The rest of the people set off again according to the position given by the old man.

Not long after, they came to the vicinity of the mountain bandits' camp.

Just when everyone was worried about how to break into the camp of the mountain bandits, they saw a convoy of grain and grass. The direction seemed to be heading towards the mountain bandit camp, Luo Chen immediately ordered to stop the grain transport team, and shouted: "Ah, I planted the tree, I opened this road, if you want to cross from here, leave to buy road money!"

The mountain bandit who took the lead in front was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Ahh Brothers, copy me on it!".

Subsequently, more than a dozen mountain bandits fought with the player, and the more than a dozen mountain bandits were not of high level, and after a while, all of them were killed by the players, leaving only the mountain bandit who took the lead. The leading mountain bandit was also tied up by Zhan Wushuang and escorted to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen asked, "You just said that you are the mountain bandit of Straw Hat Mountain, then you are their leader?"

The mountain bandit who took the lead replied in a panic: "Uncle, don't kill me. I'm not the leader, I'm just a little thief in the cottage! Please let me go, I have an old man in my family, and a small one is still waiting for me to feed me......

Zhan Wushuang interjected: "Look at you like this, you don't look like an ordinary mountain bandit! To be honest, otherwise be careful that Lao Tzu will kill you alive!".

The mountain bandits looked at Zhan Wushuang's fierce expression, and they were almost frightened, and hurriedly replied: "This uncle, I am a strategist in the cottage, not a big leader, our big leader generally won't go down the mountain easily." I'm telling the truth this time, please let me go!".

The crowd was taken aback. Wow, this actually caught an NPC strategist, this is a big fish.

Luo Chen was also taken aback, so he stepped forward and asked, "You are actually the strategist of this Straw Hat Mountain? What is your name?"

The mountain bandit strategist replied: "Uncle, the villain is indeed just a strategist, and the villain's name is Xun Caili. I also begged the uncle to spare ......".

Luo Chen smiled and said, "This name is good, it looks quite rich! Now report your personal information, as well as all the details of the cottage, leaders, bandits and defense deployments. "

Xun Caili said embarrassedly: "Uncle, let me go, I don't know anything, it's useless for you to ask me......


Luo Chen gave Zhan Wushuang a look, and Zhan Wushuang slashed at the mountain bandit strategist Xun Caili with a sabre, and the mountain bandit strategist Xun Caili was frightened at that time, and hurriedly replied: "Uncle, don't kill me." I said that I am now a level 20 mountain bandit strategist, and I have four strategist skills, which are sowing discord, instigating, sycophancy, and intimidation. "

Zhan Wushuang asked, "What level are your skills, and what are their effects?"

Xun Caili said the four skills he had in a panic.

1. Sow discord – primary. It can be separated from friends and loyalty between 1%~5%.

2. Instigation - primary. Causing others to do some bad things.

3. Sycophants – Advanced. Pleasing others and making them happy.

4. Intimidation – Elementary. The voice is fierce, scaring others, so that others dare not resist.

After listening to Xun Caili's words, Luo Chen asked again, "What weaknesses do you have?"

Xun Caili replied without thinking about it: "Greedy for money and lustful, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard." After finishing speaking, he regretted how he told his weaknesses.

Everyone laughed ......

After Luo Chen knew the details of Xun Caili, he began to ask him about the situation of the cottage, so he said: "How many people are there in the cottage?

Xun Caili hurriedly replied: "Uncle, this Straw Hat Mountain is just a junior cottage, there are less than 100 people, and the level of the characters in the cottage is not high, basically around level 17~20, the highest is our big boss, but it is only level 28." However, there are a large number of cottages, and if you want to break into the cottages, I'm afraid there will be some trouble......


Luo Chen said: "Hehe, don't be afraid. Don't we have you, you can lead us into the cottage!".

The mountain bandit strategist Xun Caili hurriedly replied in horror: "My lord, let the villain go, you are going to take the villain to death!"

Luo Chen said treacherously: "Xun Caili, you said that if I tell you what you just said to us and tell you the big boss, what will happen to you?"

Xun Caili panicked, although he knew that Luo Chen was scaring him, but there was no way, who made him cowardly. Then he said, "All right, my lord. You must protect the villain then!"

Zhan Wushuang said: "Then let's go, now you take us into the cottage." "

Xun Caili replied: "My lord, I have already said just now, it is very troublesome for a few of you to want to attack the cottage. But I have a great idea!".

