[I'll go, this section is absolutely amazing! I wonder which foreign director shot it! This artistic conception, as well as the war scenes, is almost comparable to Hollywood blockbusters! If it weren't for some sluggishness and depression, I think this is really worth preserving and using as a propaganda film!].

[Just now the camera followed the birds, followed the arrow's movement, it's so ingenious, I bet, this is to pull the national teacher, and he can't shoot this effect! I'm turning a fan!].

[I really didn't expect that No. 27 was so young, and he actually had such a strong ability to express himself on camera, I was completely a fan of him! I just don't know how he is going to deal with Chen Youliang in the future, after all, if he continues to encircle and suppress, the loss is too great, and he shouldn't be stupid. 】

[I don't know why, I knew that he was inviting people to buy people's hearts, but after watching the play in front of me, I just couldn't hate it, but I began to understand him. 】

[No. 27 is so powerful, the last scene of father, son and brother not only earned tears, but also made people begin to understand Zhu Yuanzhang. really cares about Zhu Yuanzhang, understands Zhu Yuanzhang, and becomes Zhu Yuanzhang, now it depends on how he will arrange it later. 】

[I doubt that there really would be such a king in history? Obviously, he was born very low, but he actually gathered so many talents, and he had such a strong personality charm, it was perfect, would the author be a little too beautified?].


In the studio hall, Xiao Sa quickly completed the information summary and sorted out the most reference questions.

"So, the judges and teachers, can you first help netizens answer the questions in their hearts, and by the way, comment on the quality of the current works of the No. 27 contestant, as well as the existing problems?"

This kind of talk is just going through the motions, if you really refuse, then what is there to talk about on the spot?

However, I have to admit Xiao Sa's ability to react, after all, because Lin Fan's speed is too fast, many links have been forced to make modifications, so some lines are also very hasty and weak.

Yang Mi was the first to speak this time, and she responded a little shyly, which caused an instant surge in popularity on the Internet.

"My historical knowledge reserve is actually not very high, so in front of netizens across the country and in front of all teachers, it is inevitable that there will be a bit of a class axe, I hope you will not laugh at me later.

I think that people who can become emperors have something different, otherwise the ancients would not have deified the emperor.

And the character of Zhu Yuanzhang is actually relatively three-dimensional, we can see all the growth trajectories, and his actions and psychology are also traceable, so I never think there is anything wrong with the current plot.

However, I think that in terms of sticking the topic, it may not be very suitable and qualified.

I'm actually a little worried about the specific results. "

Mo Hua nodded, and directly followed this word to say his opinion.

"I agree with Miss Yang's opinion, I also thought that the arrangement of the 27th may be a little inappropriate, but the water battle scene just now surprised me, I don't think he can be meticulous everywhere, but he made mistakes in this kind of place.

So, I appeal to everyone to give him a little more patience and maybe he will end up surprising us. "

After all, Mo Hua has appeal, and as soon as he finished speaking, the audience was already applauding.

It's just that Urliang, who spoke next, didn't speak so well.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he refuted Mo Hua, which caused quite a stir on the Internet.

"Teacher Mo and Da Mimi's words have a certain amount of truth, but they are still a little too optimistic, we all know that there are too many great works in history, all of which are imperfect or even incomplete.

Those who all have the best artistic qualities of an era, but as a result, they can't guarantee the perfection of their works.

I say this in the hope that everyone understands that no matter how great an artist is, there is no guarantee that he will not make mistakes.

Although the current plot is smooth, it lacks the fit of the topic, and at the same time, it is too biased towards cool dramas rather than historical dramas, which are a bit taboo. "

His words were over, but the implication was obvious.

Liu Taiping was silent for a moment before slowly speaking.

"Several teachers are very reasonable, but unfortunately, the most unreasonable thing at this time is art.

I hope that before you evaluate, you can recall the work before the 27th, and the performance in this work.

Because these are the best basis, the foundation of evaluation, and the author's confidence to prove himself.

In my personal opinion, the work of number 27 is very good, I enjoyed it and was very engaged when I watched it. If I were in front of the TV, I would personally be happy to keep watching. "


On the simulated screen, Zhu Yuanzhang has returned to the Chinese military tent.

Li Shanchang and Liu Ji sat opposite each other, and several generals also had gloomy faces.

After a long silence, Zhu Yuanzhang finally spoke.

"If we delay here, if Zhang Shicheng comes over, we will be attacked on our backs.

But Chen Youliang is strong after all, even if he is defeated twice, he still has a large number of people, once he attacks, even if he wins, we will not be able to fight against Zhang Shicheng.

If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly, whether it is right or wrong, we will not pursue it. "

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ji and Li Shanchang, obviously wanting the two to speak first.

The two exchanged glances and remained silent for a long time.

Just when Liu Ji was thinking in his heart, Li Shanchang had already spoken.

"On the top, Zhang Shicheng didn't move every time, but I was afraid that he was still hesitating.

Therefore, the top priority is to deal with Chen Youliang, but this transfer will take time to ,......


Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a report from outside.

"The county order of Ningguo County sent 10,000 stones of military rations, and now the people are waiting outside. "

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but be stunned.

After all, he didn't order the requisition of grain, but Ningguo County suddenly sent someone, which was really a bit strange.

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's reaction, Li Shanchang took a step forward and took the initiative to ask for help.

"Superior, this person's origin is unknown, otherwise, it's better for his subordinates to take a look first, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang understood what the other party was thinking, but he did not pierce it, but let him act.

"Okay, then you can go and see!".

Li Shanchang took the order to go out, and sure enough, he saw a cloth-clothed scribe pacing back and forth.

When he saw him come out, the man hurried to meet him.

The man respectfully saluted Li Shanchang, but was stopped by Li Shanchang.

"My lord, the students heard that the army is here, and they know that the army needs a large amount of food, so they have called for some food in advance, and please give it to the students!"

Li Shanchang said with a smile: "The superior already knows, but it is not appropriate to see you at this moment!"

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