The next day, entering the game at about six o'clock in the morning, Luo Chen walked out of the house and saw several residents outside the walls of Los Angeles, these residents were not NPCs, they were actually real players. The public screen in Los Angeles now reads:

Mei wore underwear: "Hello lord, are you accepting people here?" "

Leng Yue said: "I also just started playing this game, I don't know too much, I want to ask you for more advice in the future." "

Mu Jianxing said: "Hello everyone, I am Mu Jianxing. "

Zhan Wushuang said: "I am Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wushuang, and then added a particularly funny animated emoji." "

Luo Chen was stunned, he didn't expect that there would be real players who wanted to join his territory, this is simply too good. Then Luo Chen said: "Hello everyone, we will be a family in the future, don't be so polite, let's develop together in the future and help each other." Then he agreed to the request of the four to join the territory, and passed the friend verification application one by one.

Since there are four more people in the territory, then everyone should talk about how to develop and grow, a group of five people, one after another came to the lobby to sit down, Luo Chen said: "Now the prototype of our territory has been built, but this is only the first step, so let's talk about our thoughts and see how we should develop next." Suddenly, everyone was at a loss, and when it came to development, everyone didn't know anything, after all, no one had played this game before, and it was still unknown how to go next.

While observing them, Luo Chen sighed to himself: "Alas, it seems that they are all novices, without any experience, so they still have to rely on themselves." "

At this time, Chang Baicao, an NPC standing on the side, suddenly said: "My lord, now that we have residents and craftsmen, and the construction of the territory is completely on the right track, I believe that it will not be long before we have more and more residents here, but at present we are facing a problem......

Luo Chen said in surprise: "Oh, old man, tell me quickly, what problem are we facing now?"

Chang Baicao was worried and said: "My lord, the residents build the territory for the purpose of working in the territory, so you need to pay them wages, 10 copper coins a day for each person." "

Luo Chen only thought about how to develop his territory on a large scale, but ignored the problem that the workers still needed wages. The construction of the territory needs to be supported by funds and materials, otherwise it will not be possible to carry out construction at all.

Luo Chen hurriedly said, "How much money and materials do we have now?"

Chang Baicao figured out an abacus and said: "The materials and funds that the territory automatically carries are as follows: '100 wood, 100 stones, 100 iron, 500 catties of grain, and 500 copper coins'. At present, each dwelling consumes 10 wood, and the production of three city gates consumes 3 wood, and now there is 67 wood left, and the residents consume 1 pound of food per person per day, and now there are 496 catties left, and the residents need to pay 2 copper coins per day, deducting 8 copper coins, and now there are 492 copper coins left. My lord, if we don't have income, we will soon fall into a state of shortage of funds and materials, and then it will cause the residents to be demoralized, and even leave the territory, so please think of a way immediately. "

Luo Chen's head suddenly became big when he heard these data, and he didn't need to calculate it to know that this little thing couldn't support it for a few days.

Luo Chen thought for a while and immediately said: "After building this residence, stop the construction immediately, and then all the residents will go to reclaim the farmland, so that there is no need to consume the copper coins we have reserved, and it can also increase the income of food." "

Chang Baicao hurriedly said: "After building this house, we can accommodate about 30 people at most, and the old man suggested that they be divided into three groups, one group to reclaim farmland, one group to build a lumber yard, and the other group to be led by carpenters to make tools, so that they can all bring income." "

Luo Chen said: "Old man, you are the deputy lord of the territory, you have the right to distribute everyone's work, you don't need to tell me everything, you can make your own decisions." You just say what the main thing we should do now?".

Chang Baicao said: "At present, the most important thing is to build a carpenter's house, (which consumes 20 wood), without a carpenter's house, the carpenter lacks many tools, and the work efficiency is not high. Others will also lack tools. Second, to reclaim farmland, it is necessary to cultivate and sow seeds five days before the beginning of the month, and harvest grain five days after the end of the month, otherwise it will be impossible to sow and harvest grain if the time is missed. Thirdly, the lumberyard, (which consumes 20 wood), so that we have a constant supply of wood. "

Luo Chen said: "Okay, immediately suspend the construction of the residence, start the construction of the carpenter house in an all-round way, start construction now, the construction will be almost completed at noon, and then go to reclaim the farmland in the afternoon, and the lumber yard will be the last." "

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