At this moment, the ghost boy of the Xuanyin Four, the spider silk mechanism arranged in advance, was touched, and he immediately discovered the arrival of the pursuers.

Nakamaru and Inuzuka Yami were exposed, and they also walked out directly, but they just raised their hands.

"Don't rush you, I'm here today just to talk to you. "

The ghost boy who can manipulate spiders sneered: "It turned out to be two little ghosts." "

"Isn't there an adult in the Konoha League?!"

"Only send yellow-haired boys like you to send them to death?!"

Nakamaru smiled bitterly in his heart.

You're really right......

Still, he was still calm on the surface.

"We're not here today to fight you, just to have a few words with Sasuke. "

"In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, let's leave after we are finished, please give us this opportunity. "

The ghost boy laughed, "What nonsense! You bastard!!"

"Do you think we're playing a game with you?"

"I do like to play games, but you imps should forget it......"

"And don't think your trick will work. "

"You said you wanted to negotiate with us, just so that you could hide the other teammates so that they could launch a surprise attack on us, right?!"

This moment.

The ghost boy suddenly pulled the spider silk again, and suddenly, Xuan Naruto, Xiang Ningci and Qiu Dingci were all pulled out!

Nakamaru's face changed slightly.

"Spider silk?"

"Double trap?!"

The ghost boy sneered: "Even if you are smart, you think you can see through my first ambush, but you don't know that I am in the shadow of spider silk, the second ambush, and the traces of your so-called companions have long been discovered by me and I don't know it!!"

Xuan Naruto, Xiang Ningji, and Qiu Dingji were also forced to show up.

At this moment, Inuzuka instantly threw out a smoke bomb, trying to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the chaos to attack.

But the ghost boy still sneered, and immediately quickly retreated.

"Carving insect skills, you also want to be our enemy?!"

Three of the other Xuanyin four-person crowd just looked at this scene indifferently, as if they were just watching the excitement.

For them, the ghost boy alone is enough to deal with these little ghosts.


Just when the ghost boy and the others were triumphant.



Shadows suddenly appeared at their feet!

Moreover, they are already connected to their own shadows, in other words......

Nakamaru smiled slightly: "The Secret Shadow Technique, !! successfully"


Ghost 933 Tong, Youye, Red Wolf, and the four people on the left are all shocked!

"When will it ......"

"You bastard......"

The ghost boy couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on his face.

"Could it be that the deliberate appearance just now, and the smoke bombs that followed, were just to confuse us and distract us?"

"This Shadow Technique is the real killer move?!"

Nakamaru smiled: "Yes, but you are also very cautious, otherwise you don't need to use so many confusing moves, you can directly generalize." "

Gennaruto and the others also smiled.

"It's Shikamaru......"

Gennaruto even looked directly in the direction of Usasuke.

It's just that I didn't see him in person.

I only saw the barrel that emitted a terrifying aura.

Usa is being sealed in it, living to die and awakening the power of the Heavenly Curse Seal!

"Sasuke !!"

Gennaru roared, but Usa naturally didn't react.

Zuo Jin sneered: "Ghost boy, you guy really like to play with prey so much, now it can be said that the boat is capsized in the gutter, right?"

"Playing and playing, playing with myself, and pit us......"

The ghost boy said angrily: "Don't hurry up and find a way, what's the use of saying these cool words at this time!!"

Gennaruto was about to rush forward to rescue Usasuke.

But Nakamaru found out that it was not good.

"Naruto, don't be impulsive!"


The next moment.

The Xuanyin Four, who had obviously been trapped in the action, suddenly changed one of them!

Exactly, left near!!

On top of his body, another arm appeared, and he suddenly moved, grabbed a hidden weapon, and shot out towards Nakamaru!

Bang bang bang!!

Nakamaru hurriedly dodged and was not hit, but because of this, the secret shadow technique was directly invalid!

Xiang Ningci was also taken aback: "Then, what kind of ...... is that?"

"It's obviously controlled by Shikamaru's Secret Shadow Technique, but you can grow new arms from your body to attack?!"

"It seems that these guys are not ordinary people......"

