After seeing the emperor, Luo Chen left the Heart Cultivation Palace, and walked out of the Forbidden City with the eldest princess of Changle.

Outside the gate of the Forbidden City, a group of bands saw the groom and bride coming out, and immediately started to beat the rhythm all the way to the palace of the eldest princess of Changle.

The chief manager had been waiting at the gate of the eldest princess's mansion, and when he saw Luo Chen marrying the eldest princess back, he immediately greeted him and said to Luo Chen: "Master Horse, everything is ready!"

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Okay!"

Luo Chen got off the horse and came to the side of the sedan chair, and the eldest princess of Changle was also helped off the sedan chair by her grandmother at this time.

Luo Chen and the eldest princess of Changle led a red silk and came to the gate, in front of which there was a pair of saddles, and when entering the door, the bride had to ride symbolically on the saddle. "Saddle" and "An" are the same voice, taking the long-term meaning of "peace".

After the bride enters the main hall, she also needs to cross the brazier, which means that the newlyweds will have a prosperous and prosperous life after marriage.

After doing these two things, it's time to worship the church!

The Ministry of Rites on the side, as a witness to the marriage of Luo Chen and the eldest princess of Changle, stood up at this time, took out a marriage certificate and read it:

"Two surnames marry, one contract.

Good fate is forever, matching the same name.

Look at the peach blossoms scorching on this day, and it is appropriate to have a room at IKEA.

The melons are long, and the Erchang is blazing.

I would like to make a covenant with a white head, and the book will be written to Hongjian. "

Good will be the alliance of red leaves, containing the mandarin spectrum.

I hereby write this evidence, and the ceremony will be completed!

After the reading of the book of the Ministry of Rites, everyone in the eldest princess's mansion cheered and applauded happily!

Luo Chen and the eldest princess of Changle did not worship heaven and earth, because Changle is a princess, heaven is the emperor, the earth is the people, and he is a royal person, so he doesn't have to be like ordinary people, as long as there is a witness to read the marriage book!

Then, the Ministry of Rites waved his hand to signal quiet, and after everyone was quiet, the Ministry of Rites said again

"The phoenix is flying, and the sycamore is depending.

Yongyong chatters, blessings return.

Congratulations to Her Royal Highness the eldest princess and enter the cave room~".

After the last sentence of the Ministry of Rites Shangshu, all the subordinates of the Eldest Princess's Mansion shouted in unison: "Congratulations to Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess and the Horse Master into the cave room!"

Subsequently, Luo Chen and Princess Changle were sent to the master bedroom, which had already been decorated.

Although Luo Chen and the eldest princess were sent in together now, Luo Chen couldn't stay long, Luo Chen had to go out to toast with the court ministers who came to attend the wedding, as well as the eldest princess's brothers and sisters, so Luo Chen didn't stay long after entering the house.

Instead, he said to the eldest princess of Changle: "Your Highness, I will go and accompany the royal brothers and sisters to eat and drink together, you wait for me in the house first, and I will be back in a short time." I know you can't speak yet, so sit in the room and wait for me!"

When the eldest princess heard this, she didn't make any moves, just sat quietly on the bed. (In ancient times, when the bride got married, the bride was not allowed to show her head, and when the groom did not lift the bride's red hijab, the bride was not allowed to speak, and the bride was not allowed to eat, etc., so only when the groom came back at night and uncovered the bride's red hijab, the bride could speak and eat, etc.) )

Luo Chen saw that the eldest princess of Changle on the bed did not make any movement, and slowly retreated.

After going out, the banquet was already full of people, and Luo Chen began to toast table by table.

During the banquet, no minister dared to persuade Luo Chen to drink, after all, Luo Chen married Her Royal Highness the eldest princess, and now everyone is already a concubine, and he has to have a cave with the eldest princess at night.

The rest of the princes and princesses drank some with Luo Chen, but they didn't drink much, so Luo Chen also ended up idle.

After eating, everyone also dispersed, and the time was not early, it was time to go back to see the eldest princess, after all, the eldest princess had not eaten or drunk for a day, Luo Chen was really afraid that she would not be able to stand it.

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