Two days later, ......

Zhan Wushuang and Mei wore underwear and left with a thousand white feather light horsemen each.

After the two left, a spy came to report and said to Luo Chen and the others: "Report to the general, I waited more than 100 miles away from the camp and found the supply materials of the Huns, and about 5,000 Hun soldiers escorted them!"

Luo Chen said to Makino and Dianxiong: "Two generals, the army has been resting for two days, and they can't wait to prepare for battle. Tell the order to go down and go at once!"

Makino and Norio immediately gave the order and ordered the army to be ready for action immediately.

After resting for two days, all the soldiers' faces were no longer haggard, one by one, full of energy, they looked really mighty and domineering, worthy of being the right army of the Celestial Empire.

More than 16,000 riders, ready to go.

Luo Chen said to them: "Soldiers, these two days, we have all had plenty of rest. Let me take you out hunting today?".

All the soldiers replied in unison: "Good, good, good!"

Luo Chen shouted at the soldiers: "Ladies and gentlemen, more than a hundred miles away from us, there is a group of Xiongnu soldiers who are escorting grain and grass to the front line, trying to plunder our homeland. What should we do?".

The soldiers replied in unison: "Kill, kill, kill~".

Luo Chen said: "Okay! In this case, we will set off immediately and exterminate them all!"

After Luo Chen finished speaking, he jumped out of the gourd canyon in the first place.

Then, 16,000 iron horsemen rushed behind Luo Chen.

For more than 100 miles, Luo Chen and the others only took half a day to arrive.

There were still about twenty miles away from the Xiongnu escort army, so Luo Chen ordered the army to stop.

Luo Chen called Mu Ye and Dian Xiong over and said to the two: "Two generals, the Huns have escorted a lot of grain and grass! Moreover, there are 5,000 Hun cavalry escorts, and now we are rushing forward, and the casualties are not small." I want to wait until midnight for us to give them a surprise attack and catch them off guard. What do the two generals think?".

Makino replied, "I think it's feasible, so that the casualties of our troops can be minimized!"

Dianxiong also replied: "Yes." According to the current speed of the Huns, if they walk more than 100 miles at most today, they will set up camp, and we can go directly to ambush!"

Luo Chen said again: "Okay, then follow what General Dian said." "

After that, Luo Chen casually took out a map, Luo Chen pointed to the map and said: "According to the current route of the Xiongnu, they should set up camp near the Kudur River." General Dian, you lead the men and horses of your headquarters and immediately go to ambush in advance. Remember, don't startle the snake!".

Dian Xiong replied: "General Luo, please rest assured. The last will go!".

After the male beast finished speaking, he left with his five thousand iron floating slaughter and three thousand white feather light horses. Heading to the vicinity of the Kudur River, more than a hundred miles away, an ambush was laid in advance.

Afterwards, Luo Chen said to Mu Ye again: "General Mu, you lead the men and horses of your headquarters and follow this group of Huns with me. Don't get too close, so as not to be discovered by the Hun cavalry, and it's okay to be about 20 miles away from them. I'm afraid of accidents, so let's just in case!".

Makino arched his hand and replied, "Okay, follow the general's arrangement!"

At this time, Luo Chen said again: "General Mu, send a few more scouts out, you must keep an eye on them!"

Makino nodded and replied, "I'll do it next!"

Luo Chen nodded at Muye, and the latter went down to make arrangements.

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