More than ten minutes later, the old pharmacist took Luo Chen to the position just mentioned, this location is not too good, the back of the mountain is by the water, on both sides is the plain land, the most important thing is that there is a water source, the later construction is inseparable from the water source, and both sides are plains, the land is open, and it is also very suitable to reclaim farmland and build houses in the future.

Immediately, Luo Chen took out the "Territory Construction Map" about five miles away from the river and unfolded it, and in an instant, the territory drawing was transformed into an earthen structure of the courtyard, on which were written three big characters - Lord's Mansion.

From here, the lord can perform a series of operations such as administering the territory, paying taxes, recruiting, setting up spawn points, and so on.


Lord's Mansion currently has the right of residence for 20 residents, and at present, Luo Chen is alone (except for NPCs), Luo Chen walked into the Lord's Mansion with great interest, officially bidding farewell to the wild life, having a home, and finally no longer having to wander outside.

Walking into the Lord's Mansion, there are houses on both sides, the courtyard in the middle, and the innermost side is the lobby, in the lobby, Luo Chen sat at the head, and at this time, the system popped up a barrage and said: "Please name the Lord's Mansion!"

Luo Chen hurriedly wrote with a big stroke of his pen: "Los Angeles!".

The screen of the whole server system displays: "Player Luo Chen, establish the first lord's mansion on the whole server - Los Angeles." Address: North Wilderness. It is hereby announced to the world, and Los Angeles is given the title of 'the first city in the world'. "

Three seconds later:


screen of the whole server system reads: "Players are in the night and establish the second lord's mansion in the whole server, Liuli City." Address: Gangnam. It is hereby announced to the world, and the glazed city is given the title of 'the second city in the world'. "

Two minutes later:

The screen of the whole server system displays: "Player Nangong Qiuyue, establish the third lord's mansion on the whole server - Nanguan City." Address: Central Plains. It is hereby announced to the world, and Nanguan City is given the title of 'the third city in the world'. "

Then the screen of the whole server system displays: "Fourth, fifth, sixth ......".

Luo Chen exclaimed, Los Angeles took the lead for three seconds, and almost became someone else's first, so people can't be happy too early, players all over the world, there are many talents, if you don't continue to work hard, then the first city in the world is probably not far from being destroyed, and you must have a sense of self-crisis.

Now that the lord's mansion has been built, Luo Cheng said to the old medicine man: "Old man, now our home has been established, but this is only the first step, now we have nothing except this small courtyard, you see how we need to develop, do you have any suggestions?"

NPC old medicine master Chang Baicao said: "Lord Lord, now our first priority is to recruit residents, build residential houses, a house can accommodate 10 people, as long as there is a residence, you can attract residents to come, the maximum limit of the lord's mansion is 100NPC residents, so we need to build 10 residences." The second is to build a wall, there will definitely be bandits and wild beasts in our vicinity, and only by building a high wall can we stop them, I think we can complete these two things first, and the rest can be postponed a little. "

Luo Chen said: "Yes, just do it." "

Then Luo Chen stood up and came to the center of the small courtyard, where there is a towering pillar, through which players (and NPC residents) can be recruited, if the pillar is damaged, then it means that the lord's mansion has been completely wiped out.

As the lord, Luo Chen entered the name of the old pharmacist Chang Baicao on the pillar, and the deputy lord: Chang Baicao. Then the summon mode was turned on, and the summoning mode also had time, and it was not possible to summon players and residents directly, so it was still necessary to wait, only when some players could see it, or say that they were willing to come, of course, the NPC residents were also random, so after Luo Chen summoned it, he went to do the second thing, build a high wall, (a high wall is just a nice saying, in fact, it is a wooden wall).

Luo Chen and Chang Baicao worked until dark, and finally built a circle of wooden walls outside, directly surrounding the lord's mansion in the middle of the terrain, which can be regarded as a good look.

Wood Wall: Can defend against beast attacks below level 5, 5 meters is 1 section, and the durability is 100%. It needs to be repaired frequently, otherwise it is easy to be damaged, resulting in no defensive function, and of course, the wooden wall will also be automatically upgraded with the main city, slowly upgrading to the highest level.

Suddenly, at this time, Chang Baicao came and shouted loudly: "My lord, my lord......!

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