Luo Chen, Chang Baicao, Mu Jianxing and others were wandering around the territory at will.

Luo Chen thought about how the territory would develop while walking, and after thinking for a while, he didn't have a clue, so he turned his head and said to Chang Baicao on the side: "Baicao, you said that the city lord's mansion of the territory, how can you be promoted from the primary to the intermediate lord's mansion?"

Chang Baicao hurriedly replied: "Lord Hui, the old man doesn't know much, but I just happen to know how to upgrade this lord's mansion, and the upgrade of the lord's mansion is very simple, you only need to meet four conditions." However, there is still a gap between the upgrade of our territory, but I am afraid there is still a gap!".

Luo Chen said: "Oh, you actually know? "

Chang Baicao stated: "The first condition is that at least 15 buildings with different functions should be built in the territory to complete the basic functions of the territory. At present, we have built the Lord's Mansion (automatic), wooden walls, thatched houses, carpenters' houses, lumber yards, martial arts arenas, blacksmith shops, medical halls, ferries, and there are still 6 buildings missing. The second condition is that the liege must be level 20 and have 150 reputation. Your current rank and reputation are a little short, my lord. The third condition is that the inhabitants of the province must be fully recruited. This condition has been completed. The fourth condition is to get a "Territory Upgrade Blueprint", which is more difficult, and the old man doesn't know where to get this item at present. "

After listening to Chang Baicao's words, Luo Chen and Mu Jianxing realized that this was the case.

In fact, these conditions are also very easy to understand, the territory is upgraded, there must be a basic perfect function, and the prestige of the lord must naturally be higher in order to convince the public. As for mapping, since there are "Territory Construction Drawings", then of course there will also be "Territory Upgrade Drawings".

After understanding this, Luo Chen said to Mu Jianxing: "Mu Jian, let's start with the simple first request, let's build enough buildings first." "

Mu Jianxing said: "Well, at present, the function of the building is divided into living buildings, functional buildings and military buildings, and the basic buildings we build are living and functional buildings, and there is a lack of military buildings, so it is better for us to build a few military buildings." "

When Chang Baicao heard this, he immediately said with a straight face: "Elder Wooden Sword Xing, although your proposal is very good, but due to the restrictions of our territory, we can't build such buildings as barracks and stables at present. So, let's choose some living buildings or functional buildings. "

Mu Jianxing said again: "I'm not talking about this kind of high-level building, but a low-level building like a watchtower. We can build a watchtower here, and we only need a militia to stand guard on it, and the security of the territory can be greatly increased. "

Luo Chen nodded and said, "Well, I think it's okay." This note of the wooden sword is good, so it is decided. "

After half a day's work, the wooden watchtower was built.

Junior Watchtower: Can accommodate 1 soldier. Vision radius: 5 miles. Defense is 0 and durability is 500.

Luo Chen was very satisfied with the view of this watchtower. However, there is another question that has stumped everyone, that is, if the enemy attack is detected, how should the watchtower convey the message?

Just when everyone was worried about this, one of the players excitedly offered a horn and a piece of cowhide, which were the horns and hides of the buffalo that had been killed and plummeted. There was a hole in the middle of the horn, and if you blew it violently, you could hear a 'buzzing' sound for miles, and then a banner was made out of that piece of cowhide.

Leng Yue and the others studied the ancient trumpets and banners, and set a rule: if it was a rapid horn sound, it was an enemy attack. If it's a slow trumpet, it's the presence of a brigade of suspicious people. Flags are used to point out the direction of the enemy.

And just like that, a simple and practical watchtower was built.

After the watchtower was built, no other suitable buildings were found for the time being, although Luo Chen wanted to build a few more carpenters' houses, stonemasons' houses, etc., but unfortunately it was useless to build, there were no craftsmen, everything was in vain.

On this day, Chang Baicao came to the Lord's Mansion and met Luo Chen, Mu Jianxing, Leng Yue and others, and said that he wanted to introduce someone.

Chang Baicao said: "My lord, the old man was wandering outside the city today, and met an NPC, she said that she wanted to come to our city to settle down, and I implore you to take it in." "

Luo Chen couldn't help but smile, why did this old guy suddenly become polite to him, and then said: "Baicao, it is definitely not easy to give you the characters you like, so let's stay." By the way, what does this person do?