Luo Chen said: "Oh? Then you come and hear it!"

Xun Caili said: "My lord, there is an old hunter in a forest not far from Straw Hat Mountain, this old hunter hates mountain bandits very much, we can go to this old hunter to help." "

Luo Chen said, "What's the matter with the old hunter in your mouth? Are you sure he will help?"

The mountain bandit strategist Xun Caili replied: "Yes, my lord, he will definitely help." Because the old hunter's family was killed by the mountain bandits, of course, his family was not killed by us, it was done by other mountain bandits, and it has nothing to do with us. "

Luo Chen said, "Well, you can. Let's go to the old hunter first. Wushuang, you and everyone stay and continue to observe the situation of the mountain bandits, and Xun Caili and I can go. "

Warriors and all the players should play.

Under the leadership of Xun Caili, Luo Chen walked all the way to the forest with old hunters. After about ten minutes, I saw a small wooden house.

When the two came to the cabin, they saw the old hunter, and Luo Chen hurriedly saluted and said, "Hello old man, in Xia Luochen, he is the lord of a territory more than ten miles away. Come and visit, I'm sorry to disturb you. "

The old hunter glanced at Luo Chen, did not stop the work in his hand, and said indifferently while sharpening the arrow: "If you know how to disturb, why bother to visit." "

Luo Chen was speechless in his heart, how could this old hunter be like this, he couldn't speak.

Xun Caili, who was standing on the side, stepped forward and said to Luo Chen: "My lord, let me give it a try." "

Subsequently, Xun Caili went over to talk to the old hunter, I don't know what Xun Caili said to the old hunter, which provoked the old hunter to smile quickly, and the two chatted.

After a while, Xun Caili ran over excitedly and said to Luo Chen: "Become an adult, the old hunter agreed to help, and he will come over immediately." "

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Xun Caili, you really have yours, you can really do it." He deserves to be a dog-headed military advisor!".

At this time, the old hunter also came out, and hurriedly said to Luo Chen: "My lord, it's all because the old man is clumsy, I don't know that the adults are so heroic." My lord, the old man has learned from Mr. Xun about the adult's intention, and please rest assured, the old man will do his best!".

Luo Chen said at this time: "Then thank you old man." Let's go now!".


was already night when the three of them returned to the mountain bandit camp, and then Xun Caili said: "My lord, the villain knows that there is a secret passage in the cottage, we can enter the cottage from there, and then directly launch a night attack." Thinking that everyone in the mountain bandits is sleeping, it will be much easier for us to attack the cottage. "

Luo Chen agreed to Xun Caili's suggestion, and everyone followed Xun Caili to quietly touch the cottage from the dark passage.

Entering the cottage, everyone went all the way to the residence of the big bandit boss. The big boss of the mountain bandits was suddenly awakened, and came out angrily and said: "What are you arguing about......" Before he finished speaking, he saw that the cottage was in a mess, and the angry boss immediately raised his knife and rushed to Luo Chen and the others, and before anyone could get closer, he was shot by the old hunter with an arrow.

Suddenly, a mountain bandit shouted: "The boss is dead, run away, ......."

All the bandits immediately began to run down the mountain, fleeing for their lives to ......

And Luo Chen and the others were also stunned, they didn't expect the old hunter's archery skills to be so powerful, and a 28-level cottage leader was killed by him with one arrow, which was simply a bull.

Wait for the bandits to be killed, and those who flee will escape, and in the end there will be no bandits in the cottage. Luo Chen asked everyone to look for gold and silver treasures

After five minutes, Zhan Wushuang and the others returned, and found a total of two weapons, copper coins (1,000 copper coins), and nothing else.

Luo Chen called Xun Caili over and said, "Xun Caili, you should know where else they haven't been, right?" "

Xun Caili smiled bitterly, originally he still thought that when Luo Chen and the others left, he would go to the secret room by himself, it seemed that there was no chance.

Xun Caili took Luo Chen and the others to the secret room, opened the door of the secret room, but found that all around were empty, only a small wooden box was placed in the middle. Xun Caili handed the small wooden box to Luo Chen and said: "My lord, there must be the most important thing in it, I once stumbled upon that the leader of the cottage was putting something in it, but I didn't see what was in it!".

Luo Chen asked, "Then how do you open the key?"

Xun Caili groped for the body of the leader of the mountain bandits, and finally found it, and hurriedly gave it to Luo Chen ......

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