The four who had regained their mobility sneered.

"What a bunch of nasty imps......"

"Just kill them here and forget it!!"

The one who spoke was the only woman in the crowd (CFCC), Yuye.

But she is the most venomous and cruel one.

The more calm Red Wolf shook his head: "No, if you waste time here, these little ghosts are really nothing, but it will be terrible if you can't complete the task given to us by Lord Ten Thousand Heavenly Snakes." "

"What's more, whether it is the same Heavenly Martial Artists of the Konoha Alliance before, or the other people of the Konoha Alliance, I am afraid that they will appear here at any time, after all, this is still within the realm of the Fire Country. "

"These little ghosts, leave it to me to deal with, and all of you will leave with Sasuke first!"

The three ghost boys glanced at each other: "It's okay." "

"Red wolf, then you can deal with them as soon as possible and keep up!"

The red wolf nodded: "Don't worry, it doesn't take much effort to deal with this kind of yellow-haired boy!"

The other three smiled, and immediately picked up Usasuke's seal barrel and turned to leave.

Gennaruto roared angrily, "Don't go!"

"Leave Sasuke !!"

However, he was just about to catch up with him, when suddenly, the red wolf violently launched his powerful true qi, a terrifying secret technique!

"Soil Escape Technique!!! of the Earth Dungeon Dafa"





The whole earth suddenly cracked, starting with the red wolf, and instantly diffused and shattered, as if it had been completely turned upside down.

For a time, the mountains shook, and the sand and rocks were flying.

Xuan Naruto and his party couldn't even stand on their feet.

In the next moment, the earth around the five people instantly bulged and immediately took shape, turning into a huge hemispherical dungeon, firmly suppressing and sealing everyone in it!!

This is exactly the Red Wolf's powerful Earth Escape Technique!

In an instant, all five people were trapped!

The red wolf sneered: "It's only this level, and he keeps saying that he wants to save Sasuke......"

He stepped forward and slapped his palm on the dungeon, maintaining the seal of the dungeon with his powerful and profound true qi internal force.

The group of people who were in prison couldn't help but be anxious and angry.

Gennaruto, in particular, immediately slammed out with a punch.


However, it didn't work.

"Good, so hard!!"

Inuzuka's brows furrowed: "Let me try it!"

Gennaruto nodded.

He knew that Inuzuka Ya's secret trick wolf fang burst was indeed very powerful in terms of impact and destructive power!

Although in actual battles, it may not be possible to defeat the enemy.

But now in the face of the immobile dungeon, it should be able to exert its maximum power.

Inuzuka didn't delay, and immediately burst out with all his true qi and strength, and instantly came out of the secret technique of the Inuzuka clan......

"The Secret Art of the Dog!!!"




In an instant, Inuzuka Tooth spun violently, turned into a hurricane, and slammed into the cave wall of the dungeon!



With a loud bang, the cave wall of this dungeon was so thick that even if it was directly hit by the wolf's fangs, it was only knocked out of a deep pit, but it was still not pierced!

Inuzuka was taken aback: "Is it such a thick defensive wall?!"

However, something even more surprising happened.

The next moment, the deep pit that was knocked out of the collision began to slowly return to level!

It's as if nothing happened......

Nakamaru also frowned: "This is ......"

"Ningci, use your white eyes to observe the enemy's technique!"

"Good. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiang Ningci immediately launched his White Eyes Secret Technique.

"White Eyes, Open !!"

In an instant, the green muscles around his eyes burst out, and the white pupils reflected a breathtaking light!

Xiang Ningci immediately saw through everything in the entire dungeon.

However, his face became even more ugly.

"This, this is ......"

"What's wrong, Ningci?"

"This technique is maintained by that guy with his own True Qi Internal Force, not only is it very thick and difficult to break, but as long as he continues to input True Qi Internal Force, he will be completely restored anytime and anywhere. "

"What's even more terrifying is ......"

"We are in the dungeon, and we will be absorbed by the enemy's ability to absorb our own true qi internal force! If this goes on for a long time, I am afraid that we will all run out of true qi, lose our ability to fight, and be slaughtered by others!"

