At the end of the monologue, just as the soldier's sword was raised high and was about to fall, there was a loud shout, which temporarily freed Zhu Chongba from danger.

"Keep people under the knife!".

Before the voice fell, a group of people came to the front, and the leader was Guo Zixing, the leader of the Red Turban Army.

After inquiring about the general situation, Guo Zixing actually made an exception and included Zhu Chongba in his personal guards.

The monologue also reappears at this time.

"In our life, there are three nobles, and Guo Zixing is the first.

He gave us a way to live, appreciated us, made us a ten-man captain, and later married our righteous daughter to us.

We will never forget this kindness for the rest of our lives. But who would have thought that he would become our biggest obstacle in the future, but those are all for later. "

At the same time as the monologue, scenes about Haozhou City have already appeared in the picture.

The chaotic army, the terrified people, and the ruined city all show the ruin of this era and the hardship of the people.

And Zhu Chongba, who is tall and more resolute, looks a little out of place in this picture.

Lin Fan used a somewhat dreamy technique to downplay the passage of time.

Banquets and other events appear in a very short period of time.

It is worth mentioning that in order to portray the image of Zhu Chongba, Lin Fan arranged a small contradiction when Zhu Chongba reunited with Tang He and Xu Da.

The cause of the contradiction is that the two refused to pay for dinner.

After the contradiction ended, Lin Fan paved another shot to prove that Zhu Chongba was different.

Outside the restaurant, Zhu Chongba, who was still arrogant and extremely majestic before, suddenly changed his style.

He bowed slightly, and his tone became respectful.

"Two lords, please get on the horse!

Tang He and Xu Da were obviously confused by Zhu Chongba's reaction.

Zhu Chongba's classic lines also appeared at this time.

"In private, we are your eldest brother; on the surface, you are our superiors; this is in the army, we must respect and be orderly, and distinguish between public and private!"

And Tang He and Xu Da's reactions at this moment also paved the way for the ending of the two in the future.

Tang He euphemistically excused himself, preferring to excuse himself to relieve his hangover than get on the horse.

And Xu Da got on the horse after resigning a few times, but he did not go with Zhu Yuanzhang.

The camera switched, from the market to the Chinese army's big tent.

Originally, Guo Zixing was discussing military affairs with several other marshals, but the spies suddenly came with news that the Yuan army was not far from Haozhou City.

In the depressing atmosphere, several marshals began to transfer troops, and Zhu Chongba took the initiative to ask for help in front of Guo Zixing.

But his status is low, so the number of people assigned is not much, obviously Guo Zixing just wanted to give him a chance to exercise, but he didn't expect him to make meritorious contributions.

As Guo Zixing's voice gradually faded out, a roll of flags occupied the whole picture.

By the time the flag moved away again, the camera had already changed to a battlefield.

Zhu Chongba took his soldiers and stayed by the vanguard's side, ready to wait for the order to go out.

But the vanguard officer was selfish and wanted to watch the other group and the Yuan army lose both.

Zhu Chongba saw that most of the friendly troops were killed and wounded, and had an argument with the vanguard officer, but he missed and killed the person.

The people around him persuaded him to flee for his life, but Zhu Chongba raised his arms instead, led his soldiers, and began to attack the Yuan army.

At the end of the picture, the battle ended, and the Red Turban Army successfully defeated the invading enemy, but Zhu Yuanzhang was escorted and brought back to Haozhou City to await trial.

In this episode, the picture just came to an abrupt end here, and at the same time as the somewhat poignant ending song sounded, a picture of heroes also appeared.


[This Zhu Chongba is a tough guy, but he is too stubborn and reckless, right?

[No. 27 is a little too idealistic, isn't it?

[My mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the show, and I said I was a little moved, but she didn't believe it. This scene is really touching!].

[It's good-looking, you're a water army, right? This part of the plot is almost all about setting off Zhu Chongba, and it's too deliberate, right?


Studio Hall.

"Well, we currently see that the first episode of the No. 27 contestant has been completed, I don't know how many teachers, what is the evaluation?".

After Xiao Sa raised a question, the judges once again expressed their opinions.

Mo Hua replied with a smile: "I think it's still good overall, if he is willing to put some thought into it, think of some creativity, make the characters more miserable, or make this world more sad, maybe the effect will be better." "

Wu Erliang shook his head and said helplessly: "The whole atmosphere is too depressing, the rhythm is a little fast, if this is a point, I will like it very much, but after all, it is a TV series, which is difficult to say." "

"In addition, I am curious about where I got those historical descriptions, which don't look like he made them up himself!"

When Liu Taiping heard this evaluation, he immediately spoke with some emotion.

"Yes, this No. 27 is indeed an interesting person, and his work is the same, very interesting.

But so far, I still have a few questions on my mind. "

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