21st Century Goguryeo

371 Season 2 Book 15, Ideology and Justice - 2-4 Ideological conflict!

November 18, 2023, 04:50

The second industrial complex in Bukgang-gu, a special economic zone in Hwanghae-do, North State

Oh Ji-wan, who had escaped the National Intelligence Service field agents' pursuit, hid in the second industrial complex five kilometers away.

The second industrial complex was a large-scale industrial complex, following the existing Kaesong Industrial Complex after unification. It primarily consisted of factories that produced daily necessities for North State and contained 300 companies and 1,000 factories.

The field agents from the National Intelligence Service were given the order to arrest Oh Ji-wan, the main suspect in the bombing attack, as well as gather information about the attack.

Outside the second industrial complex, police commandos and investigators had sealed off all exits, while inside, about 100 agents from the National Intelligence Service and the Corean Intelligence Service were conducting searches on each plant using TCS mode.

Manager Lee Ja-sung and Team Leader Park Gi-oong had also entered the factory in TCS mode and found traces of Oh Ji-wan.

- Area A-5 is clear.

Team Leader Park Gi-oong entered the sewing factory, looked around the inside by changing the vision mode of his sunglasses, and shared the gathered information through the communicator.

- Area A-6 is clear, too. Let's move on to the next factory!

- Yes.

Along with Manager Lee Ja-sung and Team Leader Park Gi-oong, around 100 National Intelligence Service field agents were quietly looking for Oh Ji-wan.

On the other hand, Oh Ji-wan entered a factory with mechanical equipment and leaned against the steel structure. He took a short break to replenish his stamina since he had lost energy after two hours of running away.

Because of the darkness, Oh Ji-wan relied entirely on hearing to observe his surroundings, and as time passed, he became more nervous. It was only a matter of time before the sun rose.

"I have to get out of here somehow before I get arrested."

The factory's entrance door opened at that moment. Even though the door was open, no one entered the factory. Oh Ji-wan, who had never expected the National Intelligence Service's field agents to be invisible in TCS mode, fixed his gaze on the entrance door and moved his right hand from his back waistband to draw his pistol and pointed it toward the entrance. But even after a few minutes of waiting, there was not even a shadow at the open door.

"What is going on? Did they just open the door and leave?"

Oh Ji-wan couldn't understand what was going on even after thinking about it, so he decided to get out of here as soon as possible and tried to do so right away.

He thought of using the roof of the factory to escape, as it would reduce the probability of him being caught by the agents.

Thus, he looked at the window, which was on the other side of the wall. He thought it would be safer to use the long wire to reach the window and then climb up to the roof just through the window.

But due to the darkness, it was extremely dangerous to cross to the other side with a wire that was less than 20 centimeters in width. However, Oh Ji-wan leaned down and started to cross with his hands and feet moving slowly.

Sneak! Sneak!

He tried to reduce the noise as much as possible while crossing the wire, and because of his excellent instinctive sense, he felt suspicious for a moment.

There was something just below.

"What's that? What's there?"

He looked down, but nothing was there. His instinctive sense, however, remained suspicious.

At that moment, something sparkled with a small noise, and a blue stream of light poured out, causing him to lose his balance and fall from a height of six meters.



Oh Ji-wan rolled his body as he fell to absorb as much of the impact as possible. He quickly pulled out his pistol and pointed it while kneeling. However, the gun was only pointing at the air.

"What the hell is that? Is it a ghost?"

He was numb and his back was sweating.

Suddenly, a strong impact was exerted onto his neck.

"I got you! Ugh!"

He was taken aback by the sudden attack that he dropped his pistol and fell to the ground. But he quickly regained his senses and attempted to locate his pistol. However, it was too dark for him to find it.

Then the surrounding space got distorted and soon, a doll-like person appeared from nowhere. It was Team Leader Park Gi-oong.

"Oh Ji-wan!"

