21st Century Goguryeo

414 Season 2 - Part 17 Advance and Defense - 1-2 Advance!

November 26, 2023, 02:50 (Russian time 20:50)

Russia Moscow bunker state R-13 (Operation Room)

As time passed, President Putin's expressions got darker as he watched the battlefield situation around the border on various screens in real-time.

This was due to the Russian military's unfavorable situation on the eastern front in comparison to the western and northern fronts.

The main forces of the eastern front were on the verge of being completely destroyed by the tactical weapons of the South Korean Army and the 81st Armored Division. The 70th Motorized Infantry Division, which was advancing from the southern end, was also blocked by the 20th Armored Division.

President Putin, who would usually be criticizing the commanders of the General Staff at any other time, quietly got up and left the operation room. His brow was furrowed and a dark expression appeared on his face.

Following the annihilation of the Far East Fleet, President Putin delegated all powers to the Chief of the General Staff to boost Russian army morale.

"Request a video call to the president of New China right now."

President Putin, who entered the presidential office of the underground bunker, shouted at the secretary.

"Oh, Mr. President! It's 1 a.m. in China."

"Does it matter? When world leaders need to make a decision, time is irrelevant. Request for one right now!


Secretary Hoel Aguilar, who was on duty, took a rigid stance due to the criticism and replied.

"Keep trying until you get connected to that freaking president."

After giving the order, President Putin entered his office, sat down on the sofa, and put a cigarette in his mouth.


President Putin focused his gaze on the video conference phone while smoking his cigarette.

After a while, the secretary's voice came out through the intercom.

"Well, Mr. President! They responded that the President has gone to bed, thus they would not be able to connect him right away."

Typically, secretaries from both countries would schedule a time in advance and then connect to the line to request a video call. However, ignoring the usual practice and requesting a direct connection showed how urgent this situation was.

From the perspective of Russia, the situation was urgent enough to disregard their usual practice. However, from the perspective of New China, this was not the case.

"Keep asking until it's connected!"

President Putin, who had expected this response, screamed at the intercom before hanging up.

Annoyance was evident on the face of Secretary Hoel Aguilar.

"Ha! That is right! What are you doing? Try contacting the presidential office again, and if that fails, try contacting our embassy in New China. Use whatever means necessary. We must contact them as soon as possible."

Secretary Hoel Aguilar gave instructions to the staff who were looking at him.

* * *

November 26th, 2023, 03:00

12 kilometers west end of Soyangsan Mountain (Limenmin) in Namgang-do, Bukmanju (The 20th Armored Division)

The 26th Tank Battalion had received the charging order! The battalion's C-3A1 White Tiger tanks, which had not yet been hit, had sprinted forward while maximizing their engine output. They then trampled on enemy tanks, armored vehicles and Russian infantry who were attempting to fire anti-tank guided missiles.

The intercepting 25-millimeter laser, which was not available during the First Northeast Asian War, performed admirably, even charging into the core of the enemy formation. It was capable of intercepting not only 16MJ railgun metal bullets but also a variety of anti-tank guided missiles and artillery shells.

Besides, the FAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon attack chopper, which is equipped with DIRCM (Directional Infrared Countermeasures) that could neutralize various anti-aircraft weapons and launch several heavy weapons on the ground, also played a significant role.

Sergeant Kim Young-joo, commander of the 712th tank of the 26th tank battalion, moved into the middle of the enemy armored unit, set the target with a microscope, and spoke excitedly.

"Hey! This is filled with targets. Destroy them without remorse, Sergeant Yeom!"

The 712 main gun tower continued to rotate around without stopping, aiming for enemy tanks and armored vehicles, following Sergeant Kim Young-joo's target setting.

Bark! Bark!

The Kurganets-25 armored vehicle was turned over to the side bursting into flames after being hit on the side by a single photon shot that had just been fired. The power of photons to be processed remained even after the armored vehicle was turned over at a close distance of less than 300 meters.

"Yes! Target three!"


At that moment, a laser warning receiver (LWR) alarm rang in 712 tank's interior.

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!

"Corporal Kim! Turn left toward that little hill!"

At Sergeant Kim Young-joo's command, the driver, Corporal Kim Il-su, pulled the driving lever to the left.


The 712 Baekho tank executed a sharp left turn at almost 90 degrees. As a result, the crew's members leaned to one side.

"Hey! Be gentle! I missed the target."

Sergeant Yeom Hoon-gi, who had been concentrating on the next target, looked away for a while.

"Battalion snipers shouldn't complain about moves like this."

Corporal Kim Il-soo joked while moving the steering lever from side to side.

"Hey! What do you mean by battalion snipers? It should be brigade sniper."

"Stop nagging and focus!"

Sergeant Kim Young-joo fired a Black Dragon missile after confirming the laser aiming transmission point on the monitor's digital map.


The S-LLAM 40 Black Dragon missile soared into the sky with a cool launch sound, and quickly lost its altitude and flew to the laser aiming transmission point.


S-LLAM 40 Black Dragon missiles exploded above the heads of infantrymen, who were firing anti-tank guided missiles from behind the parked tanks, causing thick smoke to be released.

Debris capable of transforming a 10-meter radius into a mud field fell on the ground all at once. The Russian infantrymen, who were trying to escape after firing the anti-tank guided missiles, collapsed and vomited blood after being engulfed in it. One of the soldiers was pierced by the Black Dragon missile's hydronium bullet and disappeared without a trace.

