In the evening, the lanterns are lit.

In the imperial city, at this time, there were fine wines and delicacies on display on the table in front, and a beautiful lady was dancing behind them.

Moreover, in the hall, looking around, there are all warriors with extraordinary momentum.

The real place to meet is either rich or expensive.

These are the princes and nobles.

Or, they are all famous strong men from the Tianxuan Dynasty.

I heard that the Tianxuan Dynasty was going to entertain a big shot, and that His Majesty would personally attend, so I came here to get acquainted with him. certainly.

I just want to see if I can be favored by seniors.

Thus, soaring into the sky!

Of course, it would be great to be able to establish a relationship with this senior.

His Majesty even came to attend the banquet in person. What kind of background would he have?

Just thinking about it, everyone knows this opportunity is important.

Especially those young women who saw a path that would take decades of less struggle.

If he is favored by the seniors, wouldn't it be like a carp leaping over the dragon's gate and soaring into the sky?

Hold on to the sheets and hold on to the wall. It's better to be in pain than to go to work.

There are many celebrities in the imperial capital who think like this!

In the spacious hall, the Ninth Prince was introducing the friends around him to Lu Fan.

And the people who were usually good friends with Jiufangzi saw this scene.

They immediately understood what was happening.

Your Highness, this is to win over this person.

So everyone started to praise him.

These people come with their mouths open to talk about young heroes and promising futures.

Moreover, the words of praise are not the same.

This made Wu Ran feel a little carried away, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

I am really excellent.

And, I am very happy with my choice.

If he stayed at Tianxuan Sect, he would probably still be suppressed by Lin Ming at this time.

Where can I enjoy such treatment?

He was also very lucky to have met the Ninth Prince!

At this moment, he looked at the young talents on the side and found that the strength of these people was far behind him.

This gave him an unconscious sense of superiority.


In this case, coupled with the guidance of the seniors in my mind, who among my peers is more talented than myself?

Who has more knowledge than you?

And just then

"Your Majesty has arrived!"

The loud singing voice suddenly resounded and spread throughout the entire hall.

In an instant, everyone looked up and saw Sun Xingchuan coming with his hands behind his back.

He did not have any strong momentum on him, but gave people a simple and unpretentious feeling.


Seeing this man, a voice of fear suddenly rose in Lu Fan's mind.

"Quickly, try to show your talent in front of this person."

The strong man in Lu Fan's mind warned.

She was sure that this person was very strong.

With this person's guidance and resource support,

Lu Fan decided that his strength would be greatly enhanced in a short period of time.

"Tianxuanmen, Elder Lin has arrived!"

The loud singing voice suddenly resounded and spread throughout the entire hall.

In an instant, everyone subconsciously looked outside the door.

In their sight, a group of people came in front of them, and among them was a well-dressed man.

The man was majestic, He has an elegant temperament.

His whole body exudes a graceful and noble attitude.

He walks vigorously and vigorously, and as he gradually approaches, it can be seen that his appearance is both handsome and powerful, which is really eye-catching.

At this moment, the scene was in commotion. , people stopped to watch, astonished.

Lu Fan, who was originally smiling, suddenly became froze when he saw Lin Ming's face.

"Why is it him?"

"Why him?!"

At this moment,

Lu Fan suddenly felt jealous!

At the same time,

Lin Ming also noticed Lu Fan who was particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

Then he looked at Lu Fan's information.

This time, compared with before, there was some changes

【Name]: Lu Fan

【Realm]: Late stage of blood exchange realm

【Fate]: Tiansha Lone Star

【Fate】: Talented, noble people helping you……

【Special]: Remaining Soul Accompaniment

【Life script]: Protagonist

【The most recent turning point]: After leaving Tianxuan Sect, he met the Ninth Prince of Tianxuan Dynasty on the road. Under the introduction of the Ninth Prince, he formed a fate with the hidden family of Tianxuan Dynasty. In the name of Tianxuan Sect disciple, he became a member of the family. resolve some conflicts

【Recent Turning Two]: After solving the family's troubles, the reputation of Tianxuan Sect's genius disciples spread and attracted the attention of Sun Xingchuan of Tianxuan Dynasty.

Seeing the other party's panel, Lin Ming had a bold idea in his mind

"That's the case……"

"Then don’t blame yourself for being rude!"

Thinking of this.

Lin Ming glanced at Lu Fan, and a hint of curvature appeared at the corner of his mouth:"I just caught a sheep to collect wool, I don't believe it can't be finished!"

Originally, Lin Ming had planned to kill this person outside the sect.

After all, the identity of the other party's Tiansha Lone Star would lead to the destruction of Tianxuan Sect.

However, it seems that it would be better to keep him alive.

"However, someone must monitor this person at all times, otherwise, the other party may get a chance to rise."

During these thoughts, Lin Ming kept looking at Lu Fan.

Lu Fan felt uncomfortable when he saw Lin Ming staring at him.

He even couldn't help but think:"Could it be that his secret has been discovered by him?"

At this moment,

Lu Fan was a little nervous.

The senior in his mind is still in a coma. If he encounters danger, he can only rely on himself.

"I’ve met His Majesty, I’ve met Elder Lin!"

Everyone saluted in unison

"No need to be polite."

Sun Xingchuan seemed to be in a good mood. He waved his hand and said with a smile:

"I am very happy that the elders of Tianxuan Sect are here today.

When you go to the banquet today, you don’t have to worry about me being here. You should get close to Elder Lin."


"Honor your order."

Everyone present cheered in unison.

In the crowd,

Lu Fan looked at the man who just praised himself for his promising future and being one of the best among people. He was now screaming at the top of his lungs.

He looked at Lin who was being praised by all the stars. Ming, he was stunned on the spot.

He didn't expect that he was actually here to attend this person's banquet!

If he had known this, he wouldn't have come even if I killed him!

What caught his attention even more was His Majesty's attitude towards this person.

Very enthusiastic!

For some reason,

Lu Fan felt that he should be praised by the stars, not Lin Ming.

However, seeing everyone greeting Lin Ming with fiery eyes,

Lu Fan felt a wave of excitement in his heart for no reason. Pain, I feel like my breathing is stagnant

"It seems that I have lost something important again!"

At this moment, Sun Xingchuan suddenly said

"As you all don’t know, Elder Lin is extremely talented in swordsmanship and is currently the master of the Sword Palace."

"Is this happening?"

Everyone present was shocked.

The master of Tianxuanmen Sword Hall is synonymous with great strength.

Being the master of Sword Hall at such a young age, doesn't this mean that Lin Ming's swordsmanship is very terrifying?

Hearing this, Lin Ming said modestly

"I'm just lucky."

Then, with a smile, he told the story about accidentally finding a sword intention left by the sword god in the back mountain.

At these words, everyone looked extremely envious.

The sword intention left by the sword god!

For a moment,.

Everyone subconsciously applauded for Lin Ming.


At this moment, Lu Fan uncontrollably smashed the wine glass in his hand.

Everyone looked up and found that Lu Fan stood up, his face flushed.

Seeing this scene

"Shut up!"

"That's my chance!"

Hearing this, Lin Ming looked at Lu Fan and suddenly laughed.

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