21st Century Goguryeo

390 Season 2 Book 16, Chapter 1-3 The War of Northeastern Asia! - The Burning N

15:40, November 24th, 2023

The East Sea, 43° 20' 20.37" north, 136° 19' 47.79" east, international waters (the location of the Far East Fleet)

Following the words of Lieutenant Colonel Kim Hyuk-min, the tactical control officer, a total of 11 Haesung A anti-ship missiles broke through the Far East fleet's mid-range anti-aircraft network and penetrated into the proximity defense system.

After completing the pop-up maneuver, one Haesung A anti-ship missile, which fell at a frightening speed towards a definite target, struck the center of the Sobremenni-class Vestrasini (DDG-434).

Coo! Bang!

In a momentary explosion, the Vestrasini (DDG-434) with a full displacement of 7,940 tons was bent into a V shape, and then a strange roar that twisted the keel rang throughout the whole ship. Then black smoke rose everywhere with the soaring red flames.

Cooo! Bang!

The explosion did not stop and took place on both sides of the ship. The anti-ship missiles, which were waiting to be launched, seemed to have exploded.

And just like that, as soon as the continuous hitting was all over the width of the Vestrasini (DDG-434), it became tattered beyond recognition, and soon after a second Haesung A anti-ship missile flew towards it, it was quickly sucked into the depths of the sea.

Meanwhile, from the Udaloy-class Admiral Panteleyev (BPK-548), which had been advancing at sea about a kilometer away, a huge cloud of flames rose like a mushroom cloud with sounds of loud explosion. The sailors who had survived the first blast jumped into the sea by instinct to live without receiving any orders to leave.

Captain Marat Izmilov, who was watching from his ship's bridge, clenched his teeth.

"We can't be the only ones who are dying like this. Tell them to fire anything that has finished reloading!"

Unlike Captain Marat Izmilov who was openly expressing his anger, Admiral Valerie Karpin gently closed his eyes and spoke quietly, "What happened to the anti-ship missile we launched?"

At Admiral Valerie Karpin's words, Captain Marat Izmilov approached the telecommunications console and snatched up the communication gear connected to the battle information control office.

"What is going on with our anti-ship missile? Why isn't there any report?"

The angry captain's voice was heard in the battle information control room, which was busy intercepting the Haesung A missiles flying toward the ship.

The startled combat information control officer immediately replied, "I-I'm sorry. The report is late because of the interception situation. Currently, 121 missiles have been intercepted, and only 29 missiles have reached the close range. The types of missiles are 12 Granite supersonic anti-ship missiles and 17 KH-35 Uran subsonic anti-ship missiles."


In response to the report which was way below his expectations, Captain Marat Izmilov punched the top of the communication console.

"Damn it! I can't believe it's only 29 missiles out of 150 missiles. You said there are 17 subsonic missiles?"

"The current Hocula destroyer's proximity defense system is intercepting 100% of the subsonic anti-ship missiles. That is why we should expect the 12 Granite supersonic anti-ship missiles, but the probability is not very high.

At that time, Operation Officer Alexander Kerzakov, who was only watching what was happening in the situation, made positive remarks for the morale of the crew members in the bridge, "Captain! Even if all of our fleet's missiles are intercepted, there are still 98 missiles left, including Kinzal's hypersonic missiles. That is enough missile volume for the destruction of the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla."

While watching the Admiral Panteleyev (BPK-548), which shows now only a part of the mast through the bridge's window, Captain Marat Izmilov briefly calmed down at the operator's words. He sighed and said, "Whoo… Our fleet's revenge should be ended with our fleet's missiles, right?"

"It isn't that there's nothing we can do about it, right? So...," Operations Officer Alexander Kerzakov closed his mouth, his words trailing off as if he understood the captain's feelings.

In the middle of this conversation, the destruction of the Far East Fleet continued. Even the last Sobremenni-class Bezvoyazenenny (DDG-672), which was advancing from the right side of the Admiral Lazarev (CGSN-181), exploded after being hit by two Haesung A missiles.

When the sound of waves tearing the air along with the sound of explosions hit the bridge of the Admiral Lazarev (CGSN-181), various objects in the bridge began shaking.

- Bezboeyaznenyham attack! Bezboeyaznenyham attack!

The operator's voice screaming from the combat information control office rang throughout the bridge on the communication network.

