

"Okay. If I hit standby, head out."

"This is Alpha Zero. Okay."

"Alpha two! Do you have a location?"

"This is Alpha Two! All agents are monitoring from their positions!"

"Okay! The mission begins now. Don't let your guard down until you complete your mission."

Manager Lee Ja-sung, who was looking around the VIP floor in special glasses that looked like regular glasses and a clean suit, checked the current situation of each team through voiceless communication. Near the main hall elevator, Chief Park Gi-oong and his team members were waiting in TCS mode.


The elevator connected to the VVIP floor came down to the VIP floor and a group of tourists got off the elevator. Manager Lee Ja-sung, who was watching this with a sideways glance, headed to the elevator.

"Wait! Let me check your membership."

The VIP floor manager stopped a man who he had seen for the first time and asked him for his membership.

"Are you new?"

Manager Lee Ja-sung made a sly face and asked back in English.

"What? What do you mean by a new employee? I've been working here for over five years."

"Is that so? I asked because you didn't recognize me."

"Sir! I'm sorry but I've never seen you before. Please show me your membership."

"Oh! I left to come here on a business trip in a hurry and forgot to bring my membership card."

"Sorry. You can't go to the VVIP room without a membership."

At the manager's words, two other security staff approached him and blocked him.

"You are being too cautious. Can't you just check my membership number? It's not just once or twice. Do you always treat guests like this when I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every time I come here?"

When Lee Ja-sung questioned him angrily, the manager looked a little embarrassed and took out the tablet.

"I'm sorry. Can I have your membership number?"


The manager, who entered the given to him by manager Lee Ja-sung on the tablet, was surprised and soon smiled brightly.

"Oh! I'm sorry. James Hong! I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you."

The manager bowed his head to greet him as a sign of apology.

External Intelligence Team 1 and 4 had infiltrated the Venetian VVIP member computer network and inserted a virtual person before starting the operation.

"That's okay. It's your job and these things happen. I can go, right?"

"Yes, get in the elevator."

An elevator door opened when a security employee pressed a button on the terminal he was holding in his hand. Manager Lee Ja-sung, who was about to get in the elevator, turned around and called out to the manager. Then, he gave Alpha Four instructions through voiceless communication.

"Excuse me, manager."

"Alpha four! Control the elevator door!"

"Yes, controlling the elevator door."

The manager approached as he answered.

"Yes, sir?"

"I think I've caused some trouble being without my membership card, so have dinner with other employees later with this."

Manager Lee Ja-sung flicked $1,000 at the VIP floor manager.

"Oh! Thank you. I wish you all the best today."

"Luck? Haha, I am wasting the same amount of money as an apartment every time I come here."

The manager, who received $1,000, was in a good mood and trembled with a sigh of relief.

"You're going to win a lot today. I guarantee it. Haha."

"Thank you for even saying it. See you later."

Chief Park Gi-oong and his team members, who were waiting in TCS mode while the elevator door opened and Lee Ja-sung and the VIP floor manager were talking for a while, quickly got into the elevator. When the conversation ended, Manager Lee Ja-sung got on the elevator and instructed Alpha Four again through voiceless communication.

"Alpha Four! Release the control!"

"This is Alpha Four! I'll release the control."

The door closed and the elevator arrived at the VVIP room on the fifteenth floor.


When the elevator door opened, manager, Lee Ja-sung, almost opened his mouth without realizing it. The splendid and stylish interior decoration was incomparable to the VIP floor.


On both sides of the elevator door, ten beautiful ladies in short dresses greeted him. It was a wonderful surprise. He was so excited that he felt as if he was in a new world.

"It's different because it's a VVIP room."

It was a situation that called for cries of joy but the manager, Lee Ja-sung, who was carrying out a mission for the Armed Forces, walked forward, looking as calm as possible. Chief Park Gi-oong and his team members carefully got out of the elevator as well and headed straight for the bathroom.

"Alpha four! There are no CC cameras here, so listen and wait carefully.

"Yes, don't worry."

To find Jjangcheon, manager Lee Ja-sung naturally walked around the VVIP room with a complimentary glass of whiskey.

In the 300-acre VVIP room, more than 300 guests were having fun playing games in various rooms. There may have been no CC cameras in sight, however, whether it was for surveillance purposes or the safety of VVIP, there seemed to be more than 100 men who appeared to be security staff.

A while later, Chief Park Gi-oong and his teammates, emerged from the bathroom, dressed in neat suits and walked around the VVIP room naturally.

"Alpha One! We got out of the bathroom. From now on, we will be aiming the target."

"Alpha One! Don't act too hastily. Slowly play the game and only strike while acting as naturally as possible."

"Alpha One, check!"

About 30 minutes later, a member of Alpha One, Gangwon Il, sent a voiceless communication with a rather nervous voice.

"This is Alpha One. Alpha three! I think I found it. It is the fifth roulette game room in the direction of 3 o'clock from the main hall."

"Alpha One. This is Alpha three! Don't approach him. Just watch him while playing at another table. Alpha One! Alpha One is approaching. Over!"

"Alpha One. Confirmed! Over!"

"Alpha one, confirmed!"

Chief Park Gi-oong, who was looking for Jjangcheon in the blackjack game room, turned and headed towards the roulette game room. Manager Lee Ja-seong, who was overseeing this mission, went to the roulette game room as well.

"This is Alpha One! Target spotted!"

"I have also spotted the target."

"This is Alpha One! Manager! Shall we start?"

"Okay Alpha One. The rest of the agents, get ready as well!"

"Alpha One, again Alpha Two! All right."

"Alpha One, again Alpha Three! Securing the location."

"Alpha One, again Alpha Four! All right."

Jjangcheon placed $1,000 on red 25 and black 10 on the roulette table and drank the whiskey he was holding.

When the other guests were done with their bets, the roulette board began to turn.


A small ball bounced off the spinning roulette wheel and danced. Soon after, the roulette wheel stopped, and the small ball landed on red 25.

"Ahaha! Yesterday's bad luck is coming back today!"

In just one round of roulette, Jjangcheon received 35 times his bet and earned $34,000 excluding the money he lost.

"You punk! You make money so easily."

Manager Lee Ja-sung, who didn't know how much money Jjangcheon had lost, watched a happy looking Jjangcheon, from the side. Chief Park Gi-oong, who was standing opposite, was also looking at Jjangcheon with a gloomy look.

At the time when Jjangcheon put $1,000 on the betting board and took a deep breath, Manager Lee Ja-sung and Chief Park Gi-oong exchanged looks and nodded.

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