When Li Changge heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, and he couldn't help but correct: "Old Li, if you don't understand, don't you talk nonsense? Science is not a great god, it is a way to reveal the laws of nature and explore the philosophy of nature! For example, in farming, if people want to grow crops well, they have to observe the laws of their growth, and under what conditions the crops can grow better, and then create such conditions, and this is the use of scientific methods for farming. Those so-called 'conditions' are the concrete content of science. "

After an in-depth explanation, the faces of Li Er, Du Ruhui, and Li Jing instantly turned red, with a deep understanding in shame.

"Understood, what Childe said is extremely true!".

At this moment, they have only one feeling in their hearts, and that is to feel extremely remorseful for their ignorance.

They used to be self-righteous, thinking that although they were praised by the world, they were actually just mediocre people in front of their sons.

And now, they have completely woken up, and under the light of Childe's wisdom, they and others are simply ...... like uncivilized retards

At this time, only the eldest grandson queen smiled silently, she deeply admired her son's talented demeanor.

Li Changge went on to explain: "The so-called science is actually a method and tool for exploring the world...... As for the one I'm tinkering with right now, it's called fertilizer, but I can't understand it to you. "

Li Er smiled awkwardly and diverted the topic: "Ahem, in fact, I came here today, there is really nothing special, I just came to see you, hahahaha......


Li Changge glanced at everyone and quipped: "If you want to eat, just say it, can I still let you eat it?" This fertilizer is almost finished, let's clean up and get ready to eat! Remember, you are not allowed to serve without washing your hands!".

Soon, everyone sat around the table and enjoyed the teppanyaki feast as usual. Plates of grilled meats, grilled vegetables and a variety of delicacies are served.

Empress Changsun suddenly mentioned the piano fighting conference held in Chang'an City a few days ago.

asked Li Changge with a smile: "I heard that you also participated in that grand event, and were praised by the people as the god of qin and poetry!"

Li Changge responded indifferently: "Oh, that's the case...... Madam, they're exaggerating, but I'm just average. "

Du Ruhui, Li Jing and Wei Zheng looked at each other, and secretly thought in their hearts: What an "average", you are so ordinary, we are all illiterate!

The topic of Empress Eldest Sun did not stop at the piano skills, she asked with concern: "It is said that there were many talented and beautiful women from famous families attending that piano fighting conference, I wonder if the prince has a fancy for which girl?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Er immediately became nervous, this is an important issue related to his son's marriage.

But before Li Changge could speak, Li Jing coughed first and interjected: "Childe's intelligence is outstanding, no one can match, and he is even more skilled in the piano competition, I am afraid that none of the women present at that time can enter the eyes of Gongzi." "

When Du Ruhui heard this, he suddenly remembered that his daughter and niece were also at the scene that day, so he said: "Lao Jin's words are inappropriate, although the son is talented, but he is open-minded, even if no one can compare with him in poetry and qin attainments that day, it is not excluded that there is a woman ...... who makes the son excited."

Li Jing noticed that Du Ruhui had something to say, glared at him, and said solemnly: "Why do you say this? The son's vision is unique and far-reaching, like the spring water released by ice, how can he easily fall in love with an ordinary woman......?

The two instantly confronted each other and started a debate.

After a while, Wei Zheng coughed heavily and reminded, "What are you two discussing by yourself? Madame is asking what Gongzi means!".

Wei Zheng's words made Du Ruhui and Li Jing sober up and realize that they were too keen on matchmaking. Although it was extremely tempting to recruit such an excellent son-in-law, they should still respect Li Changge's own opinion.

Wei Zheng continued: "Speaking of my family, I have a daughter named Wei Zi......".

Li Er couldn't stand it anymore, and interrupted: "Hey, what are you doing with all this nonsense? The point is to ask Gongzi himself what he thinks!".

Li Changge shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "What are you all discussing...... I'm so focused on my career that I haven't thought about marriage yet. Say ...... again


"I've heard that the women at the piano fight that night were all rich or noble, either famous ladies or daughters of families. "

Li Changge said calmly, "There are rumors that the pearls of Lord Du Ruhui and Lord Fang Xuanling are also among them. You say I'm a grass farmer, how dare I climb high? So, I'm just going to join in the fun. "

Li Changge felt that his thoughts were very rational, just like meeting Bai Fumei at school, even if he could win the heart, if he couldn't get the approval of his father, he would end up in nothing. Therefore, he did not think much about that aspect of things, purely for the pleasure of music.

When Empress Changsun heard this, she slapped the table hard, startling Li Er and the others.

They realized that when it came to talking about marriage, Empress Eldest Sun was the key decision-maker.

She said categorically: "What kind of famous family, daughter of a family! Son, who do you like, just tell me, even if you rob it, I will get it for you!"

Li Changge was shocked by her arrogance, but understood that this was just a scene, so he waved his hand and declined.

Li Er saw that Li Changge had no intention of talking about marriage, so he turned to business.

"Childe, I came to you with one more thing to say. "

Li Er mentioned the matter of the telescope, "Do you know what is sacred to this 'science'? Why does it have such great power? In addition, about the telescope......

It turned out that Li Er's trip was to understand the mysteries of "science" and to worry about the safety of the telescope. Having seen the wonders of the telescope last night, he was both excited and afraid, fearing that such an artifact would fall into the hands of the Turks and cause great disaster.

Li Changge was curious about how Li Er learned about the telescope.

Li Er wittily explained that his friend surnamed Chen was a person who couldn't hide secrets, and such a rare thing naturally couldn't help but be shared with others.

Although Li Changge was a little confused, he didn't dig into it and accepted this statement.

Subsequently, Li Er mentioned the safety of the telescope: "You see, this thing can see clearly hundreds of steps away, if it is obtained by the Turks, wouldn't it bring great trouble?"

In this regard, Li Changge nodded approvingly, and emphasized that the military value of the telescope is definitely beyond imagination, and suggested that it be sent to the palace for safekeeping as soon as possible to avoid causing trouble.

Li Er's heart tightened, knowing that the military value of the telescope was huge, and having it on the battlefield was like having clairvoyance, even ordinary generals could become victorious generals. But he was more worried that once the news of the telescope leaked and the Turks succeeded in copying it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Li Er cautiously raised his doubts: "The problem is that even if we use it carefully, the news will still leak out after a long time. Wouldn't it be bad if the Turks copied the same thing?".

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