In the meantime, when Alexander Kerzakov ordered a second anti-ship missile attack, it launched supersonic anti-ship missiles reloaded from the Kirov-class and flagship Admiral Lazarev (CGSN-181), the Lider-class cruiser Spiridonov (CGN-902), and the Bezpritzni (CGN-904).

And as soon as the Udaloy-class Civil Vinogradov ship (BPK-572), which was late to reload, was about to launch an anti-ship missile, the entire bridge was blown away by the Haesung A missile that broke through the proximity defense system and exploded. As a result, the anti-ship missile was stopped just before launching and did not accomplish its mission.

Bba- bba- bba- bba- bba- bba- bang! Bba- bba- bba- bba- bba- bba- bba- bang!

Numerous metal bullets fired from the Azark Rail guns on the Lider-class cruisers, the Spiridonov (CGN-902), and the Bezpritzny (CGN-904) decorated the cloudless blue sky.

Several red metal bullets beams were being constantly bent like taffy, following everything. And soon something exploded in the air.

It was one of the two Haesung A missiles aimed at the Bezfritzni (CGN-904). However, the remaining one eventually hitting the helicopter hangar on the ship's side of the Bezfritzni (CGN-904) and exploded. Two KA-28 anti-submarine helicopters flew mercilessly as they were caught up in the explosion.

Numerous fragments flew and the ship was horribly torn that sea water rushed in rapidly. As a result, the Bezfritzni (CGN-904) slowly began to tilt forward.

And either with the captain's order or another commander's order, a pressing voice rang out inside the ship urging everyone to retreat. As a result, many sailors rushed into the sea from the left and right sides of the ship.

But November's north-east sea water is cold. It hadn't even been a few minutes, but all the sailors started showing symptoms of hypothermia and their impending deaths became clear.

While the sailors struggled to survive on the rough waves, the air defense cruiser, the 3rd Lider-class ship Spiridonov (CGN-903), launched a dodging maneuver from the left and right sides and sprayed the Azark Rail gun's metal bullets while attempting to intercept the Haesung A anti-ship missiles. Unfortunately, the missiles finally hit the bridge and the control panel simultaneously.

When the huge explosion broke out at the same time in both places, the 18,000-ton at full-scale Spiridonov ship (CGN-903) started shaking up and down. Then, a blazing high-temperature red flame wrapped around the entire ship. As a result, the crew could not even scream and were burned into a lump of black charcoal, and even the hard steel softly melted in the heat.

Hundreds of crew members' miserable lives ended just like that at that moment, just like those who had committed crimes in their previous lives and had fallen into the fire of hell, and the Spiridonov ship (CGN-903) followed them.

Finally, the last air defense cruiser, the Spiridonov (CGN-903), sank into the sea with a series of explosions and rising black smoke, and all that was left was the flagship of the Far East Fleet and the second Kirov-class ship, Admiral Lazarev (CGSN-181).

As his fleet turned into fire pits one after the other and sank into the cold Northeast Sea, Admiral Valerie Karpin called out Operation Officer Kerzakov in a hoarse voice, "Operation officer!"

"Yes, admiral!"

"Contact the landing ship and ask them to change their route immediately and surrender."

"What? We are surrendering?"

Surprised by the word "surrender," Alexander Kerzakov asked to confirm, but Admiral Valerie Karpin nodded instead of answering. Then, he fixated his eyes on the captain's display.

Currently on the captain's display, anti-ship missiles fired from the Far East Fleet appeared to be marked with a symbol of a blue triangle.

"I hope to see a South Korean destroyer sank by our fleet's anti-ship missiles before I die."

At the words of Admiral Valerie Karpin, Captain Marat Izmilov responded, "Admiral! What do you mean one destroyer? All six ships can be buried."

The captain's words were nothing more than just wishful thinking.

After switching to the pop-up engine, three Haesung A anti-ship missiles, rising above in the sky, rushed toward the last combat cruiser of the Far East Fleet, the Admiral Lazarev (CGSN-181).

A report was urgently posted from the battle information control office.

- Brace for impact! Brace for impact!

At the fourth gate of the Azark Rail gun, metal bullets were sprayed at a speed comparable to the speed of light, but only one succeeded in interception just before the collision, and whether it was bad luck or the poor performance of the weapon fire control system, the remaining two missiles hit the function room and the ship.

Bang! Bang!