Chang Baicao replied: "My lord, this person is waiting outside the lord's mansion, I will immediately ask her to meet the lord, you will know it in person." "

After a while, Chang Baicao led a charming half-old into the hall, the charming woman was wearing satin, although she was forty or fifty years old, but she still had a bit of coquettish charm, her face was also covered with red powder, and her dress was too different from ordinary NPCs.

Luo Chen was surprised, and glanced at Mu Jianxing.

This kind of NPC is really rare, and I don't know where it came from.

The woman who still had the charm swayed forward and saluted Luo Chen: "The concubine Xu Banniang is a person from the national capital, but because of the failure of the business, she scattered all her family wealth and went to the Northern Wilderness. I have seen the lord of the city here, and at first glance, the lord is young and strong, and he is a powerful and powerful material from the sky. The concubine can be said to be fortunate to be able to meet such an extraordinary, handsome and chic city lord in such a desolate place as the Northern Wilderness. "

Xu Banniang, with a surname but no name. Non-celebrities also.

Luo Chen listened to a chill, you think you are an eighteen-year-old girl. Hurriedly asked her to stop and stop talking.

At this time, Leng Yue couldn't help but say, "What is she doing?"

Chang Baicao hurriedly stepped forward and said embarrassedly: "Elder Lengyue, this Xu Banniang is a dusty woman who has opened a brothel in the national capital, so she doesn't speak a little decently, please don't be surprised, and blame the old man for not making it clear at the beginning." "

Xu Banniang immediately fiddled with her posture and said coquettishly: "The concubine is the old bustard of a brothel in the imperial city of the national capital, thirty years ago, she was also a top girl." "

Luo Chen was surprised: "Brothel? Yes, if another brothel is built in the territory, it can be regarded as adding a basic functional building." This old bustard is there, so you can buy it now. "

After finishing speaking, he felt a chill in the back of his neck, and turned his head to look at Leng Yue, who was staring at him with big eyes, obviously a little angry.

Luo Chen hurriedly said, "What? brothels? How could such a thing appear here." Baicao, not to mention, this kind of building is impossible to build here. "

Chang Baicao secretly complained, when he said that he was going to build a brothel, it was all the fault of this mother-in-law.

When Xu Banniang heard this, she immediately said excitedly: "What? to build a brothel? The concubine is willing to serve the city lord, but now I don't have any girls under my hands, and there is a shortage of people when this brothel is built, so why don't you find a few yellow flower girls from the city first?"

Chang Baicao saw that Xu Banniang was open-mouthed, and Leng Yue was already a little impatient, so she hurriedly blocked Xu Banniang's mouth, and said: "My aunt, don't you say a few words, if you say this again, I won't be able to keep you." "

After grabbing Xu Banniang, he said to Luo Chen: "Don't blame me, the old man doesn't know that she can talk nonsense so much." The reason why the old man let her go into the city was because he saw that she could stir-fry vegetables and make wine, and she also knew a little about business, so he wanted her to open a tavern in the city. "

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Yes, it's no problem to open a tavern." He also understood what Chang Baicao meant, this Chang Baicao was afraid that he had moved his heart, so he wanted to help Xu Banniang stay so enthusiastically.

Luo Chen looked at Leng Yue and asked softly, "Leng Yue, what do you think?"

Leng Yue bit her teeth lightly, she also knew that the overall situation should be the priority, so she nodded in agreement.

Since he had no opinion, Luo Chen handed over the first tavern in the city to Xu Banniang to operate.

Chang Baicao went to help Xu Banniang build a tavern, and the tavern was opened in the most prosperous area of the city.

Junior Tavern:

1. There is a certain chance that NPCs will post quests here.

2. There is a certain chance that NPC celebrities, generals, and knights will drink here.

3. The business objects are NPCs and players, and food can speed up the recovery of players' vitality.

4. Drinking alcohol can boost the morale of NPC residents.

As soon as the tavern was built, Chang Baicao found Luo Chen again, and suggested that Luo Chen set the tavern as the venue for issuing tasks. This suggestion, he is also selfish.

Luo Chen understood, so he laughed and agreed.

