Luo Chen and Huang Sijian left the study, and Huang Sijian took Luo Chen to the Imperial Garden.

Luo Chen and Huang Sijian were walking in the imperial garden, and at this time seven or eight women came to them, Luo Chen vaguely heard that a little girl walking in the front asked a woman next to her: "Aunt Huang, how can outsiders come in here?"

At this time, the woman next to her stroked the little girl's head dotingly, and said with a smile: "This should be summoned into the palace by your father!"

The little girl said again: "Aunt Huang, I'll go up and ask, and I'll be back soon!" After speaking, the little girl trotted all the way to Luo Chen and Huang Sijian's side.

The woman was shocked, and without holding the little girl, she hurriedly ran towards Luo Chen.

When seven or eight women came to Luocheng, Luo Chen looked at Huang Sijian, and Huang Sijian hurriedly saluted the little girl and the woman who was called the emperor's aunt by the little girl and said: "The old slave meets Princess Anping, and meets the eldest princess of Changle!" and glanced at Luo Chen on the side, and after Luo Chen saw it, he also worshipped: "Luo Chen sees the two princesses!"

The eldest princess of Changle hurriedly said: "Supervisor Huang, please get up quickly!" and saluted Luo Chen on the side: "Changle has long heard about General Luo Chen's deeds, and when I see it today, General Luo Chen is really extraordinary!

Luo Chen was secretly shocked, he didn't expect that the princess in this palace would still know about it.

At this time, the NPC little girl, Princess Anping, circled around Luo Chen and said: "It turns out that you are Luo Chen! Sure enough, you look different from other generals, and the imperial aunt still praises you! The imperial aunt said: 'The young hero goes out of the border pass, gallops thousands of miles across the battlefield, and conquers the north on the battlefield; ’"

After the little girl finished speaking, Luo Chen looked at the eldest princess of Changle on the side.

At this time, the eldest princess of Changle blushed, glanced at Luo Chen shyly, and saw that Luo Chen was looking at herself, so she immediately looked away.

Luo Chen said to the eldest princess at this time: "The princess has praised it, there is a princess down there who is so powerful!"

The eldest princess of Changle was about to answer.

At this time, the emperor walked over and asked with a smile, "Luo Chen, what are you talking about with the two princesses?"

When everyone saw the emperor, they saluted one by one. After the emperor let everyone get up, Princess Anping, who was standing on the side, said to the emperor: "Father, we are talking about General Luochen, and the emperor's aunt has written a poem to praise him!"

The emperor asked with more interest, "How did your imperial aunt qualify General Luochen?"

Princess Anping immediately said: "The young hero went out of the border and galloped thousands of miles across the battlefield; "

The emperor glanced at the eldest princess of Changle with a more expression, and then said: "What a good poem! Your imperial aunt usually doesn't praise others casually!"

Princess Anping said: "That is, my imperial aunt will not write poems to others casually! Even the great talent of the Gusu family, Gusu Hanjie, asked Aunt Huang to write a poem, but the imperial aunt refused!"

The emperor glanced at Princess Anping and said, "Oh, yes, it seems that General Luo is quite special, and he can actually get your imperial aunt's poetry!"

The eldest princess of Changle interjected shyly at this time: "Your Majesty, this palace is also a momentary feeling, and there is no other meaning!".

The emperor laughed and said, "Okay, don't talk about this." Today, I want to invite General Luo Chen, Elder Sister Huang, you can bring Xiao Anping over with you!".

Before the eldest princess of Changle could speak, Princess Anping said happily: "Okay, okay, let's go, father, let's go to dinner!"

After Princess Anping finished speaking, she pulled Princess Changle and left.

After the eldest princess of Changle saluted the emperor and Luo Chen, she followed Princess Anping away.

The emperor, Luo Chen and other palace maids followed behind the two princesses and went to the imperial dining hall together.

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