Xiang Ningci immediately used his signature martial arts.

Gifted martial arts, white-eyed secret arts!

There is also a powerful physical martial art passed down from family to family, which is called ......

Soft boxing!


The Xiang family, today, has become the substantial number one family in the Konoha League!

And what they rely on is their own natural martial arts white eyes and the martial arts that match them......

Soft Fist Baguazhang !!

Xuan Naruto rushed at this moment, along with his own body and dozens of out-of-body incarnations, and launched the first wave of onslaught towards Xiang Ningji!

However, Xiang Ningji sneered, and didn't seem to pay attention to Gennaruto's offensive at all.

"Just an outward incarnation, do you think you can escape the vision of my white-eyed technique?!"

He suddenly burst out with terrifying true qi in his body, and a formation like a Tai Chi Bagua Array was placed under his feet, and the whole person was like a great martial arts master, with an outstanding temperament, and he was in the depths of the mountains!

The next moment.


Xiang Ningci burst out with his first blow!

To be exact, I don't know how many hits.

Because of his palm moves, it can be said that he is as fast as lightning, but it is as powerful as a mountain!

As Qi Muxi said, if the martial arts used by Maite Kai, Li Luo and others are called Gang Fist, then now Xiang Ning Ci is using the opposite Soft Fist!

The so-called soft fist does not care about the strength of the force itself, but releases the true qi of the inner family from the inside out, with great precision, and directly bombards the enemy's internal organs, bloodlines, and meridians!

In fact, this kind of attack is even more terrifying than the gang fist.

People in the world often say that the outside is the muscles, bones and skin, and the inside is a breath.

However, the method of external practice is often more painful and extreme, and it is difficult to achieve a truly strong person.

However, the method of the inner family is the way of the true grandmaster.

Of course, if other people want to practice, it is difficult for them to meet the unique conditions of Xiangjia.

White eyes can not only look far away, see through, and even look inward.

This means that they can clearly see their meridians, true qi, and blood vessels!

What is this concept?!

When practicing, it can be said that you get twice the result with half the effort, so that all other martial artists who practice internal kung fu are beyond the reach of dust!

Moreover, when fighting, you can see through the enemy's meridian true qi!

You can also point points, seal, cut off the flow, and defeat the enemy with one blow!

One can imagine how terrifying it is to face such an enemy!

The incarnation outside Xuan Naruto's body came in an instant, but under Xiang Ningji's onslaught, he didn't have the slightest power to resist.

In an instant, they turned into white smoke and disappeared 400!

This speed is comparable to mowing the grass!

In the entire stands, everyone was stunned and dumbfounded!

"That's ......"

"Xiang Jia's white eyes and soft fist gossip palm?!"

At this moment, the most shocked person was the head of the Xiang family, the patriarch......

Sunfoot !!

His eyes widened, and he couldn't help but be shocked and admired: "That's ......"

"What a powerful power of white eyes!"

"What a superb soft fist baguazhang!"

His second daughter, Xiang Huahuo, was beside him, and she couldn't help but be shocked: "Although Brother Ning Ci is a separate family, his attainments in this soft fist have already surpassed me and my sister too much......"

Although Xiang Rizu didn't want to admit it, he could only nod.

Gennaruto looked at the incarnation outside his body, and almost instantly he was wiped out a small half.

I can't help but be equally shocked, full of unwillingness and anger!

He immediately roared angrily, and more out-of-body avatars rushed away from all directions again, completely besieging Xiang Ningci in it!

Such a number, not to mention a human martial artist, even a real earth martial artist, or even a heavenly martial artist, I am afraid that he will frown slightly.

However, Xiang Ningci just sneered, still full of confidence!

Then, he took a more comfortable stance, his arms one after the other, and unleashed his more powerful moves!

This trick is called ......

Soft boxing!

Bagua Sixty-four Palms!!

As the name suggests, I don't know how many times more complicated and profound than ordinary Baguazhang!

Of course, whether it is attack power, attack range, or mastery, I don't know how many times more powerful it is!


Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

Whether it is Gennaruto or everyone, you can only hear a series of sounds, like firecrackers, one after another, followed by the incarnation of Gennaruto's body, the sound of being completely broken one by one!

In less than a moment, Gennaruto stood in place.


Only his body remains!

