The words fell, and there was an uproar in the auditorium.

The Qin people in the auditorium were furious, but they didn't scold, because education is deeply rooted in the bones of the Qin people, and they never scolded the street like a shrew.

This is also one of the factors why Westerners and Japanese people hate the Qin people very much!

No, it should be jealousy.

They have dirty thoughts and even dirtier hearts, and in front of the gentle Qin people, they are like rats in the sewers, and more like despicable villains who can only steal chickens and touch dogs.

This feeling is disgusting.

In particular, MacArthur, the military and political officials of the United States, the Mi army stationed in Daqin, and the 140 million people of the United States, they did not have the joy of the victors, but felt inferior.

In the first war, the United States was defeated by Daqin, and nearly 2 million people were killed.

In World War II, the United States defeated Daqin, but it seemed to have lost.

Because they can't win!

After the successful sneak attack on Manila, the United States and Fuso formed a coalition to attack the 1.67 million Qin troops stationed in the Southeast Asian islands, fought for more than a year, increased the troops 8 times, and killed a total of 3.8 million people before capturing Southeast Asia.

What about the casualties of the Qin army?

1.4 million were killed and 270,000 were captured.

This 2.7 to 1 battle loss ratio is something that the United States and the Allies never dreamed of!

The Great Qin Navy was completely annihilated, and the connection between Southeast Asia and the Great Qin mainland has been severed, and it is impossible to replenish weapons, ammunition and materials.

The Qin army has a very high fighting quality, and its will is extremely tenacious, even if it runs out of ammunition and food, it will never surrender.

Even women and children were able to go into battle to kill the enemy, and there were often Qin women disguised as refugees to approach the coalition forces, and then detonate bombs and die together.

The captured 270,000 Qin troops were still the Qin Emperor, who could not bear to increase the casualties in vain, and ordered to surrender, otherwise the Qin army would fight to the last soldier and explain to the world with his life what it means to "not shed blood and swear not to truce".

Therefore, MacArthur, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, believed that the Qin people in Southeast Asia were enemies, and ordered the coalition forces not to be soft, resulting in the coalition forces killing almost every man, and the bloodiness was far greater than all previous wars.

After the war, the soldiers of the Mi Army fell into self-condemnation, and could only rely on drugs and alcohol to anesthetize themselves, and they could only commit suicide.

Now that World War II has ended three years ago, many veterans who participated in the war against Qin are mostly suffering from the sequelae of the war.

Emotional disorders, high levels of stress, insomnia, depression, self-harm, conservatively estimated that 800,000 veterans have suffered severe psychological trauma, and about 250,000 have chosen to end their lives by suicide.

Of course, this excludes the inhumane Fusang Army, whose homeland was devastatedly bombed by the Qin army, and more than 90% of the industrial areas were destroyed.

Therefore, there is no guilt and pity for the Qin people, and there are only too few Qin people in Southeast Asia.

The people of the United States are barely human, they know shame, and they are a little human.

Great Qin was defeated and surrendered, and after the Mi army landed in Qinzhou, he thought that he could humiliate the Qin people with the attitude of a victor, and let the arrogant Qin people kneel down and wag their tails and beg for mercy.

As a result, the Qin people did not admit defeat or admit mistakes, and had an attitude that you would kill us all, all of them held their heads high, and those who didn't know thought they were the winners.

Low self-esteem!

In front of the loyal and unyielding Qin people, the people of the United States involuntarily have an inferiority complex.

Not only are the people of the United States, but the British, who claim to be gentlemen, have chivalry, and have an arrogant personality, are also inferior and ashamed in front of the Qin people!


Elegant, personable, modest, and well-spoken


Believe in a faith, stand on the top of a lonely peak, let the wind blow left and right on the torn clothes, pat the armor covered with dirt, lift up the blood-stained face, smile, gaze into the distance, and stick to honor, etiquette, humility, perseverance, loyalty, pride, piety, ...... piety

Come on, Qin is a real gentleman, and chivalry is integrated into the genes!

The brilliance of human nature on the Qin people is too bright and shining, which is also the reason for people's jealousy.


one who hates the Qin people the most is the little devil, who hates it to the point of psychological distortion.

Why do you hate it so much?

It's very simple, there is no harm if there is no comparison, the short and obscene and psychologically dark Wa people are in front of the tall, handsome and gentle Qin people, one is maggots and bed bugs in the dung pit, and the other is the radiant sun.

Therefore, Hideki Tojo had to surrender to the war criminals in order to satisfy the jealousy and inferiority of the 70 million Japanese people to the point that they had become distorted and perverted.

Aren't you Qin people alone and proud of the world, standing tall in the world? Aren't you kneeling down in front of our Great Japanese Empire?

A touch of pride appeared on the face of Hideki Tojo's sharp-beaked monkey cheeks, and seeing that the senior general of the Qin army was indifferent, it said sharply: "I will say it again one last time, apologize!"


Field Marshal Li Zhiyi, former chief of the General Staff of the Supreme Command of the Qin Army, glanced at Hideki Tojo contemptuously and sneered: "A rat has a skin, but a man has no etiquette!

"Rats have teeth, but people don't stop! People don't stop, why don't they die?".

"A rat has a body, but a man is rude, and a man is rude!

Hideki Tojo: ???

Westerners: ???

What do you mean?

The translator looked confused and didn't know how to translate.

At the International Court of Justice, the President and representatives speak only their native language, and they bring their own interpreters to translate their statements into their national languages through simultaneous interpretation headsets.

How to translate classical Chinese?

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and the Qin people present all smiled slightly, their eyes mocking and disdainful at these vulgar and uneducated alien barbarians.

A member of the Chinese-American jury couldn't stand it anymore and translated it for Hideki Tojo.

"Mr. Tojo, what he wants to say is: you are rude, immoral and shameless, why don't you die!".

The words are shocking, concise and clear.

Tojo Hideki's face turned green, and his eyes when he looked at Li Zhiyi were gloomy and ruthless, and he said gloomily.

"Li Zhiyi, you will pay the price for your words today!

"Oh, execute our officers of Great Qin?".

Li Zhiyi sneered, his sharp eyes like an eagle falcon forced him to look at Hideki Tojo, and he said in a good time: "What joy is life, and what is fear of death?"

"I, the Qin people, have never been afraid of death, and would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

"From the moment we put on the military uniform, our soldiers of the Qin army are ready to sacrifice their lives for the country!"

Speaking of this, Li Zhiyi shook his head and sighed lightly, his face full of regret.

"It's a pity that I was too soft-hearted at the beginning and couldn't completely trample on the bedbug of your Wa Kingdom!"


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