After Luo Chen had all assembled the army, Luo Chen did not choose to set off directly, but ordered all the cavalry to rest for a day and wait for the next night to set off.

Luo Chen ordered all the iron cavalry generals to come to their camp tents, and said to them: "Everyone, after nightfall tomorrow, 200,000 iron cavalry will be dispatched together, but after arriving more than 20 miles away from the territory of the Hu people, they must not make any sound, and then the iron cavalry of each battalion will directly surround the territory of the Hu people, listen to my orders, and never let go of a single Hu people, do you understand?"

All the generals responded in unison: "The last general obeys the order!"

Luo Chen said again: "Okay, let's go down and rest, nourish our spirits, and let the Hu people taste the power of our Northern Wilderness Iron Riding when the time comes!"

After Luo Chen finished speaking, all the generals withdrew from the general's camp tent in turn!


Time turned, and when it came to the second night, Luo Chen ordered all the iron horsemen to set off immediately.

Subsequently, more than 200,000 Northern Wilderness Iron Riders began to set off.

Not long after, more than 200,000 iron cavalry led by Luo Chen came to the territory where the Hu people were temporarily stationed, at this time, the Hu people had not yet discovered the arrival of Luo Chen and others, and Luo Chen saw that he had not been discovered by the Hu people, so he commanded more than 200,000 iron cavalry with both hands to spread out and surround the temporary camp of the entire Hu people.

After doing this, Luo Chen was not in a hurry to attack, but had been waiting, after all, it was still early, and the Hu people had just fallen asleep, if they attacked now, although they could also annihilate this group of Hu iron horses, but they would also make their own side of the iron cavalry suffer heavy losses, so Luo Chen had to wait for the Hu people to fall asleep before attacking, so that he could avoid the loss of his side.

After a while, the time was almost at midnight (3:00~5:00 a.m.), Luo Chen asked his subordinates to bring torches and light them to send a signal to the iron horses surrounded by them, and the rest of the iron horses were already in place, just waiting for Luo Chen to send a signal, and then saw Luo Chen's signal and immediately began to respond.

Luo Chen saw that everyone was ready, and then got on the horse and said: "All the soldiers listen to the order, kill with me~".

Immediately, he rushed out first, and after listening to Luo Chen's order, the iron horsemen behind also rushed out with a shout of killing.

The rest of the generals who were surrounding the Hu people's temporary camp saw that Luo Chen's soldiers and horses had begun to attack, so they immediately led their own army to rush to the location where the Hu people were.

More than 200,000 iron horsemen rushed to the territory of the Hu people together, and directly rushed in, and some people in the Hu people had already noticed it in their sleep, and immediately shouted the soldiers around them, but as soon as they came out of the camp, they were killed by the cavalry brought by Luo Chen.

When Ta Damu, the leader of the Hu pioneers, heard the movement, he immediately rushed out of the camp and began to organize the Hu cavalry to counterattack.

But now all the Hu people have just gotten up, and some of them are still sleepy-eyed, and they don't know what happened, so they were directly killed.

Moreover, the horses of the Hu people are still in the stables, and the Hu people who have no war horses, against Luo Chen's Northern Wilderness Iron Horse, this is simply a leek that has been cut!

Tadamu led his personal guards to grab some war horses and wanted to break through, but Luo Chen's more than 200,000 Northern Wilderness Iron Cavalry had already surrounded the place, and Tadamu had no choice but to lead the soldiers who were still alive to counterattack.

This battle was fought directly to Tianming, and finally Ta Damu and several guards around him were also captured by Luo Chen's cavalry, when Ta Damu was sent to Luo Chen's side, Ta Damu said angrily to Luo Chen: "You people of the Celestial Empire don't talk about martial arts, so many cavalry don't dare to confront me head-on, and they actually attack at night, it's really shameless!"

Luo Chen ordered to the soldiers escorting Tadamu: "All prisoners, kill them all!"

Luo Chen didn't care what Ta Damu said, as long as he could win and reduce the casualties among the soldiers under his command, it didn't matter if he had martial arts or not.

Ta Damu was anxious, and shouted at Luo Chen: "Do you know who I am? I am the vanguard commander under the account of General Beigong Baiyu, if you dare to kill me, General Beigong will definitely not let you go!"

Luo Chen waved his hand, and the soldiers below directly cut down the tower.

Luo Chen thought in his heart, return Beigong Baiyu, this time he will directly destroy all your Hu people, and directly collect the entire grassland as the territory of the Celestial Empire, and you in the province will still come to make trouble.

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