This time, the audience couldn't help but be silent, and there was a dead silence!

Especially the spectators of the Xiang family, the patriarch Xiang Rizu was even more shocked, and exclaimed: "This, this Xiang Ningci is really a real genius!!

"The person who separates the family has completely surpassed the !! of the clan"

This time, it is equivalent to Xiang Rizu, the patriarch, who has completely (aiej) closed the coffin, and said how amazing Xiang Ningci's terrifying talent is!

You must know that the people who are separated from the family, whether it is the cultivation environment or resources, are far inferior to the sect family.

What's more, all of them will be branded as "caged birds" when they are young.

Not only the people of the clan, but they can take their lives at any time.

Moreover, the White Eyes Secret Technique will not be able to achieve a full range of perspectives because of this, and will form a defect in a certain blind corner.

In any case, it is impossible for the split family to surpass the clan family.

And yet now......

Xiang Ningci broke this dead end and broke this impossibility!!

Looking at this scene, Hinata couldn't help but be shocked.

Xiang Ningci was more powerful than she thought......

It turned out that he didn't use all his strength in the original battle......

In addition to being shocked by Xiang Ningji's strength, she was even more worried about Xuan Naruto.

"Naruto ......"

At this moment, Ye Chunying and Yama Jingye couldn't help but exclaim.

"Naruto, that's not an opponent at all......"

"Yes, although there are so many out-of-body incarnations, it looks very bluffing, but under Xiang Ningci's white eyes and soft fist gossip palm, there is no power to fight back at all......"

"This, is this the true genius whose talent surpasses Sasuke?!"

On the other side.

Su Tiantian smiled slightly: "Ning Ci's talent is unmatched. "

"Although Naruto is very powerful, he will not be Ningji's opponent after all......"

"Xiao Li, I really hope you can see this scene......"

Huo Tianzun Yuan Riqi couldn't help but nod slightly.

"Xiang Ningci really deserves to be a real genius. "

"Lord Feng Tianzun, what do you think?"

Feng Tianzun was still indifferent, but he still nodded.


In the ring.

Xiang Ningci sneered, "See? Xuan Naruto, this is the gap between you, a laggard, and me, a true genius!"

"The talent of fate is impossible to change, and it is an insurmountable gap!!"

Gennaruto took a deep breath.

Xiang Ningci is indeed stronger than he imagined.

But he was still not discouraged.

"I once swore by Hinata's blood that I would definitely defeat you in this battle!"

"Now, we're just getting started!"

Xiang Ningci sneered: "No, it's already over!"

"He who drags behind will never be able to defeat genius!"

Xuan Ming said: "Xiao Li did it!"

Xiang Ningci said: "But he still lost to Luo Ai me, didn't he?!"

"Hmph, Xiao Li is still glorious even though he is defeated! Even if it is you, if he uses all his strength, can he really have absolute confidence to defeat him?"

Xiang Ningci was slightly stunned.

In good conscience, he could not be sure.

Because, he also saw with his own eyes the terrifying power that Li Luo erupted when he fought against Luo Aime!

If it were yourself, you would never be able to resist it.


If it was a real battle, he would close Li Luo's acupoints and true qi flow as soon as possible, and he would never be allowed to open the Eight Gates Dunjia Array.

Victory or defeat is still an unknown.

Xiang Ningci snorted coldly: "Xiao Li is indeed much stronger than I imagined. "

"However, I am still confident that I can beat him. "

"Gennaruto, you don't understand at all, what is called the White Eyes Secret Technique, what is called the Soft Fist Baguazhang, of course, you can't imagine at all, what is the difference in talent!!"

This moment.

He suddenly rushed towards Gennaruto!

Gennaruto was not discouraged in the slightest, and once again burst out of his stunt.

"Incarnate outside the body! Thousand Heavy Body Divine Skill !!"


Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang !! (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

He actually incarnated dozens of out-of-body incarnations again!

The terrifying true energy alone was enough to shock all the spectators.

However, Xiang Ningci still disdained it, and the sixty-four palms of the soft fist gossip erupted, like a storm, breaking the incarnations outside Xuan Naruto's body one by one again!

That's when it happened.

Gennaruto smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth raised......

"Don't underestimate me!!"

Suddenly, all the remaining incarnations outside the body suddenly rushed directly from all directions!

