Ye Feixin said,"Jia Zhang, don't blame me. It's the system that makes me a human being. Besides, your Qin Huairu has followed me more than once, so it doesn't hurt to have one more time."

Looking at the Tai Chi Bagua rewarded by the system, Palm.

Ye Fei opened the elementary chapter and clicked to start learning.

I feel that the moves inside are deeply imprinted in my mind. While walking, I involuntarily took up Baguazhang steps.

Looking at the blushing Yu Li next to him, Ye Fei suddenly realized that he could no longer be exposed.

The system just rewarded 200 yuan. Adding the remaining money spent before, there are about 500 yuan.

When I went back to find Jia Zhang's order, she extorted 800 yuan from the factory, including 200 yuan from Yi Zhonghai.

The 200 yuan from Yi Zhonghai is not too much for yourself, right? In total, it is about 700 yuan.

After buying three tickets and one ring (sewing machine, bicycle, watch and radio), I don’t know how much is left. He only has bicycle tickets now.

The rest of the big items cannot be purchased without a ticket.

It's not like small items. If I don't have a ticket, I can buy them all with extra money.

This kind of national four-piece suit, if you don't have a ticket, you won't be able to get it even if you have a golden mountain.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei frowned.

Yu Li, who was following her, felt that she was sorry for her husband before. During the past few days when she returned to her parents' home, her parents were not well-off and had not enough to eat. Her parents were also in a bit of a dilemma.

Yu Li came out and wanted to go back, but she met a gangster on the road who was greedy for her beauty.

If it weren't for Ye Fei today, her innocence would be gone.

Although she is a married woman, it is not good to give it to someone she does not know.

However, now Ye Fei is like a hero who fell from the sky in her heart.

The more he dared not go to see Ye Fei, the result was that he became more and more curious and secretly went to see Ye Fei.

Gu Gu.

Yu Li's stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

Ye Fei was thinking about something when he heard a sound like thunder. Looking at Yu Li, his face was flushed, reaching the roots of his ears. Ye Fei immediately understood that Yu Li was hungry and felt

"Yu Li, are you hungry? You haven't eaten?" Ye Fei asked in a low voice.

"Well, my parents are not in good health, and my sister’s salary is not much, so there is not enough to eat."Yu Li felt that there was no need to lie in front of Ye Fei. She didn't know why she would say anything in front of Ye Fei.

"Come on, I'll take you to have some haggis soup."Ye Fei grabbed Yu Li's boneless little hand and said

"good."Suddenly, Yu Li was not surprised when Ye Fei grabbed her hand. Instead, she was a little excited. She couldn't even figure out why she felt this way!

When Ye Fei grabbed her hand and looked for snacks, Yu Li's heart was filled with various emotions.

If she hadn't been married, she would have married Ye Fei. Unfortunately, she was a married woman now.

Even if she wanted to, Ye Fei would not marry her. After all, Ye Fei had already received the certificate..

A strange and bold idea suddenly appeared in Yu Li's mind.

Humph, Yan Jiecheng is that little man who won't grow up, just like his father Yan Bugui, he knows how to scheme.

If only he knew half as much as Ye Fei and knew how to take care of himself. Okay.

If Ye Fei doesn't dislike it, it would be good to be a lover secretly. Ye Fei didn't know what Yu Li was thinking. After practicing martial arts, her body's perception became stronger. Ye Fei felt that Yu Li's heartbeat accelerated."Yu Li Li, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Ye Fei asked softly.

"No, maybe you're too hungry?" Faced with Ye Fei's sudden concern, Yu Li lied

"Well, it'll be there soon"

"good."When Yu Li finished saying this, her eyes were red. Ye Fei was so kind to her. She really wanted to stop this time forever and have Ye Fei treat her like this for the rest of her life. However, Ye Fei didn't know that Yu Li Thoughts in my mind. The two finally arrived at a snack shop

"Boss, two portions of haggis soup and four on fire. Ye Fei shouted."Okay, it's coming soon.""The boss said enthusiastically.

Ye Fei was very detailed. He picked up the rag on the table and wiped the stool clean before letting Yu Li sit down.

He didn't know that his action was a big plus in Yu Li's eyes.

This is not my man. He is so good to me. If he were my man , wouldn't he spoil me to the sky? Compared with Ye Fei, what are the three sons of the Yan family.

The haggis is coming, Ye Fei is careful He handed the fire to Yu Li and told her to slow down and burn it.

Yu Li, who had been hungry for a long time, started eating."Slow down, Yu Li, please slow down, there is not enough for me here.""Ye Fei said.

He took out half of his bowl and boiled it, and gave all the meat, heart and lungs to Yu Li.

Seeing Ye Fei's action, Yu Li couldn't eat anymore and burst into tears.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Fei asked in a low voice. He didn't understand why he was crying just after eating. How could

Ye Fei know that he was so great in Yu Li's heart. Compared to Yan Jiecheng, the two of them were Heaven and earth.

If Yan Jiecheng encounters such a delicious thing, it would be great if he doesn't grab it from Li's bowl.

Will he give her what he has in his bowl? It's just a dream. At this moment, Yu Li's thoughts were strengthened. Even if Ye Fei ignores him in the future, he must tell Ye Fei what he is thinking.

Otherwise, he will regret it for the rest of his life, blaming himself for being blind and not meeting such a good man like Ye Fei.

Why did he fall for Yan? The family was deceived and gave him a gift of five yuan, so she married Yan Jiecheng.

At this moment, Yu Li's tears of regret flowed faster. She couldn't help but cry loudly.

Ye Fei was confused. Wu Shui asked,"Have you been burned?" Realizing that she had lost her composure, Yu Li held back her cry and started eating in small bites.

Ye Fei felt very uncomfortable. When this happened, the gazes around him were more or less Looking at himself, did he think of himself as a scumbag or a bad man who bullied women?

He rarely thought about it.

The two of them were walking back. It was already very dark.

"Ye Fei, I have... something I want to tell you."Yu Li suddenly turned around and said."Yu Li, tell me, I'm listening."

"Well, why are you so nice to me?" Yu Li mustered up her courage. She didn't even know why she suddenly said this.

"No, isn't it the right thing to take care of women? Unfortunately, I'm getting married, and that would be unfair to you."Ye Fei said duplicitously.

"Hey, I wish I had looked more and met you at that time."


When no one saw her, she returned to her home. No one knew what happened that night.

The next day, just after dawn, Yu Li went back to her house.

After Ye Fei finished washing , I went to ask Jia Zhang for money. I knew it would be difficult to pay for it in Jia Zhang’s hands.

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