Today is the day of the (Conquest of Territories) Open Beta, and player Luo Chen sat in front of the computer an hour ago and waited, when the game entered the countdown: 0. Launch!

In an instant, Luo Chen entered the interface at the beginning of the game and registered directly, set the account and password, and the registration was successful.

After successful registration, the game characters also came out, divided into two genders, male and female, and after choosing the gender, you can choose your favorite face shape, hairstyle, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ......

Luo Chen chose a man with long hair, boys, most of them must choose male characters, and after choosing a good character, they will register their nickname "Luo Chen".

After the registration is completed, I entered the game, dressed in white, holding a red tassel gun, level 1 player Luo Chen appeared in the game's "national capital", the first stop of all novice players is the national capital, and then leave the national capital from the national capital's teleportation array, of course, some people will say that I will stay in the national capital, and I won't go anywhere? Of course it's okay, but there are no resources in the national capital, no territory, and it's impossible to upgrade, if you are met by a high-level character, you will only be beaten, so Luo Chen chose to teleport.


teleportation location is random in the system, it may be the Jiangnan Water Town, or it may be the Northern Wilderness, the East China Sea Desert Island, the Gobi of the Western Regions, and the player's character death is also randomly assigned to the location, (after the player dies, he chooses: resurrection in situ, resurrection at a random location, or resurrection at a spawn point, and the player also has a free resurrection point.) )

A white light flashed, Luo Chen appeared on a wilderness, overgrown with weeds, and there were beasts around, Luo Chen looked around and found that it was only him, fortunately, there were no other players around, and he could develop slowly without

worrying about it......

Then Luo Chen immediately opened the system map to check his location, and it was actually the "Northern Wilderness" , Luo Chen looked at his location and was surprised, this location is not only dangerous, but also very scarce materials, because this location is only 100 kilometers away from Dunhuang City, a major city of the Xiongnu, and about 100 kilometers away from the Xianbei people's sphere of influence, and there are also Chu Lushan, Dong Zhuo, Dianxiong livestock, Yuan Meng and other NPC forces around the town, it will be a very difficult task to develop the territory here, but the biggest specialty of the north is cattle, sheep and horses, as well as strong generals.


north is desolate, but desolation also has the advantage of desolation, that is, it will be easier to recruit troops and horses in the future, especially when the most important strategic materials are abundant here-war horses, when other players are all infantry, you already have cavalry, cavalry fights infantry, that's not just pressing and fighting, you can bully as much as you want, it's cool to think about it......

Now that you have decided to stay here, then hurry up and enter the game process, now you have two ways to go, the first is to kill 1~10 level of wild monsters to upgrade, after level 10, you can take refuge in strong players with territory, the second is to find game NPCs in the wilderness to do tasks, complete the task will get a lot of props, of course, there will be a small probability of getting the "Territory Construction Map", get the "Territory Construction Map" you can build your own territory as a lord.

Luo Chen has played the closed beta before, and he can basically know the progress of the game, which should be about the same as the progress of the open beta, so his goal is very clear, that is, to find the "Territory Construction Map" as soon as possible, as long as the territory is built first, there will be many people to take refuge, so in the future, he can dominate one side and compete with all the lords to dominate the world.

Don't dare to delay time, Luo Chen immediately rushed on the way to find the NPC, because he had played the internal test before, so he knew what the NPC with the "Territory Construction Map" looked like, the NPC with the "Territory Construction Map" was an old man in distress, the old man was originally a medicine picker, and he went out to collect medicine and unfortunately fell off the cliff, as long as the old man was rescued, according to the previous understanding of the internal test, it didn't take long for Luo Chen to find the NPC old pharmacist who fell off the cliff.

After the "old pharmacist in distress" saw Luo Chen, he shouted excitedly: "Help, young man, save me, as long as you save the old man's life, the old man is grateful." "

Luo Chen hurriedly picked up the "old pharmacist in distress" and said, "Old man, don't worry, if you have something to say slowly!"

"The old pharmacist who was killed" said: "Please also ask the son to save the old man's life, after rescuing the old man from the cliff, the old man will have a heavy thank you to the son!" After finishing speaking, the old pharmacist took out a drawing tremblingly, Luo Chen's eyes were red when he looked at the drawing, the drawing, the drawing of the "Territory Construction Map", just this map, no matter how many people ask for it, it is good that I have played the internal test before, otherwise I can't find it now.

As soon as Luo Chen wanted to reach out and take the drawings, the old pharmacist shrank his hand into his arms, looked at Luo Chen pitifully and said, "Childe, save me!"

Luo Chen thought for a while, and simply carried the old pharmacist out of the cliff directly, get ready, Luo Chen let the old pharmacist climb directly to his back, and kept carrying the old pharmacist out of the cliff and putting it on the open ground. The old pharmacist walked out of the cliff and said to Luo Chen with gratitude: "Childe, you are my father-in-law, the old man who saved his life has nothing to repay, only to give this drawing to Engong as a thank you, and please don't dislike it!"

Luo Chen took over the drawings excitedly, this is the first construction map in the whole game, you have to quickly find a place to use the drawings to build your territory.

When I opened the drawing, I saw that it read: ""Territory Construction Map": 1. Build a low-level territory according to the drawing, the upper limit of the territory residents is 100, and you automatically own a lord's mansion, and the territory can be upgraded to an intermediate territory and a high-level territory after the territory is built to a certain scale. 2. Special attributes: Recruiting NPC residents has a 10% chance of recruiting anomalous NPC residents. "

Okay, the drawings are finally in hand, you can finally build your own territory, the first drawing, you have to find a good place to use it quickly, the first in the world is very valuable.

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