Chang Baicao said happily: "Today, the tavern is completed, the old man is the host, and I invite the adults and the four elders to go to the tavern for dinner together." "

Chang Baicao's face can't be left unpaid, otherwise this loyalty will be reduced.

Subsequently, Luo Chen, Mu Jianxing, Leng Yue, Mei Wear Panties and many others, all followed Chang Baicao to the newly opened tavern to cheer.

Outside the tavern, a dense purchase list has been posted, and some players saw these purchased things, and immediately sent the vegetables and dried meat they picked to the tavern.

The tavern has just opened, and it has not yet made wine, so it can only make some dishes.

Not to mention, this Xu Banniang's craftsmanship is really good, and the dishes she makes are indeed delicious.

While eating, a player suddenly shouted: "There is food but no wine, and the mouth is fading with a bird's taste." Xu Banniang, don't you know how to make wine, what kind of wine do you make? When will you make some wine for everyone to drink?".

Xu Banniang smiled and said: "Oh, little brother, this is not simple, the concubine is an intermediate brewing master, and there are many wines that can be made." What kind of sake, turbid wine, mare's milk wine, rice wine, water wine, monkey wine, just a grape wine from the Western Regions. If you can help the concubine get a few catties of wine-making materials, the concubine will be able to make you fine wine every few days. "

The player thought about it, and couldn't find any other brewing materials for a while. Suddenly it occurred to me that Luo Chen had ready-made food here, and if there was food, wouldn't it be possible to make wine, and then said to Luo Chen: "Boss Luochen, how about you take out some grain from the city to make wine?" "

Luo Chen thought for a moment and said, "The money is not needed." Baicao, you go and get some grain to prepare wine for Xu Banniang, and see how the effect of this wine is. When the time comes, the wine will be brewed, and I will invite everyone to drink it. "

The player hurriedly thanked him.

Chang Baicao came back from a trip, sent the grain to the tavern, and handed it to Xu Banniang, who got the grain and went to make wine in person.

Chang Baicao said to Luo Chen again: "My lord, Xu Banniang asked the old man to ask you to give this tavern a name, what do you think is the good name?"

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Even the restaurant is trouble-free and easy to remember." "

After Chang Baicao wrote it down, he asked someone to ask the carpenter to carve a plaque of "" and hang it. With an extra sign outside the door and a flag fluttering in the wind, the tavern was more like that.

After eating, the group left the tavern.

Outside, Luo Chen felt that the most lively area in the city was only the lonely tavern, and he felt a little uncomfortable. He asked the crowd, "What kind of building should be built next to this tavern to set off it?"

Mu Jianxing thought for a while and said: "As the saying goes, food, accommodation and entertainment are a dragon, it is better to simply build an inn next to it, in case there are passing guests, it is convenient to eat and stay." "

Luo Chen asked Chang Baicao: "Baicao, what conditions are needed to build an inn?"

Chang Baicao replied: "My lord, you need a boss to build an inn, and you also need an errand runner, but there are no others." "

Luo Chen frowned and said, "Where should this boss and Xiao Er find it, it's a headache!"

Chang Baicao hurriedly said, "My lord, it's not so troublesome. Whether it's a player or an NPC, as long as the one who can pay is the boss, as for the errand runner, the old man can find a resident in the city who is quick with his hands and feet. "

Luo Chen smiled, it seems that this inn is quite simple. Then he said to Chang Baicao: "Baicao, you can build an inn immediately, the boss can choose one of the four elders at random, and the materials needed will be provided by the lord's mansion." "

Chang Baicao received the order, and then called the carpenters and residents to start building the inn.

Junior Inn:

1. Accelerate the recovery of NPCs and players' vitality.

2. There is a certain chance of a special NPC visit.

Subsequently, Chang Baicao also deliberately selected an NPC resident from among the residents who was quick and able to speak well to meet Luo Chen.

Chang Baicao said: "My lord, this resident is the most nimble and eloquent of all people, please take a look." "

The resident hurriedly bowed to Luo Chen and said, "Villain Yuan Ge, I have seen Lord Lord. "

Luo Chen hurriedly waved his hand, asked him not to be polite, and said, "Yes, let him be the second shopkeeper." The required wages are directly distributed by the lord's mansion, except when the farm is busy, you go to the inn to be a junior. "

Yuan Ge nodded again and again and said that it was ......

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