In addition, the launched anti-tank guided missiles lost their targets because of the powerful radio disturbance system (SECM), spun around in the sky, and were finally intercepted by a 25-millimeter interceptor laser and exploded in the air.


As such, the 712 Baekho Tank, with significantly improved active defense system performance, mercilessly fired photon cannons at the next targets.

Jjyuung! Jjyuung!

Two enemy tanks that were moving in the direction of 11 o'clock were hit with simultaneous fire.

As a result, all of the medium-sized tanks 2.2 kilometers away in the direction of 2 o'clock were directed at the 712 tank.

Sergeant Kim Young-joo, who confirmed this too late, used smoke bombs that exploded in the sky and covered its surroundings in a cloud of smoke.

The combined smoke bombs, which blocks radio waves, infrared rays, and visible light, quickly covered the 712 tank's surroundings. Furthermore, by increasing the output of the powerful SECM (Radio disturbance system), the T-14B Armata tanks, which were aimed at the 712 tank, lost their target and were unable to shoot immediately as a result.

In order not to waste any time, Sergeant Kim Young-joo reset the preset target settings and began targeting enemy tanks that were aiming at his tank using the microscope.

The inverter vision mode of the microscope for the 712 tank was able to clearly detect enemy tanks and set targets despite the obstruction of the field of view from the smoke bomb.

"Corporal Kim! Turn quickly to the left. Sergeant Yeom, as soon as we get out from the smoke bomb area, immediately hit target one!"

Sergeant Kim Young-joo, who set five targets instantaneously, gave instructions.

"Yes, okay."

"Yes, sir!"

Corporal Kim Il-soo and Sergeant Yeom Hoon-gi responded at the same time, and the 712 tank, which had been temporarily hidden by the combined smoke bomb, moved quickly to the left. The photon cannon, which had been aimed at the enemy tank from the start, exited the smoke bomb zone and began shooting immediately.

Every two seconds, photons were fired on targets one to five. The photons' red particles flashed and smashed the enemy tanks one after the other. The enemy tanks, on the other hand, did not stand still. They returned fire with rail gun metal bullets directed at the 712 tank.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Move into the smoke bomb area again!"

Sergeant Kim Young-joo issued an urgent order and the 712 tank reversed back into the smoke bomb area after being hit by several metal bullets.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

The 25-millimeter laser beams for intercepting mounted on three main turrets was automatically fired.

Three metal bullets were intercepted by the three laser beams. Explosions erupted over the 712 tank's and the enemy tank's midpoint. The remaining three metal bullets also missed the 712 tank, possibly due to the powerful SECM's influence (Radio disturbance system).

"Okay! I'm setting it up again. We will proceed in the same way as before."

Sergeant Kim Young-joo, who quickly set five targets again, swallowed his saliva and gave instructions.

At the same time, a loud engine sound roared from the sky, and a slew of laser beams poured down on the enemy tank.

Two FAH-91SP peregrine falcon attack helicopters with 30-millimeter laser Vulcan cannons turned around and provided fire support as they were about to return to the base after pouring out all the air-ground firearms they had with them.

The unmanned turret of the T-14B Armata tanks was shredded by the 30-millimeter laser Vulcan cannons. Even though there were no casualties because it was an unmanned turret, the rail gun's shooting ability was lost as a result of the destruction of various external optical and electronic equipment.

Black smoke billowed from the shattered optical equipment and penetrated areas. Some tanks could not move as they had lost their mobility.

When all laser bulkhead cells on the two FAH-91SP peregrine falcon attack helicopters were exhausted, they stopped attacking and gradually increased their altitude. Soon after, they switched to flight mode and flew quickly toward the west.

"Thank you so much."

The 712 tank escaped the smoke grenade zone and fired at the enemy tanks, which had already lost their attacking ability after being shot by the unexpected helicopter attacks.

Jjyuung! Jjyuung! Jjyuung! Jjyuung! Jjyuung!

As if it were a practice shot, the 712 tank began shooting at the enemy's tank, which was unable to counterattack.

"Is that included in our attack?"

Sergeant Yeom Hoon-gi asked cheerfully after confirming that the last target had been shattered by a massive explosion.

"Of course! The helicopter attacks were just supportive shots! Those are all ours."

"That's right. Hahaha."

The monitor showed that the 712 tank had hit 21 tanks and 18 armored vehicles. Seeing this, Sergeant Kim Young-joo exclaimed with a big smile.

"So far, we are number one in the brigade! Cheer up! Cheer up! Let's go!"

At that moment, an order had been received through the communication network.

"I'm the company commander! Bombing support was assigned from friendly fighters. Retreat three kilometers to the rear from your current position. I'll say it again. Currently, there will be bombing support from allies. All company tanks should retreat up to three kilometers to the rear from their current location. That's it!"

"What do you mean by retreat, all of a sudden? I just came up. I think we can get rid of all of them without any support."

Sergeant Kim Young-joo expressed his dissatisfaction with the company commander's order, and then he directed Corporal Kim Il-soo to retreat through the tank's communication network.

"Corporal Kim! Do you see the blue marker on the digital map? Retreat to that point. Hurry up."

"Yes, I will."

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