The Admiral Lazarev (CGSN-181) was severely shaken by the impact of the first explosion. The crew members in the bridge tried to hold on to all kinds of structures in preparation for the impact, but they were blown in all directions and rolled on the floor at the instant of impact.

Admiral Valerie Karpin also fell on the floor and hit his head against the wall; Captain Marat Izmilov and Operation Officer Alexander Kerzakov were also in the same conditions.

The floor of the bridge was littered with fragments of broken windows scattered chaotically, and the crew's moans and cries could be heard.


"Save, save me!"


Operator Alexander Kerzakov grabbed the console in front of him and struggled to get up to find the admiral. Admiral Valerie Karpin had his head hit on the wall at the back of the bridge and had collapsed.

"Are you okay, admiral?" Operation Officer Alexander Kerzakov, who was struggling to walk, checked on Admiral Valerie Karpin. He looked fine, although a part of his head was injured and some blood was flowing out.

"Ugh! I-I'm fine. What about the Captain?" Admiral Valerie Karpin said and started looking for the captain as he came back to his senses.

"Please wait a moment."

Operation Officer Alexander Kerzakov turned his head around and found the captain among the fallen crew members.

Captain Marat Izmilov was slumped over, his face down on the communication console.

"Captain, are you okay?"

The operational officer, who approached and tried to make the captain lie down correctly, was startled when he saw the captain's face and fell back.

The fragments from the bridge's window were embedded not only in the captain's face but also all over his chest, making a hideous scene. At the time of the explosion, it seemed that he had received a direct impact from the broken window.

"Da-Damn it! Admiral! The captain has been killed."


Admiral Valerie Karpin, who had regained his senses, crawled slowly to the captain and lowered his head when he saw Captain Marat Izmilov, dead and embedded with shards of glass.

"This is the battle information control room! I am a military officer. Please respond to the bridge. Please respond to the bridge." A communication came from the battle information control office.

"What, what? The controller, …, …, did the officer contact you?"

"The controller has been killed. Are you retreating?"

"What do you mean retreat? We have to fight until the end," the operation officer yelled at the communicator.

"But, some systems in the control room are currently out of order. It is impossible to fight back."

"Damn, damn it, wait."

Operator Alexander Kerzakov turned his head and looked at the ship over the broken window.

The blazing red flame soared in a wild dance, and the width of the VSL (vertical launch pad) in the ship was worrisome.

It was just a surrender command. However, only the highest commander in the ship could issue the retreating order.

He approached Admiral Valerie Karpin, who was sitting with his head down without saying a word, and said urgently, "It doesn't look promising anymore. I think it would be a good idea to give the order to retreat before vertical launcher destroyer comes for the ship."

"Yes, retreat, order the entire ship to retreat."

"Yes, sir. Retreat! Retreat! It's an order to retreat."

The crew members at the bridge got up one by one at the commander's order and tried to get out of the bridge, and the communications officer opened the entire communication network of the ship and spread the retreat order to the whole ship.

"It's the admiral's order. All crew members should retreat! Retreat! Retreat immediately!"

"Let's go, admiral!"

Operators Alexander Kerzakov tried to help Admiral Valerie Karpin up.

Admiral Valerie Karpin shook hands with the operations officer and spoke in a sincere voice, "I want to share my destiny with the ship's family. In fact, I would rather see the result of the enemy ship's sinking."

Admiral Valerie Karpin, who was speaking a lot of incomprehensible words, walked slowly, sat on the captain's chair, and fixed his eyes on the captain's display. Fortunately, the screen of the display was still working normally.

"Admiral! You have to leave now."

"Did you not understand what I said? Hurry up and leave with the other crew members."


"Heavens! This is an order. Just leave quickly."

"I'm- I'm sorry, admiral!"


Operation Officer Alexander Kerzakov raised his hand in a final salute to the admiral, wiped the flowing tears on his face with his sleeves, and left the bridge.

"Yeah, you too will go back alive," Admiral Karpin said with difficulty as he watched the retreating back of the operation officer who was leaving the bridge. Then, he turned his eyes to the captain's display again. On the screen, several blue triangular symbols reached close range within the red square dot representing the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla destroyer.

"Cheer up a little bit."

Admiral Valerie Karpin eventually died without seeing the results of whether the Far East Fleet's anti-ship missile managed to attack the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla's Hocula destroyer successfully or not.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Various missiles mounted on the vertical launch pad of the ship exploded. The formidable explosive force blew away the entire bridge.

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