Oh Ji-wan stepped back in fear when he heard the ghost-like doll calling his name, but he quickly regained his continence and shook his head.

"You punk! Are you a ghost? "

"You're talking about ghosts!" Team Leader Park Gi-oong said in an angry voice while putting his laser pistol back into the holster and took off his sunglasses.

"Do you remember the shooting in Hunan two years ago?"

"Hunan? Ah! I see. The guys who were killed there were NIS agents like you, right?"

The sarcastic answer of Oh Ji-wan angered Team Leader Park Gi-oong, so he took off his top clothes and threw himself over him.

Pack! Pa Pa Pack! Pack!

The battle for life between the two men started as though it was a battle in a martial arts competition. During the fight, fists, kicks as well as Jiu-Jitsu techniques, were used. As a result, the two men's faces became a jumbled mess after a few minutes.

After exchanging fists for a while, Team Leader Park Gi-oong wiped the red blood flowing from his injured forehead with his left hand and began to move his body from side to side to reduce the distance between them.

On the contrary, Oh Ji-wan with his swollen eyelids was having so much fun that he raised the corner of his mouth and told the team leader Park Gi-oong to keep coming at him.

"You are a son of a b*tch, aren't you? Come on!"

"You son of a b*tch. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day to come?"

"How I am supposed to know, you son of a b*tch? Come on."

Shoo! Shoo! Shook!

Park Gi-oong leaned in and threw short, fast punches one after another. Oh Ji-wan avoided the punches by moving his head from side to side and raised his knees to aim at Park Gi-oong's abdomen.


Park Gi-oong blocked his knees attack with both arms and immediately raised his elbows.


Oh Ji-wan's jaw was severely damaged by Park Gi-oong's elbow attack. As a result, several white teeth flew from his mouth with a heavy clunk.

Euk gya gya gya!

The attack knocked Oh Ji-wan off balance and he stumbled back a few steps. He spat out the blood from his mouth and the broken teeth came out.

"You son of b*tch, you are a dead man!"

Perhaps because of his lost teeth, Oh Ji-wan couldn't properly pronounce the abusive language. He stepped in and aimed at Park Gi-oong with his fists.


Oh Ji-wan's fist missed the target and hit the air. Meanwhile, Team Leader Park Gi-oong, who successfully dodged the punch, hit his jaw once again.


The sound of the broken jaw echoed through the quiet factory.

Eu Go Go!

Oh Ji-wan collapsed from the intense pain caused by his smashed jaw; he rolled left and right in horrific pain.

Although Park Gi-oong was injured as well and red blood was flowing down his cheeks, he walked over to Oh Ji-wan, who was struggling to get up after collapsing.

"Hey, you son of a b*tch! This is for Manager Kim."

Park Gi-oong then kicked Oh Ji-wan in his abdomen as hard as he could.

Pook! Pook! Pook! Argh!

Oh Ji-wan threw up the black beans noodles that he had earlier because of the continuous kicks.

"And this is for Assistant Manager Han Kang-il and Chief Jo Dong-hyun."

Park Gi-oong, who seemed to have lost his mind, looked down at Oh Ji-wan with his bloodshot eyes and stamped on his ankles.

Pook! Euak!

Both ankles became deformed and possibly crushed. Oh Ji-wan's screams echoed throughout the factory once more.

"Not over yet, you son of a b*tch! This is for Team Leader Ji Dong-chul!"

Park Gi-oong grabbed Oh Ji- wan's hair with his left hand while holding a screwdriver in his right. Consequently, he raised the screwdriver and attempted to stab Oh Ji-wan in the eye.

"Hey! Team Leader Park! Stop!"

Manager Lee Ja-sung, who had just entered the factory, shouted as Team Leader Park Gi-oong was about to stab Oh Jin-wan's eyes.

"He deserves this much punishment, manager!" Park Gi-oong, who was only thinking of revenge, sobbed and shouted.

"I know! I know. Throw that screwdriver away! This is an order from your superior."