In this way, no matter how powerful Xiang Ningci's palm technique is, it will be impossible to completely resist it after all.


In this moment.

Xiang Ningci suddenly showed a sneer.


A few words came out of his mouth.

"Rouquan Baguazhang Mystery ......"

"Back to the !!!"

He suddenly released his true qi, turning it into a blue air flow that was truly visible to the naked eye, and then suddenly exploded as he spun wildly!





This move of the Soft Fist Baguazhang Mystery returned to the sky, as if it had turned into a real absolute defense!

All of Gennaruto's out-of-body incarnations, as soon as they were touched, suddenly disappeared, completely turning into white smoke!


It is truly all-round, with no dead ends and no flaws!

In other words......

This is the real absolute defense!!

Xuan Ming was shocked: "Then, what kind of move is that?!"

Xiang Sunfoot is even more shocking: "Baguazhang Mystery Returns to the Sky......"

"Even if it's a sect family, few people can master ......"

"Xiang Ningci, you, what the hell are you ......?"

Xiang Huahuo also covered his mouth: "Brother Ningci, it's too powerful!!"

"I thought that only my father would ...... that trick"

Xiang Hinata's eyes widened: "Brother Ningci ......"

"Naruto ......"

Ye Chunying, Yamaino and everyone else couldn't help but be shocked and worried about Xuan Naruto.

Even, Luo Ai's "enemies" of the Sand Hidden Alliance couldn't help but change their faces!

Su Tiantian smiled slightly: "That's right, that's Ning Ci's trick......"

"It's also never under Luo Ai me, another kind of absolute defense !!"

Gennaruto stood there dumbfounded, watching all the incarnations outside his body disappear, and he couldn't help but fall into a daze......

Xiang Ningci sneered: "See, this is the huge gap between me!"

"Naruto, do you still think you can defeat me?!"

"I ......"

It was a moment when Gennaruto was stunned.

Xiang Ningji rushed over and struck his own trick at Gennaruto.


"Soft Fist ......"

"Bagua Sixty-four Palms !!"

Suddenly, Gennaruto didn't have time to dodge at all, and he was completely hit by the terrifying attack like a storm!

"One Palm !!"

"Two Palms !!"

"Four Palms !!"

"Eight Palms !!"

"Sixteen Palms !!"

"Thirty-two Palms !!"

"Sixty-four Palms!!"

This palm technique is impossible to defend at all, as if from the most tricky angles, the most vicious directions, pouring out!

Gennaruto was beaten up and down, without any defensive power, let alone a counterattack!

What's even more terrifying is that Xiang Ningci's soft fist gossip sixty-four palms completely sealed the sixty-four big points on Xuan Naruto's body!

At this moment, not only was he seriously injured, but more importantly, it was absolutely impossible for him to mobilize and use his true qi......

And for a warrior, this is complete despair!!


There was silence.

Only Gennaruto's body fell heavily to the ground, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his body collapsed to the ground, unable to move......

Xiang Ningci indifferently put away his moves.

In the stunned eyes of Fire Tianzun, Wind Tianzun, Xiangsunzu, all the warriors, civilians, and people watching the battle, he coldly approached Gennaruto's side.

"How Naruto, now, do you dare to say anything about dragging your feet to defeat a genius?!"

Gennaruto wanted to speak, but he only let out a violent cough, and even coughed up a mouthful of blood!

Xiang Ningci continued to say coldly: "Now you, do you dare to say anything that can disobey the arrangement of fate?!"

"I ......"

Xiang Ningci was silent for a moment, and gently untied the bandana of the Konoha Alliance warrior on his forehead.

And underneath this turban is a large X-shaped spell mark.

...... of parting ways to the family

Caged Bird Spell Mark!!

"Since I was three years old, I have been forcibly imprinted by those people in the Zong family. "

"As long as the people of the sect family have a thought, a gesture, or a spell, I will have a splitting headache, and life is better than death!"

"Back then, my father was tortured in front of me because of a thought, and he couldn't stand the ground, and he was in ......great pain."

"And in the end, he was also forced to die for the patriarch of the clan for nothing because of his status as a separation!!"

"Even so, do you still dare to say that you can defy fate?!"

"Naruto !!"

All the people who went home were silent.

All the audience was silent.

All readers outside of the story are also waiting for Gennaruto's answer.

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