Chapter 1: Perception against the sky, deduce a knife cremation!(Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!)

"Bear with me, my child, soon, soon you will be born. "...


There was a soft whisper in his ears, and Ace opened his eyes with some difficulty, and what greeted him was the warm water that surrounded him. ...

"This, this is .....


Ace tried to open his mouth to speak, but found that he couldn't speak at all. ...

Rolling his eyes slightly, Ace was surprised to find that he had been reborn as an unborn baby ...

"My child, your father is One Piece Gore. D. Roger, you, as his son, must be able to hold on, right?

Soon, in a little while, you will be born.

Hold on a little longer. "...

At this time, a gentle whisper came into his eardrums, which shocked Ace's heart. ...

One Piece Gore. D. Roger?!The world of One Piece ?!...

himself, crossed into the body of Ace, who had the same name as himself in his previous life, ?!...

Then the one who keeps whispering now is his own mother in this life, Portcas. D. Lou Jiu.

In order to avoid the navy chasing and killing the bloodline of One Piece Roger, Lu Jiu, who was supposed to give birth in October, lasted for twenty months, and finally died in childbirth. ...

It's no wonder that he has matured, but he has not yet been born.

Himself became the Fire Fist Ace ?... of the One Piece world

Ace meditated in his heart, recalling Ace's life in his mind.

has the ability to burn fruits in the natural system, obviously has the innate domineering color of the overlord, and has the qualification to become the emperor of this sea

But because he hated his biological father Gore. D. Roger's bloodline, and the top power of this sea is banned. ...

Finally, in the battle on top, he died under the magma fist of Akainu.

In this regard, I can only say a sigh. ...

Ace's ability to burn fruit when he first appeared surprised many people in his previous life.

It's a pity that in the development of the pirate world after that, it was simply a person who could use the fire ability

The originally super natural fruit has become a ... of burnt fruits that dogs don't eat

Coupled with that slightly naïve thinking, he banned his overlord domineering, and there was no king's heart at all

The final defeat is also doomed. ...

Speaking of flame ability, the strongest should be the captain of the thirteenth team of the Silent Spirit Court Protector of the Death World, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Heavy Country,


temperature of the strongest flame that can be used is comparable to that of the core ...of the sun!

Especially in the battle with the blue dye, even if the sword flow blade is banned, it can also be cremated with a sword that breaks the path of ninety-six,

That flaming blade that rises into the sky is called real fire. ...

Ace thought silently. ...


While thinking like this, Ace felt that his eyes were dark, and in the next second, the surrounding environment changed from a warm ocean to a ruin of the city.

And his sight is in the deep pit of ruins. ...

"I won't tell you to leave your life, after all, your life is the history of the Jingling Garden, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai,

Your destiny is to die by my sword. "...

An indifferent voice came into Ace's ears, and he looked up with some difficulty, and what caught his eye was a man walking with a sword and wearing a white suit. ...

"Indigo dyeing?!".


familiar faces and costumes shocked Ace's heart.

But then, the moment Aizen came to his side, Ace's right hand, as if instinctively, grabbed Aizen's foot. ...

"Little ghost, don't make me repeat it over and over again. "

An old but angry voice came from Ace's mouth. ...

The arm, which was already burnt, began to appear dark red cracks ...

Aizen's eyes shook slightly. ...

"This, this is a forbidden technique that can only be driven by one's own charred body, the Ninety-Six Sacrifice Breaking Path-".

Aizen's pupils shrank suddenly.

"A knife to cremate !!



With a shout of rage, endless flames rolled out of the charred remains. ...

The terrifying flames instantly converged into a terrifying fire blade that soared into the sky!

The tyrannical and terrifying temperature distorted the atmosphere and shattered ...

Everything in the world, in this terrifying heat, seems to be devoured ...

The terrifying fire blade that rose into the sky, as if piercing the entire sky, symbolized the ... of the strongest flame king in this world


In the next second, the picture shattered, and Ace returned to the familiar warm ocean. ...

"Your comprehension is against the sky, and through visualization, you can deduce and comprehend the exclusive skill - a knife cremation!".

"Thou hast dismayed the heavens, through Portcas. D. Rujiu's whisper has fully learned the world language of 'One Piece'. "

As if instinctively, the information that suddenly appeared in his mind shook Ace's heart. ...


PS: The new book is released, the data is very important, I hope that the audience who likes this book can collect it, vote for flowers and evaluation votes. .......

The humble author fell on his knees and begged, bang ........

Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes.......

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