"Listen to me, son of a bitch!"

* * *

November 18, 2023, 06:00

Kaesong University Hospital (Operation Room) in Bukseong-gu, Hwanghae-do, North Korea.

Namgoong-won arrived at Kaesong University Hospital two hours ago and was given the full story by Assistant Manager Huh Sang-man. He was now eagerly awaiting the completion of Manager Lee Hye-jin's surgery.

When Oh Ji-wan escaped through the window on the second floor of the Yongamru building, Assistant Manager Huh Sang-man was more concerned about Manager Lee Hye-jin's condition than about chasing Oh Ji-wan. Thus, he took the emergency measure of evacuating her and accompanied her to Kaesong University Hospital.

"Senior! At least take this...," Assistant Manager Huh Sang-man handed over a cup of coffee from the vending machine with a guilty expression.

"Oh! Thank you, Assistant Manager Huh!"

"I'm sorry, senior. I should have taken good care of Manager Lee."

Namgoong-won responded by lightly slapping Assistant Manager Huh Sang-man on the shoulder and smiling at him. "It's not your fault, is it? There are some unavoidable situations when you do your job. So don't be so harsh on yourself! Otherwise, it would be difficult for you to do a mission like this again. "

"Thank you. For saying that."

Hearing Namgoong-won's encouragement, Assistant Manager Huh Sang-man felt a little bit relieved and drank the coffee with a fake smile on his face.

"By the way, did you catch the guy who attacked Hye-jin?" Namgoong-won drank about two sips of coffee and asked.

"According to the information I received one hour ago, a siege network has been established in the second Industrial Complex in Kaesong and it is under scrutiny."

Namgoong-won finished the coffee, crumpled the paper cup, and asked again after hearing that they had not yet arrested the culprit, "What was his name again?"

"Oh Ji-wan from the Foreign Intelligence Unit 1."

"Oh Ji-wan? I've heard that name before."

"You know him? Two years ago in Hunan, China, Manager Kim Hyun-joon, Team Leader Ji Dong-chul, and two other team members of the Foreign Intelligence Agency died."

"Oh, yeah! I remember now."

"By the way, the surgery seems to be taking a long time."

As worried as Namgoong-won was about Manager Lee Hye-jin, Assistant Manager Huh Sang-man kept looking at his wristwatch while speaking.

"Don't worry! Manager Lee will get through it," Namgoong-won said to console the heart of the subordinate, but in fact, his heart was burning.

"Yes, I really hope so."

As for Manager Lee Hye-jin, the two bullets that hit her chest and abdomen, fortunately, caused only minor abrasions, thanks to the upper protective suit. However, the problem was with the third bullet, which hit her left thigh and penetrated because she did not wear a lower protective suit.

The muscles and bones of her left thigh were shattered. Hence, the surgery took a longer time due to excessive bleeding.

* * *

November 18, 2023, at 09:00

Cheong Wa Dae (Presidential Office) in Jongno-gu, Seoul

Despite President Choo Un-hee's statement to the nation last night, illegal demonstrations still took place in seven states, including North State, in the morning.

Even after declaring a state of general emergency in seven federal states as well as autonomous states, which meant that no protests were allowed and protesters could be arrested immediately under the State General Emergency Act, the protests across the country according to their political tendencies had further disrupted the political situation in Corea.

In Namju, there were two major protests. The first was progressive protesters who were protesting against the chief governor, Ahn Dong-tae, and the use of firearms against people, and the second were conservative protesters who were labeled "rioters" at Pyeong-yang Peace Square yesterday. They demanded to overthrow the unified Corea. As a result, protests of differing views took place in the major city at the same time.

Meanwhile, the Pyeongyang protests had spread to the rest of the North State, with calls to impeach central government officials responsible for the bombings, as well as President Choo Un-hee.

Even though the circumstances surrounding the terror attack had been reviled in the public statement the day before, citizens were misled by distorted information and participated in the protests.

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