21st Century Goguryeo

386 Season 2 Book 15, Ideology and Justice – 5-4 Siberian wind blade

The Marshall Vasilyevsky (CGN-901), which was engulfed in red flames and emitting black smoke, sank into the cold waters of the Northeast Sea, tilting 50 degrees toward the bow after half of the bow was severed because of the internal explosion.

Admiral Valerie Karpin, who was watching the horrible scene from the bridge of the Admiral Lazarev (CGN-181), turned his head away and bit his lower lip.

"Vasilyevsky has been sacrificed to protect the main vessel."

However, that was the only way.

While they were unable to receive data about the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla, the Far East Fleet's combat information and control rooms were stunned when the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla's anti-ship missiles were fired again. Of course, more anti-ship missile attacks were expected, but the speed with which these missiles were now flying was unbelievable.

The ship-to-ship missiles launched by six Hocula destroyers were hypersonic SSM-1000K Avaris missiles with a range of 450 km and a speed of Mach 10.

In early 2022, the Navy began operating SSM-1000K Avaris missiles, which were operated only by Chungmugong mid-range warships, with two additional launch platforms in the Hocula destroyer.

"18 unidentified missiles! Speed… 57 seconds to reach the main fleet!" the operator of the Spiridonov (CGN-902), who now led the anti-aircraft defense instead of Marshall Vasilyevsky (CGN-901), exclaimed as he reported.

Mach 10 was a terrifying speed, where 250 kilometers could be covered in only 70 seconds. As a result, the Far East fleet had only one chance to intercept.

"How long has it been detected? 57 seconds? Assign four anti-aircraft missiles per target and launch the anti-aircraft missiles as soon as the preparation is completed!" Due to the lack of time, the combat intelligence officer gave a straightforward order.

Consequently, each Far East Fleet ship launched four S-300FM anti-aircraft missiles per target to intercept the anti-ship missiles.

Dozens of white smoke trails roared into the sky from the watershed of the Far East fleet.

The SM-1000K Avaris missile, which flew across the sea surface at an incredible speed of Mach 10, split the calm sea surface in half, causing raging waves.

Simultaneously, S-300FM anti-aircraft missiles appeared one by one through the white clouds and soon began to hit the SM-1000K Avaris missile, which was flying past the water's surface.

The S-300FM anti-aircraft missiles, which were targeting the SM-1000K Avaris missiles, lost their target and crashed into the sea.

Boo! Boo!

Since the S-300FM anti-aircraft missiles were significantly slower than the SM-1000K Avaris missiles, they had failed to intercept the SM-1000K Avaris missiles.

Out of a total of 64 missiles, only eight SM-1000K Avaris missiles were successfully intercepted. The ten surviving SM-1000K Avaris missiles were still flying at an alarming speed toward the Far East fleet.

When the interception rate was less than 50% of the one-time interception opportunity, the commanders and crew members of the Far East Fleet were frozen. However, they immediately launched a close-defense system due to their survival instinct.

Short-range anti-aircraft missiles were ruled out because of the lack of time, and the Azark Railgun was activated immediately.

Babaang! Babaang! Babaang!

Numerous metal bullets flew toward the approaching SM-1000K Avaris missiles with a light firing sound.

However, the SM-1000K Avaris missiles, which were faster than the Azark Railgun, penetrated the Far East fleet.

"Crash! It's collapsing. Get ready for a collision!" such warnings were heard from all of the ships targeted by the Avaris missiles.

Kwaang! Kwaang! Kwaang!

A massive SM-1000K Avaris missile, weighing one ton with a diameter of 700 millimeters and a length of seven meters, flew at Mach 10 and struck the lower part of Admiral Nakimov's bridge (GSN-182).

The incredible Mach 10 speed demonstrated tremendous destructive power. Admiral Nakimov's (GSN-182) bridge, which had a full drainage capacity of 24,300 tons, as well as her upper structures were completely blown away.

The SM-1000K Avaris missile, which had dug deep inside, exploded not long after penetrating. The 252-meter-long Admiral Nakhimov (GSN-182) bent briefly before splitting in two with a massive explosion.

The two parts of Admiral Nakhimov (GSN-182) tilted sharply and were sucked into the sea as dark-red flames scorched from all directions, accompanied by the sound of continuous explosions.

This fate befell the other vessels as well.

The Sobremenny-class Boyeboy (DDG-770) and Bistry (DDG-676) were sunk due to the collision, as were the Udaloi-class Marshall Shaposhnikov (BPK-543), Admiral Triboots, which specialized in anti-submarine warfare, and Ham (BPK-564) became water ghost companions.

In addition, the Rider-class cruiser Otchayani (CGN-903) and the Pater-class amphibious assault ship Oslavia (LST-066) were both hit by two SM-1000K Avaris missiles and vanished without a trace. A few minutes ago, they were sailing at 20 knots, and now, there were only countless pieces of debris floating on the sea.

Fortunately, the fourth Kirov-class ship, the Pyotr Velikii (CGSN-183), intercepted the anti-ship missile with its Azark railgun just before colliding, allowing it to avoid sinking. The SM-1000K Avaris missile, however, exploded too close to the ship. As a result, the Pyotr Velikii (CGSN-183)'s radar and other equipments were damaged.

