Xiao Zimu replied.

He has always despised the kind of bad people, the kind of people who bring about the bad social atmosphere, and cause some people to take the help they get from others for granted, and they should be condemned for not helping.

You need to know that who is obligated to help you?

It's okay to help, and you have to take the benefits you should take, you can take less, but you can't not take them.

"Thank you, brother!".

The girl felt that she had met a savior, so she hurriedly grabbed it, and then said the address, "I'm in Room 302, No. 17, Anfu Community, just notify me when you come, I'll wait for you here at the window, you can see me." "

"I'll be there soon. "

Xiao Zimu sent a voice message to reassure the girl, and immediately packed her things and prepared to go over.

It's just that outside of the peachwood sword, he doesn't seem to have anything to pack up.

Go out and rush to the building where the girl is.


A kilometer away, a few minutes away by bike.

Downstairs on the 17th, Xiao Zimu sent a message to the girl, telling the other party that he had arrived. The girl told him to come to the window.

Xiao Zimu went under the window as he said, and soon a young girl came out and beckoned to him.

Xiao Zimu beckoned, and the girl threw a string of keys down.

Xiao Zimu picked up the key, opened the security door and went upstairs.

The whole building is quiet, and the residents may have gone to work.

However, Xiao Zimu still felt a strange aura, just being in this building, he felt extremely depressed.

This is a peculiar feeling, before cultivating Xuanmen Zhenggang, Xiao Zimu may not be able to feel it, but after cultivating, he has become extremely sensitive, especially to some evil existences.

Xuanmen is upright, it is the right way in the world, and it is incompatible with evil and fire in nature.

Needless to say, there must be an evil in this place, although Xiao Zimu doesn't know what that evil thing is for the time being.

Despite this, until he walked to the third floor, Xiao Zimu didn't find anything dirty.

Something is out of the ordinary, maybe the thing the girl said is hiding?

Along the corridor, he walked directly to the end, and when he arrived at the door of room 302, Xiao Zimu, who was puzzled, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.


door was opened cautiously, and the girl in the jeans cartoon white top poked her head out gently, and when she saw Xiao Zimu, she immediately breathed a long sigh of relief, and said gratefully: "Big brother, thank you for saving me." "

"You're welcome. "

Xiao Zimu humbled for a moment, and then asked, "Where is the dirty thing you said?"

"Don't you see? It's in the hallway. "

The girl looked frightened, and cautiously probed out to look into the aisle. As a result, I was stunned for a moment.

The aisle was empty, and there was nothing.


The girl was surprised and delighted, "Is it leaving?" Big brother, let's go quickly." "


Xiao Zimu has no intention of leaving, the purpose of his coming here is to get rid of the dirty things and obtain mutant energy, and now that the dirty things have not been seen, how can he be willing to leave like this?

So he said, "You can choose to leave." However, don't blame me for not reminding you that you're already entangled in dirty things, you can't run if you want to, and wherever you run, it will follow you until it kills you. "


The girl was immediately frightened, her eyes widened in horror, and she had an expression of disbelief and horror.

Xiao Zimu nodded and asked the girl, "Haven't you heard of folklore?"

This is said, not that Xiao Zimu is deliberately scary.

Legend has it that once you are targeted by the dirty, there are only two results, either get rid of the dirty thing or be killed by the dirty thing, and there is no other possibility.

The girl groaned, and after a moment made a decision, she asked Xiao Zimu, "Big brother, can you really kill it?"

"What do you see dirty, can you describe it to me?".

Xiao Zimu took the opportunity to ask.

The girl recalled in horror, and said, "It looks very strange, short, very thin, but it has a big belly, by the way, have you seen The Lord of the Rings? It's kind of like the grunt in that movie, that is, the belly is big, the tongue is very long, like the tongue of a snake, the saliva drags down, it can hang down to the ground, it smells very bad, it smells from afar." Also, its eyes are bulging, white and large, and there are almost no black eyes. "

It sounds like a starving ghost!

Legend has it that the starving ghost is a thin man, with a huge belly, an unusually long tongue, and a pair of white eyes bulging out, which makes him look extremely disgusting.

"What's your name?".

Xiao Zimu asked the girl casually.

The girl said, "My name is Wang Jing, what about you, big brother?"


Xiao Zimu smiled, "You can call me Brother Mu, Mu Guiying's Mu." "

Xiao Zimu said a pseudonym casually, although the whole world has mutated, and the control of relevant departments has been greatly reduced, but he is still worried that it will be inappropriate if he is too showy and will be targeted.

"Brother Mu. "

The girl Wang Jing screamed sweetly.

Xiao Zimu nodded, "Evil things are all territorial-conscious, that starving ghost must still be in this building, Wang Jing, now I need you to help me find it." "

"But, how do you find it?"

The girl Wang Jing looked ignorant.

"Take me around this building, there's something evil hiding, I'll find out." "

This is not Xiao Zimu's bragging, he who has cultivated Xuanmen Zhenggang relies on his strong ability to sense evil, and after reaching a certain distance, he can indeed discover the existence of evil.

"Okay. "

Wang Jing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as she wasn't allowed to be used as bait to lure the starving ghost out, she wouldn't be overly afraid.

"Let's go. "

Xiao Zimu urged.

So the girl took Xiao Zimu to walk inside the whole building, first went to the first floor, and started from the first floor, looking for the upper floors layer by layer.

The building is not very tall, the rented apartment part is only five floors, and the sixth floor is a duplex, which is occupied by the landlord.

According to the girl Wang Jing, the landlord is an old lady in her sixties, surnamed Chen, whose name is unknown, widowed and widowed, and she can't say how good she is, but she can't say how bad it is, but she is usually cold and rarely interacts with tenants.

When the fifth floor led to the door of the sixth floor, Xiao Zimu suddenly had a spirit.

The temperature here seems to have dropped, more than two or three degrees lower.

It stands to reason that the sun is shining today, and the higher the floor, the warmer it is, why is the temperature here so low?

The Starving Ghost must be on the sixth floor, right in the landlord's house.


Xiao Zimu commanded Wang Jing in a deep voice.

"Tuk Tuk!".

Wang Jing knocked on the protective safety door.

"Aunt Chen, it's me, there's something going on, can you let me in for a while?"

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