"We know that the online article twenty or thirty years ago is almost the same number of roads, first abusing the master, then pulling it up, changing the map and doing it again.

Now this Zhu Yuanzhang, isn't it a similar situation?".

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and Urliang's words immediately sparked a discussion on the Internet.

People with good deeds directly analyzed and split Lin Fan's work.

In the monitoring room, director Yan Min was already laughing from ear to ear.

After all, this show is a competition in nature, and it is a global event.

Therefore, there is no way to set up a script for the show, and almost all the fun and hot spots have to be created by the contestants and judges themselves.

Originally, he was worried that the early stage of the show was too dull, but with Lin Fan's sudden rise, now not only on the Internet, but also the entire industry, has triggered a discussion, and countless traffic has also poured into the show.


On the simulation screen, the picture came to Haozhou City again.

Sun Junyong was reading Zhu Yuanzhang's letter, and there was a pile of military rations sent by Zhu Yuanzhang not far away.

It turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang, at the suggestion of Li Shanchang and others, did not return to Haozhou directly, but wrote a letter to Sun Junyong and bribed Sun Junyong's subordinates on the one hand, and made a posture that he might send troops at any time.

Sun Junyong, who received the benefits, knew that it would be no good for him to leave Guo Zixing behind, so he simply sold Zhu Yuanzhang's face and released Guo Zixing.

And Guo Zixing, who escaped from the cage, did not continue to stay in Haozhou, but led his men and horses to Chuzhou.

Chuzhou, Council Chamber.

"Guorui, Chuzhou was fought down by you, and the soldiers and horses here were also pulled up by you.

Now that your father has come, you have become a man to marry, and you can complain about being your father?"

Guo Zixing asked with a solemn face, and the generals on the side were also eyeing each other.

Zhu Yuanzhang replied without hesitation: "Your life is guaranteed by you, and we can have today, and it all depends on our father, how can we complain! We are willing to hand over 30,000 soldiers and horses, and Chuzhou's rights." "

Guo Zixing's face softened and nodded, but he still had doubts in his heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang's inner monologue also sounded again at this time, and the picture also changed at the same time.

"We really didn't expect that our god-like father-in-law would do this to us.

Later, in order to test us, he demoted us back to pawns, and when he saw that we did not refuse, he dispelled his suspicions.

But this team is really rotten to the bones, we obviously pour out our hearts and lungs to them, but there are still people who want to calculate us behind our backs, among which Guo Zixing's two sons are the worst. "

Guo Zixing is straightforward, but suspicious and has no room for others.

After mastering Zhu Yuanzhang's soldiers and horses, Guo Zixing did not stop there, but began to deprive Zhu Yuanzhang of his subordinates, hoping to completely strip Zhu Yuanzhang of his power and team.

After gaining a firm foothold in Chuzhou, Guo Zixing also had the idea of becoming the king, but was strongly opposed by Zhu Yuanzhang.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's view, Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains and is not a place that can survive for a long time.

Guo Zixing listened to Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, but in his heart, he also left a mustard, feeling that Zhu Yuanzhang was not really for himself.

The two sides were already inseparable, so Zhu Yuanzhang found an opportunity to seize Hezhou under the pretext of leading his troops again, intending to Chuzhou.

This happened to be right for Guo Zixing's thoughts, so he gave him some people and let him work hard by himself, but nominally, he still belonged to him.

After breaking away from Chuzhou, Zhu Yuanzhang quickly broke through Hezhou, and Guo Zixing also did a favor and appointed him as the chief soldier of Hezhou.

With his previous experience, in Hezhou, Zhu Yuanzhang also quickly made improvements, he treated the people generously and stricter than the army, and won the hearts of the people.

Soon after, however, something new happened.

Due to famine, Sun Deya's subordinates went to Hezhou to defect to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang took him in for the sake of being a rebel, but the news was transmitted back to Chuzhou, and Guo Zixing was provoked, so he directly brought soldiers and horses to Hezhou.

Sun Deya originally wanted to avoid Guo Zixing and leave directly, but because the soldiers and horses in the front had left, he was captured by Guo Bu.

Zhu Yuanzhang was detained by Guo Zixing's subordinates, and the dispute was finally resolved by an exchange of hostages.

But after this incident, Guo Zixing became more and more dissatisfied with Zhu Yuanzhang, but because of his feelings, he didn't do anything clearly.

In the shot, when the army began to withdraw, Zhu Yuanzhang watched Guo Zixing leave, and the monologue also appeared again.

"At that time, we realized that some people have sweet words and moral conscience, but when they really do things, they are self-respecting, and when they disobey him a little, they will turn their faces with you.

This kind of person is the most sinister, more terrifying than the snake and scorpion. Since then, when we look at people again, we tend to pay attention to them, and we are afraid that we will be calculated. "

Immediately afterwards, the picture turned, and a mourning hall appeared.


[Is Zhu Yuanzhang a fool? Let him hand over the power, he will hand it over, and the foundation he has laid down will be so cheap to others; Sun Deya is capricious, and as a result, he dares to take him in, and his brain is afraid that he will not be kicked by a donkey, right?].

[Didn't you say that the emperor was ruthless? Since he wanted to be the emperor, why was he still so indecisive?].

[This is a performance, Zhu Yuanzhang's growth? But how do I feel, this is a stupid boy? This is the first time this has been targeted at him, can he still persevere?].

[It's a bit of an abuse of the master, isn't it? If it goes on like this, it's miserable, but how can you counterattack?].

[I think this is already the beginning of the counterattack, at least compared to the previous monks, it is much stronger, but the biggest question is, how did such a person become an emperor?].


Studio Hall.

Xiao Sa asked with a smile: "A few judges and teachers, do you have anything you want to comment on?"

Uryan was the first to raise his hand, and then gave his own evaluation.

"I think that the portrayal of the characters by the No. 27 player is not bad, after experiencing this, we can see Zhu Yuanzhang's growth, but the question is, will this growth trajectory be a little whimsical?

I'm not targeting anyone, I'm just curious, in the troubled times, people who have survived hard will still have this kindness and reason?".

Seeing Wu Erliang's questioning, Liu Taiping also followed suit.

"Human nature is complex, and it's not surprising to make any choice. The story of the 27th is quite exciting, but the biggest question is whether it fits our topic.

At present, Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed miserable enough, and the troubled times are worthy of a miserable world, but if there are too many ups and downs, it may cause aesthetic fatigue, and it will eventually backfire. "

Mo Hua was still smiling, but as soon as he opened his mouth, what he said surprised everyone.

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