The Far East Fleet had lost 60% of its power with only two anti-ship missile attacks from the 7th Fleet. It was like being beaten arbitrarily by a blind man.

Admiral Valerie Karpin, who had kept his calm even when the Marshall Vasilyevsky (CGN-901) went down, was overwhelmed by a surge of anger as well as a great sense of fear.

"When will the next satellite be connected, for God's sake? I can't keep getting these kinds of hits!" Admiral Valerie Karpin, who struck the commander's display console with his fist, said while looking at the officer next to him.

To this, Operational officer Alexander Kerzakov checked the time on his wristwatch and answered, "It should have been connected by now."

"Damn! Then what happened to the third Air Force? Haven't they made it out yet?"

Before the start of the naval battle, the Far East Fleet was promised that Su-35 fighter-bombers armed with anti-ship missiles would take off from the 3rd Air Force's Tynda Base.

"There are currently 12 Su-35 fighter bombers in sortie status. However, they also failed to detect the Corean Navy fleet. Therefore, they are currently on standby over Primorsky Krai. Besides, six patrol aircraft of the Corean Navy are currently flying over our skies. "

"Flight on standby? Waiting for the patrol plane to arrive? If they couldn't detect it, weren't they supposed to fly to an approximate location and try to detect it in some way and then firing an anti-ship missile? Pathetic Air Force bastards…," Admiral Valerie Karpin raised one eye in response to Operation Alexander Kerzakov's reply and asked more questions.

Meanwhile, six IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft belonging to the Russian Navy were sortieing out and passing over the Far East Fleet.

According to the current plan, they were supposed to engage in naval warfare with the Corean Navy using radar data provided by the intelligence satellite Bars-M. However, as the connection with the three intelligence satellites was lost for unknown reasons and reports surfaced that the Far East Fleet was being attacked unilaterally by the Corean Navy, the Russian Navy had instead dispatched six IL-39 Sarakov patrol aircraft.

The IL-39 Sarakov maritime patrol aircraft, which had a superior engine and radar performance in comparison with the existing IL-38N May maritime patrol aircraft, emitted powerful radar waves in the direction of the 7th Fleet at an altitude of 10 km.

Following that, 12 Su-35 fighter-bombers, which were flying in the air with two KH-22S Burya, the final version of the long-range air-to-ship missile, on both wings, immediately turned to the Northeast Sea direction and increased its engine power.

* * *

November 24, 2023, 15:10

International waters, East Sea at 43° 1' 17.06" north, 139° 23' 53.69" east (the location of the 7th Maritime Task Flotilla)

In the combat command office of the Gwanghae warship (DDG-1001), the reports on the current state of damage to the Russian Far East Fleet were in full swing.

"Well, the Russian anti-aircraft defense system is better than I thought, with a 40% intercept rate against our Avaris missiles," Admiral Ahn Hyeong-gyun expressed disappointment as he read the various graphs and figures on the small screen on the left side of the large screen.

Tactical controller Kim Hyuk-min, replied to him, "Yes, I was surprised as well. I thought we'd be able to bury them all in the sea."

"Haha, do you think it's just us who are developing military weapons? Russia has also made significant progress in recent years. You should be pleased with the results."

"Do you want us to continue the next attack with Avaris?"

"No, it's a bit of a waste to use that expensive missile on a fleet that has already lost more than 50 percent of its power. Let's go with the Haesung missile. Set two Haesung missiles per target."

"Yes, sir."

The 7th fleet slowly tried to launch the 3rd anti-ship missile attack, after receiving communication that the Alpha Squadron of the first Space Fighter Squadron had shot down all three Russian spy satellites, Bars-M.

At that moment, a new report was received.

"Currently, an unidentified aircraft is detected 320 kilometers behind the Far East Fleet in the northwest! Analysis begins."

"Is it a fighter?"

In response to the question from the Tactical Control Division, the radar technician tapped the keyboard without mercy.

Then he turned his head and answered, "Because of its large radar cross-section, it does not seem like a fighter. Currently being compared with peer identification data! Ah! According to the analysis, it is the IL-39 Sarakov, the most recent Russian maritime patrol aircraft."

"Well, I guess they found out there's a problem with their satellite!"

"Then we should postpone the anti-ship missile attack and deal with this first."

After some consideration, Admiral Ahn Hyeong-gyun decided that the Russian maritime patrol aircraft was his top priority.

"Yes, we'll go into intercept preparations."

"A total of six aircraft, two anti-aircraft missiles from each ship!"

"Since it is over 300 kilometers long, we will use the Sea Dragon missile."

"Yeah, I'll do that."

As soon as Admiral Ahn Hyeong-gyun 's final approval was given, tactical controller Kim Hyuk-min delivered the instructions to the control room.

Twelve GTAS-300 naval anti-aircraft missiles burst into the sky with blue flames, flying to an altitude of 30 kilometers, with a range of 420 kilometers and a speed of Mach 10.

Coooooooooooooooosh! Coooooooooooooooosh! Coooooooosh!

The Sea Dragon surface-to-air missile, which instantly disappeared with a roaring sound, quickly flew at a speed close to Mach 10, drawing a large parabola at an altitude of ten kilometers.

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