"In other words, either before the true qi is exhausted, defeat the enemy with one blow and directly break the dungeon, otherwise, any other level of offensive is meaningless!!"

Everyone couldn't help but change their faces slightly.


The red wolf outside the dungeon also sneered: "Oh?

"The talent martial arts of the Konoha League, boy, it seems that you have a good bloodline......"

"It's just that there's no point in being able to see through it. "

"With your strength, you can't break my dungeon Dafa at all!!"

Inuzuka roared angrily: "In this case, the only way is to use the most powerful force to break the dungeon before the true qi is exhausted!"


"Wow !!"

In an instant, Akamaru and Inuzuka Tooth ate the Bing Food Pill at the same time, one person and one dog, and violently launched a combined siege move, which was exactly ......

"The Secret Art of the Dog!!!"




Suddenly, the fierce attack of one man and one dog made the entire dungeon rumble, and even left deep pits on the cave wall.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they still couldn't break the entire dungeon with one blow.

And the deep pits that were punched out were quickly restored one by one.

When the man and the dog finally stopped attacking, panting, looking at all this, they couldn't help but despair.

"Bastard! It's impossible to break it......"

Nakamaru also said: "Don't waste your true qi, it seems that this can't break the opponent's move." "

Xuan Naruto said, "Then, let me try the power of this move!"

He was immediately ready to burst out with the trick he had learned from Jiang Zilai.

Spiral Pill !!


Gennaruto was just about to launch, and the Spiral Pill had not yet taken shape, but suddenly disappeared......

"This, this is ......"

Xiang Ningci saw through the mystery.

"Naruto, is this your new move?"

"Quite a terrifying power, however, your manipulation of the True Qi is not refined enough, and it will be difficult for you to successfully unleash this move when you are constantly absorbing and disturbing the True Qi. "

Gennaruto also nodded: "Damn......"

Although his true qi is powerful and will not be absorbed for a while, as Xiang Ningci said, his control of his true qi is very poor.

Nakamaru looked at this desperate scene, couldn't help but close his eyes, and then spoke: "It seems that we have nothing to do......

"In that case, I have no choice but to surrender. "

Everyone was taken aback.

"Shikamaru, you ......"

The guy outside laughed: "What, are you finally going to give up?"

Nakamaru said: "I don't have any friendship with Sasuke, so there's no need to die for him." "

"As long as you let us out and spare us our lives, we'll leave right away, or ......"

"I can !! alone alone"

Gennaru and Inuzuka were furious.

"Shikamaru, what are you talking about?!"

Xiang Ningci was relatively calm and hadn't spoken yet, but Qiu Dingci shook his head.

He whispered, "Shikamaru must have his reasons for saying this, do you still doubt him?"

"I grew up with him, and even if he dies, he will never betray his companions!"

As he spoke, Qiu Dingci took out his own snacks and ate them.

Xuan Mingdao: "You guy still have the heart to eat?"

Qiu Dingji smiled: "Because, Shikamaru is about to ask me to do something, I have to replenish my physical strength to the fullest state, this is the tacit understanding that we grew up together." "

Sure enough, the next moment.

Taking advantage of the "begging for mercy" to delay time, and Naikamaru, who has figured out the enemy's position, has already thought of a strategy to crack it.

"Sure enough, my guess was right. "

"The enemy is in front, using the internal force of True Qi to maintain the dungeon, and absorbing our True Qi, so that at the wall behind us, his strength must be the weakest. "

"And before, I also made a judgment based on the speed of recovery of the craters blasted out by the wolf fangs, and it is true that the backmost potholes, the slower the recovery speed. "

"Is that so, Ningji?"

Xiang Ningci nodded: "Indeed, the true qi there is also the weakest. "

Nakamaru smiled slightly: "In other words, that is where the weakness of the entire dungeon lies!"

"And then, let's use the killer blow, the strongest destructive power, to attack the most vulnerable position with all your might......"

"Ding Ci !!"

At this moment, Qiu Dingji was already ready.

"Secret Arts!Giant's Arts!!"

"Meat bullet chariot !!!".

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